what Zira became

what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 4th, 2009, 11:34 am

During Ahadi's reign, everything was well-organised. All lions knew their places in the hierarchy and respected this balance. Some lionesses were trained to be hunters, some were learned how to watch the cubs. Most of the times, the older lionesses were supposed to watch the little ones.
The Queen, Uru, was getting older and she decided to make herself usefull as a cubsitter. She had two young boys, two very different boys. Mufasa and Taka.

Mufasa was a very happy, strong and outgoing little cub, he made friends quickly and was always playing with others and getting along with everyone.
Taka was a bit more shy. When the other cubs challenged him, he said no most of the times, because he wasn't as fast and as strong as most of them. Taka hated losing.
But he was always losing in one thing. Popularity. Mufasa was loved, Taka was known as the scaredy cat, the weaker one.

When Mufasa was old enough, Ahadi took him out for his lessons every evening. Taka, who was to young at that point to realize why he wasn't taken with Ahadi for these lessons, and didn't even think about the subject, remained with his mother, Uru.
At the time Uru was a huntress, she and Taka were spending the evenings together, they talked and Uru was always there for her little cub. But that day, Uru became one of the cub watchers, since she was too old and not quick enough to hunt anymore.

Every evening, the huntresses took their cubs to the cub watchers, the older lionesses. Every cub watcher was getting four or five cubs to watch over and take care for.
So did Uru.
Taka was not alone anymore, no mother-son evenings anymore. He had to share his mums attention with three other cubs. Sarabi, Sarafina and the shy one, Zira.
Sarabi and Sarafina were no different from the other cubs for Taka. They were fast, happy, social, talented little hunters and they had no problems in their little lives. Taka detested them. But the one he hated the most, was Zira. She said nothing. She was just watching the others, and him. Taka didn't even felt like saying hello to her. He hated the presence of the others, taking HIS mothers attention and love instead of HIM. How could they! How could his mom!

What little Taka didn't know at that point, was the reason why Zira was such a silent cub.
Zira wasn't born in the Pride Lands. Her parents were both rogues. Very violent rogues. They killed every creature that crossed their path. They started training Zira when she was just a few weeks old. When she wasn't fast enough, or didn't pay enough attention, her parents told her she was nothing. Worthless little fleabag. That they didn't understand that good hunters as they were, were getting a doughter like her.

One day, a huge pack of hyena's attacked her father while he was asleep. Zira could have warned her father, but she was too afraid to make a sound. She saw her father beeing ripped apart by the hyena's. He woke up when he felt the first bite, and started clawing and biting around him. But he was already on the ground, and one deep loud roar ended the fight. Her dad was eaten alive, while she was watching.
At that point, while the small shocked cub was watching away from her killed father, a voice behind her said:"Watch, Zira. This is your fault. Watch what you've done, thus you'll never forget this. You are a devil. But not in a good way. You've killed your own father by not warning him. Why are you here, why didn't you get help?"
Zira's mother started crying. "No, you can't be dead....No!!"
After a while the lioness stood up. She started walking, so the young Zira followed her.
"No. You stay here. I don't want a child like you. You are evil. Pure evil!" her mother growled.
"But mum....I didn't want this to happen. I was so scared, and you weren't there.."
"Don't even DARE to blame me for your deeds!" her mother roared. The fierce lioness began to run faster, she outran her little doughter. Zira layed down. All alone in the no mans land full of rogues, hyena's and dangers.

The next day she woke up, she heard a trembling sound. She looked up above the savannah grass and she saw five lionesses running towards her. They looked dangerous. Zira had learned to stay down and make no sound when danger was around.
So Zira crawled on her belly and stayed where she was.

She was almost stepped on.
"Hey! Look!"
A dark brown lioness with green eyes, leader of the hunting pack, walked towards the cub.
"Is she from us?"
"GO AWAY! GO AWAY!!" the little cub yelped.
But the lionesses didn't go away. Uru, the dark brown one, took her home.
She gave the little cub to an old lioness, a cub watcher.
That was Uru's last hunt. Uru became older too, so a few weeks later, she became Zira's watcher.

to be continued.....
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Re: what Zira became

Postby KopsTheTerminator » October 4th, 2009, 11:44 am

Awww, poor Zira... This is a really sad story. :( But it's very well done. :smile3:

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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 4th, 2009, 11:50 am

thanx! when i'm better, i'll continue this story :D
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Re: what Zira became

Postby LilTiger » October 4th, 2009, 12:36 pm

That's weird, it seems similar to my Zira story which I'm planning for a RP :/
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 4th, 2009, 12:45 pm

really? well this came all out of my little thumb, but woah, that's a coincidence!

(or maybe not, because zira has a violent personality, so that makes one think her past was pretty violent, too)

but it's not based on any story or theory though!
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Re: what Zira became

Postby LilTiger » October 4th, 2009, 12:48 pm

Oh wait, it's not. Never mind! :lol:
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 4th, 2009, 1:14 pm

:D ok!
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Re: what Zira became

Postby CommandoTheLion » October 4th, 2009, 2:47 pm

very nice xD i like it^^
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Re: what Zira became

Postby Losty006 » October 4th, 2009, 7:46 pm

That's such a great story so far!
Poor Zira :cry:
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » October 4th, 2009, 10:37 pm

aww thank you guys! i am sure going to write a next part!:)
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