What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Khanu » May 14th, 2012, 6:00 am

AH left me hanging! lol I gotta know what happens next!
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » May 15th, 2012, 3:07 am

XD Coming up ina moment!
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » May 15th, 2012, 3:16 am

Chapter 12:

"They are cubs!" Malka exclaimed excitedly. "And they've seen us!" He made a move to descend the rocky slope.

"Wait...what if they are dangerous?" Tojo blinked fearfully, and his birds chirped comfortingly to him.

"They're just cubs...come on! It might be Mheetu!" Nala assured him, jumping up to follow Malka.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" A cold voice drifted across the cubs' ears. Nala skidded to a halt, turning to find herself facing...Scar.

Kula and Chumvi gasped and pressed together, and Tama crouched against a rock. Malka hesitated guiltily on the side of the slope, while Tojo nervously sat behind a stone with his birds. Scar looked very angry as he paced closer to the six.

"Ex-exploring..." Nala muttered softly, ears flat against her head. She stole a glance into the lush savannah. The cubs that had been approaching them had paused, at the very base of the slope, looking up with worried expressions.

“You are far past the boundary of the Pridelands.” Scar continued icily. “What on earth do you think you are doing?”

“Just…playing…” Malka meowed in a slightly fearful voice. His eyes darted nervously to the cubs at the base of the hills.

“And who are they?” Scar followed his gaze, staring with narrowed eyes down at the six strangers.

“We don’t know. They were playing down there…we thought we’d go and play with them.” Nala answered guiltily.

“Most certainly not!” Scar hissed. “I want you six home to Pride Rock. Now.” He gave Nala a rough nudge. “Haraka!”

A dusky brown lioness came trotting up, expression grim. She gasped as she saw Nala and the others, relief evident in her eyes. “Oh, Kula, Chumvi!” She moaned, galloping towards her cubs. “We were so worried!”

They crept towards her, looking relieved to have another adult besides Scar there, and especially their mother. She covered them in loving licks for a moment, her face changing to sternness as she gazed around at all six. “You must come home immediately—your parents are frantic.” She grabbed Kula by the scruff and nudged Chumvi ahead. “Come along.”

With a last glance down the slope, Nala followed Haraka and her cubs. Malka shook his pelt and padded beside Tama as they went after. Tojo scampered to catch up, his birds swirling over his head as they trudged home.

Scar watched them go with a annoyed gleam in his eyes. He turned to face the six cubs at the bottom of the slope, looking nervous and wary as they gazed up. He began to descend the stones, to send off the other cubs.

Mheetu stepped back. “Maybe we should go home.” He mewed shakily as the strange, black-maned lion approached them. Jeshi looked rather scared himself, despite standing protectively in front of the younger ones.

“Yes…please.” Hatari whispered, shaking. Nzuri nuzzled her comfortingly, while Kupata pressed against Kishindo. Mheetu was surprised at her act of comfort, but then again, she must feel just as fearful. This lion did not have a friendly look on his face.

Scar halted a few paces from the tallest cub, whose mane was growing in. In fact, he was more of a teenager than a cub. “What pride are you from?” He asked harshly, his green eyes darting from each cub.

“Meadowlanders….” The tall one replied, not meeting Scar’s gaze. Scar sniffed. Of course—their neighboring pride, Filimbi and Madini’s small pride. He was in the Meadowlands…he hadn’t visited since he had been with Ahadi and Mufasa on their tour of neighboring prides.

Scar’s gaze shifted to one of the smaller cubs, a pale creamy-pelted, turquoise-eyed male. He looked…just like Sarafina and her mate Asubuhi… He felt anger bubble inside him. “You, cub.” He shook a claw at the pale one, who trembled and blinked wide eyes up at him.

“Y-yes?” Mheetu squeaked out. Hatari pressed comfortingly against his side. What did this strange lion want with him? He had a horrible scar over one eye, making him look even more threatening.

“Who is your mother? Your father?” The lion growled, tail swishing from side-to-side.

“My mother…is Uchawi…and my father is Asubuhi…” Mheetu replied nervously, having no clue where this was leading to.

Scar blinked. He was Asubuhi’s child! And he knew well enough that Asubuhi would be loyal to Sarafina. The pride must have hidden this cub’s true mother, and gave him a foster to hide it to less complicate things. Sarafina had had another cub. Scar sunk his claws into the ground. He had clearly informed the Pridelander lionesses that he had forbidden mating! Sarafina had disobeyed him, and nonetheless with an outsider.

Mheetu quivered as the lion seemed to grow angrier. He stepped back, Hatari trembling all the while. And the lion pounced.

Scar hit the ground, standing above the pale cub of Sarafina’s. He kicked away the little one that had been pressed to his side, she tumbled away squalling. The tall one let out an outraged yowl, and the others all hissed and whimpered and backed away.

