The War of The Lion King

The War of The Lion King

Postby Stalinator » March 18th, 2014, 9:10 am

(I wrote this when I was 13 for English class and now, finally got to posting it. Feel free to give honest reviews)

The War of the Lion King

Once upon a time the United States Army sent a UAV into an unidentified aerial phenomenon. The UAV flew into the powerful storm-like phenomenon and the operator watched in awe as the clouds gave way and revealed some kind of portal. The UAV flew into the portal and at first the operator lost contact with the 2 million dollar UAV but then the signal came in and the operator saw what appeared to be an African savannah. The operator made the UAV fly higher but it could not seem to find any signs of human activity. Soon the Operator called in his commanding officer, Colonel Sanders. When the Colonel heard the operator’s story he had to see it for himself. He flew the UAV around for several minutes looking at the oil-rich untamed wilderness. He said “I think that aerial phenomenon is a portal to another world.” The UAV was running low on fuel and it had to make an emergency landing. The UAV skidded along the grass and came to a stop in front of a tree. The UAV lost power and Colonel Sanders said “I will contact the Secretary of Defense about this. It is very important that we tell them about this portal”

The UAV caused a large commotion when it crash landed and many animals ran in fear of the large aircraft hitting the ground. But one did not show any fear of the UAV. King Mufasa was out on a hunt when he saw the large alien vehicle hit the ground. He walked towards it and it was nothing like a bird. It was much larger and made of a substance he could not identify. It was not made of stone or wood but a smooth white material. He then roared to call his pride to the crash site. They arrived and were shocked to see the machine. Queen Sarabi said “What is this thing?” Mufasa replied “I do not know. It came from the sky then crashed here”. Mufasa said “We should be careful. This machine could be dangerous”

Back in the US Military base Colonel Sanders contacted his superior, General Custer. The General was shocked and did not believe Sanders at first but upon seeing the UAV footage he said “We must get a military force there as fast as possible. Claiming that territory would allow us to have an entire planets resources all to ourselves. We could rule the world”. The day after the military sent in a UAV fitted with advanced sensors. It was flown into the atmospheric disturbance and just like the last one it arrived in the new world. It immediately took an air sample and detected several chemical compounds that were dangerous to humans. And the UAV also found that the planet’s sun emitted dangerous radiation. When General Custer saw what the planet’s hidden dangers were he said “We would have to wear bulky radiation suits just to move around. This will not be as easy as we once thought” The UAV operator said “We have found many great resources here. It may be dangerous but if we can set up a colony we will have enough extra resources to end our dependence on foreign oil” General Custer said “get some radiation suits and send a team through the portal. Were going to harvest every piece of oil and metal on this planet” In an hour the team was briefed and ready.

They got in a Black-Hawk helicopter and began flying towards the atmospheric disturbance. When they flew into the portal they were instantly teleported to the new world. The bright sun hit the helicopter and the pilot radioed back to the General “We made it here. All systems are functioning. The suits seem to be working”. The pilot flew around for a while then picked a spot to set down and land. The soldiers slowly got out of the helicopter because the large radiation suits slowed them down. They grabbed there rifles and began walking on foot. There heavy helmets did not allow them any peripheral vision and the soldiers could only communicate by radio. No sound could be heard through the thick suits. The soldiers did manage the make there way across the savannah and they saw some animals off in the distance. They walked towards them and noticed that they were lions. One of the soldiers said “It’s remarkable how similar the animals in this area are to the ones on Earth”. The lions then got up and the male in the group stared at the soldiers. The soldiers aimed there M-4 Carbines and were ready to fire when they heard somebody say “Don’t come any closer”. One of the soldiers said “Who said that?” The lion looked and said “I said that. My name is Mufasa and I am the King of the pride lands” One soldier stumbled back in fear and said “That’s impossible”. Mufasa asked the soldier why he was there and the soldier began to tell Mufasa about the military and Earth.

