Zira 'AAaa a Spider!!!!'
Muffy 'C'mon Zira, its just a spider,'
Zira 'It could be a deadly spider..'
Muffy ' pfftt, girls are lame ! Boys Arnt't scared of that sort of things'
Zira 'If we didn't exist, who would hunt your food ?' 'Boys are too lazy to do that'
Muffy ' You got a point, but WE are the protectors of the pride !'
Giving Zira a Dirty smile,
Zira 'But WE take care of the cubs, Boys like you are always too 'Lazy' to do that sort of thing,
Muffy ' But protecting the pride is a BIGGER responsibility !'
Zira 'Face it Muffy, the world needs girls !'
Lifting her head up,
Muffy 'And tough guys like us who ARN'T afraid of tiny little spiders'
Zira 'DUH'
Lol, just a piece of art of Muffy and Zira at young age my style, i'm kinda experimenting with the 'Changing the Lion King Characters' XD and the blur effect as you can see,
Yea , so , Zira and Muffy are having a argument....XD Well, the lady bug and the Ant are minding their own work XD
well, thanks for watchi'n guys ! hope you liked it !