[mlkfaa] - --Phee's Album

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[mlkfaa] - --Phee's Album

Postby --Phee » January 26th, 2012, 11:40 pm

Hi there! I'm new here, and I hope to make lots of friends! Any help, any at all, willl be much appreciated. Thanks!
It's all around us
It's all around us
I can hear it too
And when you see me
I'll be watching the sky
Over the ocean blue

Years of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membership

Posts: 1
Joined: January 26th, 2012, 5:02 am
Nickname(s): Just call me a friend and I'll be okay!
Pride Points: 0

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