Eventually the soldiers had to leave when the General called them back. In the mission de-briefing the soldiers told General Custer about the strange talking lion and Custer said “The presence of intelligent life will change the nature of our mission considerably. We must provide security for our heavy machinery. We must show the native life forms that we are not to be feared. That is however a lie”. The US Army approved several more missions to the planet and they began to construct a small base. They kept resource gathering to a minimum and focused on building infrastructure. Mufasa was suspicious of the invaders but they sent an envoy to introduce them. Mufasa and the other lions were welcomed into the base and were taught about human machines and Earth but most importantly the soldiers were eager to teach them about the powerful and deadly Earth weapons. Simba, Mufasa’s son was taken to the human base often as it was very interesting to someone who had never seen any technology. General Custer was not told about the information being freely given to the lions, until it was too late for him to put a stop to it. As his plan called for the planet to be devastated, he did not want the intelligent life able to fight back. General Custer then ordered the Military to begin its mining and de-forestation. The army sent in it machines on a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. There were many mining vehicles and an unassembled oil derrick along with logging equipment.

The first to be set up was the logging operation. The army sent two M2 Bradley IFV’s to escort it into the forest. The convoy of vehicles drove deep into the forest and began to slice down trees and began to pile them up. The animals ran in fear of the machines and some headed to the pride lands to tell the lions. The animals ran to the center of Mufasa’s territory. One of them walked up to Mufasa and said, “Your majesty, the humans have attacked our land and they are harvesting our trees with their machines. They have powerful weapons and we could not stop them.” Mufasa said, “I shall call a meeting to organize a counter-attack.” The other lions then stopped what they were doing and looked at the new animals. Sarabi said “We don’t have any guns. How are we going to defeat the humans?” Mufasa said “This is a hostile environment to them. Our atmosphere and even our sunlight could kill them in seconds. They wear suits that constrict there movement and vision.” Sarabi said, “We will need to use stealth and tactics to win. This will not be easy, but we can do it”. Mufasa said, “We will head out now. Remember this is war. Show no mercy, take no prisoners.”

The lions then started running back to the forest and by the time they arrived, it was nightfall. They saw the human forestry base. The machines were still running and they had cleared an enormous part of the forest but although the trees were gone in that area tall grasses still covered the land. Sarabi spotted a soldier and crept up behind him. He had an M16A1 in his hand. The gun was an unusual configuration with a 100 round Beta-C magazine and an M203 grenade launcher. She waited for the perfect moment when he put down the gun and he slashed his leg with her claw, then delivered a neck bite. After he was down, she picked up the assault rifle and saw a temporary structure that the soldiers were using as a barracks. She fired the M203’s high-explosive grenade at the building and it blew out the door. The unprotected soldiers stumbled out clutching there rifles and gasping for breath in the toxic atmosphere. At that moment, Sarabi yelled, “ATTACK!”

The other lions rushed out and attacked the soldiers in the improvised barracks. They grabbed their weapons and rushed out. Two more armed soldiers ran out of there Bradley IFV and started firing on Sarabi and Mufasa. Mufasa threw a flash-bang grenade and it stunned them long enough for Scar to get to the IFV. With him in command of the vehicle and its powerful 25 mm auto-cannon he was able to eradicate the 15 other soldiers rushing from the hills. Two ran for the second unoccupied Bradley IFV but Sarabi fired a 40mm buckshot round from her M203 and it took care of them. The forestry vehicles were left undefended when the 25 soldiers attempted to rush Scar’s IFV. Mufasa and his allies rushed to the machines and aimed there weapons at the operators. The operators quickly surrendered and were taken prisoner. Mufasa then looked in the two Bradley IFV’s and he found many weapons in them. There were many assault rifles and grenade launchers. He also found three Javelin missile and four stinger missiles. By that time, many jungle animals had crowded around the shattered human base. Mufasa said to them, “gather your friends and family and bring them to Pride Rock.