Mheetu gasped as he fell back under the lion, who gazed furiously down at him. The lion raised his paw, and struck Mheetu across the cheek. Mheetu wailed with pain as blood blossomed on the wounds. The lion slashed him again, and Mheetu flipped over and attempted to run away. He felt more pain on his back as the claws sunk into his flesh.

He yowled and yowled as the lion attacked. Through pain-squinting eyes, he could see Jeshi trying to hurt the lion, as well as Kupata and Kishindo. Nzuri was fleeing, yelling for her mother and Uchawi and Filimbi and the rest of the pride. Hatari was screaming endlessly, her high-pitched voice stinging Mheetu’s ears and making him furious at the lion for scaring the little she-cub.

He hissed and whipped around, landing a blow on the lion’s leg. He recoiled and snarled, slamming a paw against Mheetu’s side and making him stumble back. The orange lion lunged and sunk his teeth into Mheetu’s shoulder. Mheetu screeched.

And suddenly, the lion’s weight vanished. Panting, Mheetu blinked open his eyes and gazed around. Shock and relief filled his body as he saw Filimbi roaring and clawing at the black-maned lion. Asubuhi was bending over to Mheetu, eyes panicked and angry. Uchawi was circling the fighting lions, spitting, and Kijani and Mjanja were nudging the rest of the cubs back towards Log-Place.

Mheetu quivered, looking at his father. He then sunk into unconsciousness.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Jaysquirrel » May 29th, 2012, 11:18 pm

oh moreee

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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » May 31st, 2012, 12:59 am

Working on it, sorry.
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » June 6th, 2012, 6:55 pm

I sat on the computer for like an hour reading this, and thinking about my own personal thoughts! LOVE IT When do you think Chapter 13 will be done?!?!?!
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » June 6th, 2012, 10:16 pm

Wow, thank you! :3 I'm not quite sure about that, probably at least by July. I just haven't been in the mood to write a lot. ^_^
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » June 7th, 2012, 4:18 pm

Chapter 13:
The Dullness of Life

"--and he needs to be cleaned up too, there's dried blood all over his shoulder and face."

Mheetu's eyes squinted open, his ears flicking up at the sound of a worried voice. As his vision came into focus, he could make out Kitawi, Kijani, and Uchawi standing a few paces away, talking urgently. As more of his feeling came back, he recognized his surroundings as the Log-Place. He also realized he was lying against fur, and tilted back his head until he gazed up into the fretful expression of Asubuhi.

"You're awake!" The pale lion exclaimed, his eyes brightening with a bit of relief. The three lionesses all glanced over, each with a mixture of worry and delight on their faces.

"Ow...I hurt all over." Mheetu mewed, shifting slightly but feeling extremely stiff and achy. His shoulder, right cheek, back leg, and stomach all stung.

Kitawi trotted over, meowing, "Yes, you've got a slash on your cheek, a wound on your shoulder, an injury on your left hind leg, and--" Uchawi put her paw over the smaller lioness's mouth.

"Don't scare him!" She sighed, drawing her paw back. "Come on, I'll get the water dish." She shook her tail and then padded off, Kitawi giving Asubuhi a apologetic glance before following. Kijani too trotted after them.

"Father, why did that lion attack me?" Mheetu glanced back at Asubuhi.

Asubuhi let out a soft, long sigh. "We aren't sure. I feel as if I faintly recognize that lion, but I'm not sure why." He replied. "I'm just glad we got there before he could seriously injure you."

"So I'm not badly hurt, then?" Mheetu looked at his red-tinted pelt.

"No, you'll be fine."

Mheetu thought he detected a hint of worry in his father's tone.


"How are you feeling?" Hatari asked him, her eyes wide. She was sitting in front of him, eyeing him with worry. Mheetu was all washed up now--Uchawi had returned with a curved piece of bark with water in it, and scrubbed away all the dried blood. He felt a bit sore still, but Kitawi had covered him in weird leafy mixtures that were supposed to heal him, and he felt stronger.

"I'm alright." Mheetu replied, suppressing a yawn. "Tired, though." It was already evening.

Hatari smiled. "Yeah. I'm happy you're okay." She mewed, curling her tail around paws. "That attack was completely unprovoked."

Mheetu glanced down. "I don't know why he did it. I wasn't doing anything!" His voice rose in indignation. "Oh, hi Nzuri!"

Nzuri was padding happily over, light brown tail waving as she walked. "Hello, you two!" She purred. "Feeling better, Mheetu?"

Mheetu smiled faintly up at her. "Definitely." He responded, tail tip twitching. "I'm just so bored here." He added with a sigh.

