what Zira became

Re: what Zira became

Postby KovusTrueMate » December 13th, 2009, 6:30 pm

How intriguing... :idea2: :idea2: :idea2: :idea2: :idea2:

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Re: what Zira became

Postby Thani » December 18th, 2009, 5:26 pm

Interesting story so far. :) Seems like you too can't get enough of writing eh? :P (Cannot blame ya for it! Sure is addictive. :D)
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Re: what Zira became

Postby YFWE » December 19th, 2009, 12:09 am

This is a very well-done story! What I think I like about it most is that it seems like a great story to simply tell to others, do you know what I mean? Like, kinda along the lines of something a parent could read to his/her child before bedtime, except this one obviously has far more mature subject matter. It just sort of reads that way. It's weird also, but this is definitely the first time I've ever found myself feeling sorry for Zira. Anyone who can stimulate emotions like that (or ANY emotion, really) shows the signs of a very good writer. So nice job! I'd recommend using spell-check on your chapters from now on to make them even better, too. C: Good luck with writing this in the future; you've definitely gained another reader in me.
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » February 5th, 2010, 5:23 am

Man, I have neglected one fanfic. Time to continue. Thanks for your motivating and inspiring comments! Here it goes:

Taka sat down next to his mother. Uru looked at her son. "You love her, don't you?" she asked him.
"Yes mom. But I had....well, I've been a jerk to her. I don't deserve her. If I go to her, she'll send me away.." Uru didn't react. "What is it, mom?" Taka asked. "I don't know what you did, but I know Zira. She doesn't show her feelings, but she sure has them. Don't take advantage of a lioness like her. She has been to a lot. She has a good heart, she is like a daughter to me. I don't want to see her beeing hurt. Not even by my own son. If you hurt her, you hurt me. Do you understand that?" Taka sighed. "yes mom... what should I do?" Uru stood up. "I don't know. I know you'd expect a wise answer from your old mother, but I have a lot to do.. give it some time at least." The old lioness stood up and walked away from her youngest son.

Zira walked towards the water hole. She decided to take a swim, to wash all sorrows from her thin body. She had a good meal, after catching a zebra, but the weeks of hunger were still visible on her body. Zira climbed on a little branch that was hanging over the water, and leaped into the puddle.
"Zira, Zira!" Zira gasped for a breathe after jumping into the water. "Zira!"
A thin lioness ran towards her. "My sister is having a baaaaaby, my sister is having a baby!"
It was Ranya, Sarafina's younger sister.
"Sarafina? Is she pregnant?" Zira was suprised by this sudden message. She was also suprised that this cub was talking to her. Most of the time she was an outsider in the pride. Only Uru was talking to her normally.

"I heard you didn't know yet, because you have been on a hunting training!" Ranya smiled.
Zira was confused. Hunting training? What was this cub talking about?
"Taka told me everything! That your hunting skills have improved. All the lionesses are curious about you! But.....there's more good news! Sarafina expects her cub this week, she told me! Isn't that awesome? I'm going to be an aunt!"
"Yeah....the youngest aunt in the pride.. that's really nice for you.." Zira sighed.
"What is it? Aren't you happy for me?" Ranya asked the thin lioness.

Zira didn't answer the cub's question. She walked out of the water and shaked the water off her body. What did that taka want from her? Now he was saying she has been on a hunting training? Why? What did he want from her? Zira shrugged. Sarafina was pregnant. Zira decided to visit her pridesister.
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Re: what Zira became

Postby Dave » February 9th, 2010, 3:26 am

Great story! Keep the chapters coming!
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Re: what Zira became

Postby Thani » February 10th, 2010, 9:28 pm

Very glad to read some more of your splendid fiction. Also from a relative undocumented point of view: indepth Zira stuff!
I wonder what Taka is up to this time.. I can tell that it is rather hard to admit you're wrong, and even if you have to apologize for what you caused onto another.. Well.. Some simply don't take it lightly, which is fully understandable from Zira's point of view.

Let's hope Uru lives quite some time longer though.. Would really hurt Taka, but also Zira... And yes, especially Zira, where Uru was her only direct femme a femme ticket with a heart for easier access into the pride for shelter etc. I never heard of Sarafina having a younger sister.. But the name is cute.. I wonder what it means?? Sarafina meant Bright Star right? And I hope we will hear more of your own custom storyline characters like Ranya!

PS: I know I can be slow to react at times.. But it is not disiterest in your works. But sometimes it is a bit of backtracking is desired for effect.
But it surely is always a treat to see new interesting stuff develop from your crafty hands. :) Hope to hear more soon sweety! :) Keep writing eh! ;)
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Re: what Zira became

Postby thanigraphics » February 10th, 2010, 9:54 pm

I will keep on writing! Comments like yours will motivate me to it :D Ranya has no special meaning as a name, as far as I know (maybe it means something in Swahili or another language, but I just made it up, lol) What shall I do with Uru? Let her live or killllllllllll zeh beast? :nom:
thanks for your kind motivation, love! :snuggle:
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