Tell as many creatures as you can about our resistance. The humans are not our friends”. The animals said they would do there best and Mufasa then drove the IFV’s back to his land. Days went by and more animals went to the pride lands. Animals from all over the planet came for what would be there last stand. When Mufasa had seen a sufficient force arrive he called the animals for there mission briefing. He got up on Pride Rock and said “The humans believe that we will just lay down and die, but we will show them that they are wrong! We are not here to fight for food or territory. We are here to fight for our right to live. We shall be united in our common interest. Today we will show the humans that they can not come here and take whatever they want. We will show them that this is our land!” The animals roared and yelled. Then they began charging towards the US Military base. Mufasa jumped in his Bradley IFV and drove out in front. They drove within 1,200 yards of the military base when the base’s early-warning system went off. Soldiers rushed out of there barracks and three M1 Abrams tanks drove out.

The soldiers looked at the mass of creatures charging there base and they fired there M-16 rifles at the animals. The tanks fired HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) rounds into the swarm. Elephants and water buffalo were thrown into the air by the blast. Mufasa drove his Bradley IFV and locked its TOW missile onto one of the Abrams and fired. The wire-guided missile shot out of the Bradley and struck the tanks turret. The missile shattered its armor and caused its ammo to cook-off. The tank exploded and Mufasa fired the second missile at an Apache Helicopter that was just flying in. The missile blew off the chopper’s rotor and it crashed onto the platoon of soldiers and exploded. The animals had began to close in and engage the soldiers at close range. The soldier’s rifles fired the small 5.56x45 NATO which could not easily penetrate the thick hide of elephants or buffalo. Mufasa and Sarabi drove there Bradley IFV’s to the bases airfield when they saw a terrifying sight-a B-2 Spirit bomber with a Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb being loaded into it. Mufasa was out of missiles so he radioed Sarabi and said “I am out of missiles. Do you have any left?” Sarabi replied over radio “I’m packing, I have two TOW’s ready to go”. Sarabi then fired one at the $900 million dollar B-2 Spirit and the missile struck the aircrafts engine and it blew the engine apart. General Custer watched from the air traffic control tower and yelled “Why is one of our IFV’s shooting at us? Load the MOAB into the C-5 Galaxy. I have to take care of something.”

Custer ran down from the tower and grabbed a weapon from his own personal collection. It was a .700 Nitro Express rifle. He loaded two bullets into it and rushed outside. He ran across the airfield when an elephant charged him but with one blast it was dropped. He grabbed the MOAB from under the destroyed B-2 and started pushing it to the C-5 Galaxy with the help of 8 other airmen. Two A-10 Thunderbolts took off and they appeared over the battle. Sarabi saw them and said over the radio, “We have enemy aircraft. I suggest we use our stinger missiles.” Scar heard her and he grabbed his stinger and fired it at the A-10. It hit home, but the strong aircraft stayed in the air and managed to fire its massive GAU-8 Avenger auto-cannon. The 30 mm DU rounds ripped through the ranks and dealt heavy losses. The aircrafts Hellfire missiles also cleared large areas with there blasts. Scar had to stop them so he grabbed two more stingers from the armory and aimed them akimbo-style at the A-10. He fired and the missiles hit both engines. The plane was out of control and hit the air-traffic control tower and destroyed it. Colonel Sanders was killed in the blast along with every officer but Custer.

The second A-10 flew low over the land and aimed for Mufasa’s IFV but Mufasa grabbed his AT4 missile and shot it at the A-10. He got a lucky shot and it hit the cockpit. The plane hit the ground and skidded along the sand and stopped beside Mufasa’s IFV. Mufasa and Sarabi led there IFV’s deep into the base lighting up any enemy soldiers with there vehicles autocannons. The animal army continued to battle and gained ground as they used the weapons from fallen soldiers as well as the armory. Scar saw an M1A1 Abrams that was unattended and he climbed into it and took control of the machine. Its crew had been killed before they could reach the vehicle so Scar was free to take control. He used its .50 caliber machine gun to lay down suppressive fire as the animal army marched into the base. When they neared the buildings Scar decided it was best to level them instead of putting his poorly trained troops in a CQB (Close quarters battle) scenario where the humans excelled. He fired HEAT rounds into the building and they crumbled and burned. Custer had then wheeled the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast) into the C-5 Galaxy and was ready to take off.