"Oh right...didn't they confine you to Log-Place until you're better?" Nzuri meowed, glancing back at the rest of the pride, lazing around the area.

"Yup." Mheetu answered grumpily. "There's nothing to do!"

"Well, I will stay here with you." Hatari put in, her eyes now solemn. Nzuri gave her a strange look, something between amusement and annoyance.

"Thanks, Hatari." Mheetu blinked warmly at the she-cub.

"Nzuri! We're leaving now!" A commanding call came from beyond the bushes. Uchawi poked her head around, gazing down at the three cubs. "How are you, Mheetu?"

"Good." He replied simply. "Where are you going?" Usually this was the time of hunting, so he wondered why Uchawi wanted Nzuri somewhere.

"Hunting lessons." The golden-pelted lioness replied, glancing to Nzuri. "So come along, now." She turned and padded out of sight. Nzuri flicked her tail, eyes bright.

"See you!" She meowed happily as she trotted off.

"Have fun, Nzuri." Hatari mewed. "I can't wait for my first lesson."

"It'll come soon enough." Mheetu told her, as they watched Nzuri disappear from view. "I only get a few hunting lessons anyway, cause that's a female's job." He added, shrugging. The matter didn't affect him much. He didn't really look forward to his few hunting lessons, hunting didn't seem that interesting to him.

"Yeah...I heard Kishindo talking with Uchawi earlier today. He seemed excited to hunt. I think he was going with them today." Hatari mewed, ears flicked up and head tilted as she thought.

"He was excited?!?" Mheetu suppressed a laugh. Kishindo was always the last to like something feminine, it was surprising for him to be enthusiastic about hunting. "Doesn't he like battle-training better, though?"

"I thought so too, but I wonder if it's actually hunting that interests him, or the fact that Kupata's going too." Hatari smirked faintly.

Mheetu snickered softly. "He definitely likes her. Does she know that, though?" He snorted, trying to imagine Kupata softening for anyone.

"I think it's mutual." Hatari grinned. Mheetu returned the smile, quite glad he had a friend to converse with. He really appreciated Hatari's loyalty to him.

"Don't tell her that." He advised playfully. Hatari laughed softly, tucking her paws close.

"Mheetu?" The two cubs pricked their ears, looking up. Asubuhi was standing at the entrance to the little bush-den, blue eyes bright in the dim light.

"Oh, hi Father." Mheetu mewed, shifting slightly. Hatari pressed back her ears for a moment and sidled away from Mheetu.

"Kitawi needs to put on fresh leaf mixtures now. Hatari, will you leave us please, dear?" Asubuhi slid into the shelter, followed by the slim figure of Kitawi, who was carrying bunches of leaves in her jaws.

"Yes, of course!" Hatari squeaked, jumping up and scampering out of the den. Mheetu watched her go, but was distracted by something wet on his shoulder.

"Euuh!" He growled, twisting around to spot the soaking mixture of plants on the broken skin of his shoulder. "Ow!"

"Hush, it won't be long." Kitawi soothed, continuing doing whatever she was doing with the damp strong-scented leaves. Mheetu huffed out a breath and let her do her work, wincing whenever it hurt.

"Father, when will I get to leave?" He asked as Kitawi finished up. Asubuhi glanced at the lioness.

"In a few days." Kitawi answered for him, not looking up from gathering the collection of plants she had brought. Mheetu grumbled quietly.

"Now get some rest, son." Asubuhi gave him a lick, then followed Kitawi out of the den. Mheetu sighed, curling his tail around him. The wet mixtures felt weird on his skin, but he pushed that thought away and let sleep take him.


"Clear!" Kitawi announced, scraping the last bits of poultice off of his skin. The wounds were nearly healed, fresh skin gleaming over scabs and the claw marks almost gone. Mheetu grinned, and beside him, Hatari leaped to her paws with a delighted yowl.

"Come on!" She mewed, dashing out of the bushes. Mheetu rose to his paws, and staggered out behind her.

"Now, don't play rough for a while!" Kitawi called after them, but Mheetu barely heard. He was free! He felt stiff and a bit sore, but he wasn't stuck in Log-Place any longer. He gave a joyful leap into the air.

"Mheetu!" Kishindo came galloping over, followed by Nzuri and Kupata.

"I'm free now!" The pale cub answered, grinning wildly. "Let's go do something!"

"We got the whole gang back, now!" Nzuri giggled, bouncing away. "Look out, Meadowlands!"
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » June 7th, 2012, 8:03 pm

AWESOME!!!!! :3 I <3 the Lion King, and Mheetu is oficially my fave charrie, thanks to you 8D!!!!
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Re: What's Meant To Be (Mheetu's Story)

Postby Zoketi » June 7th, 2012, 8:19 pm

Haha awesomesauce. c: I'm glad you like this.
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