Mufasa saw the plane and drove his IFV up to it and fired a burst but before he could get five rounds his ammo ran out. Mufasa yelled “Im out of ammo!” Sarabi said “I’m out too”. Mufasa said “I have to stop that plane. The General has rigged it up as a bomber and nobody has any missiles left”. Mufasa then grabbed an UZI from inside the Bradley IFV and jumped out of it. He charged towards the planes still open loading ramp and just as it started to move he jumped on. Custer was busy priming the MOAB and he did not see Mufasa. Mufasa hid behind some crates and waited until the airmen went to close the ramp when he pulled out his UZI and fired at them. They hit the aircrafts deck and Custer pulled out his M9 Berretta. He rapidly fired off his entire magazine but was forced to take cover as Mufasa fired his rapid-fire UZI. Custer remembered that he had his .700 Nitro on board and he crawled along the aircrafts deck and grabbed it. Mufasa heard him and jumped on the ammo-filled crates. Custer got up and fired aimed the powerful .700 nitro and said “It’s over Mufasa. You can’t win!” Mufasa grabbed the muzzle of the double rifle and tried to yank it out of General Custer’s hand. Mufasa managed to yank it out of the Generals hand and he threw it on the ground. The General yelled “No! That gun is expensive!” Mufasa swiped General Custer’s suit chem-suit open with his paw but the General pulled out a combat knife and held Mufasa off by swinging the blade wildly. Mufasa jumped out of the way and picked up General Custer’s .700 nitro. General Custer saw Mufasa point the nitro express rifle at him and he said “oh….crap”. Mufasa then pulled both triggers at once on the double rifle and Custer was hit square in the chest. He fell backwards and rolled off the loading ramp.

Mufasa was glad the battle was over, but he still had to land the plane. Mufasa looked in the crates and grabbed a whole pile of flash-bangs then walked into the aircraft’s cockpit. He opened the door and threw them in. The grenades stunned the pilots then Mufasa ran in and hit them on the heads with the .700 nitro. They were unconscious and injured badly so Mufasa simply stepped in the pilots seat and prepared to land. When Sarabi saw the plane deploy its landing gear she ordered all the animals off the runway. The C-5 Galaxy got lower and lower and hit the ground fairly hard. It ran along the run way and came to a stop. Mufasa walked out of the plane and the crowd of animals cheered. Mufasa said “The humans have been defeated. This war is over!” The animals then put down there weapons and got out of the captured vehicles. Then Sarabi said “What if the humans just come back with more planes and tanks?” Scar then stepped forward and said “I know a way to deal with that. When I was raiding the base I saw an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) in one of the hangers. We should send it into the human world so they will not come back”. Mufasa ordered it brought to the open. It was a cold-war era ICBM. Scar said “I was able to get the launch code from the operator. He was very forthcoming”. Scar then aimed the weapon at the portal and launched the nuclear ICBM. It flew through the portal and detonated above the human military base. All the top-secret information about the new world was destroyed along with a large amount of military vehicles.

Mufasa made the decision to hide the human guns and tanks in a secret location known only to him. The sophisticated planes had there weapons removed and were put in the hangers for safe keeping. The hangers were firmly locked and the planes disabled by disconnecting wires and draining fuel. All the animals were glad that the war was over and they could go back to living in peace. On Earth the President was finally told the secret about the base. He ordered that no other attempts to access the world of the lions would be made. The destruction of the base could not be hidden so the Military made a statement saying it was the accidental detonation of an experimental nuclear weapon that destroyed the base.
Workers of the world, unite!
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