
Re: Shadowland

Postby Novalight » September 14th, 2009, 4:37 pm

Thank you :D! You guys are so good to me :)! Anyway, the story is going on guys!
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Re: Shadowland

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 14th, 2009, 4:39 pm

no problem
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Re: Shadowland

Postby KopsTheTerminator » September 25th, 2009, 12:27 pm

Novalight doesn't log in anymore. I believe this should be locked. :eyebrow:

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Re: Shadowland

Postby Novalight » September 28th, 2009, 7:12 pm

@Kopa23: Sorry, that I didn´t show up for such a long time, I am going to upload more from now on :(!

Well, here is the next part:
The first dead

That night Shani couldn´t sleep. She had to think about her brother and father. Then, she thought about the chat of the hyenas. "Shenzi was right", she thought, "we´re going to die at this place!". Suddenly, are gentle paw was touching her back. "Mum?", Shani asked. The lioness were at there night hunt, but this time they didn´t find anything. The little cub looked up at the former queen. The lioness looked sadly at her youngest child and shaked her head. Shani sighed. She wanted to say something but stopped, as she saw a dark shadow entering the cave. "Scar!", Sarabi cried suprisedly but she calmed down when she spotted Sarafina who was right behind him. Nema who just woke up smiled at her mate. But he didn´t even look at her. The other lioness pushed their cub closer to them so did Sarabi. Shani just could see Nala´s shocked face. Shani could understand. Nala loved her mother very much, and seeing her next to Scar wasn´t a very good sign. Sarafina went to Nala. The lioness looked very tiredly. "Mum?", the little cub asked. "I am OK dear!", Sarafina smiled, but her voice didn´t sound like this at all. Some other lioness looked worried at her, but no-one dared to go to mother and daughter, they were too afraid of Scar. Suddenly Sarabi growled angrily: "What have you done to my sister?!" all the lioness looked at her. They couldn´t believe what Sarabi was doing. It was the first time, that someone dared to speak like this to King Scar. Sarabi was always the bravest and strongest lioness. But facing Scar like THIS was a very brave dare. Scar didn´t change his expression. "Next time, you needn´t to shout like this Sarabi! Sarafina is just a little tired, just let her rest!", he said in a cool voice. Then, he looked at Zazu who was standing next to Nala to comfort her. "Zazu, where were you this morning?", the king asked, but this time you could hear how angry he was. "Sire, I was watching over the cubs!", Zazu said. His voice sounded dry. "Next time, you should be there if I call you!", he growled. Zazu gulped. Sarabi glared angrily at Scar. How dare he! The dark king watched Sarafina. She seemed to be ill. Scar smiled. "Well, good night ladys!", he laughed evilly, leaving the scared lioness behind him. After he disappeared, everyone turned their head to Sarafina again. Some of them finally went to the weak lioness. Sarabi was the first one next to her. "What did he do to you?", she asked her younger sister. "I am really OK, you don´t need to care about me!", the lioness smiled weakly. "If there is anything, just tell us!", Giza said. Then she turned her head to her cubs: "Well, it´s late, bedtime Chumvi, you too Kula!"- "But mum!"-"No buts Chumvi!", his mother hissed. She turned her head to the others and slept after a while. Nema who was sitting the whole time in the dark, nodded: "It´s better to sleep, it´s late. Tomorrow is a new day, and we just can hope that everything is going to be OK!", the queen said, while she licked her son´s head. The little prince looked at his mother. Soon, everyone felt asleep, except of Sarabi and Nema. The great kings were already high in the sky. "Why don´t you sleep?", Sarabi asked. Nema smiled at her. Sarabi was her older sister, well, actually half sister, they all had the same father. "I am thinking about Scar. I do love him, I always did! But the way, how he treat the Pride, and even his own son Uchafu! He didn´t even look at me. I don´t understand him! And today, the story about Sarafina, I don´t know what´s wrong with him!", she sighed. Some tears ran down her cheek. Sarabi said nothing. Then she broked the long silence: "I think no-one does! I still remember the good old time! We knew him as Taka. He was so happy, everyone was! But since Ahadi gave him the Scar, he changed!"- "But Ahadi apologized for this! So did the others.", Nema whispered. She was still dissapointed. "Nema, as the new queen and Scar´s mate, you have to talk to him!", Sarabi said. "Good night! Please think about what I´ve told you!" Nema looked at her sister. "Good night, my sister! I will talk to him!"

My Fanfiction about Scar´s reign: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3100

enjoy ;)
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Re: Shadowland

Postby KopsTheTerminator » September 28th, 2009, 7:33 pm

Sorry, you're misunderstood then. :oops:

It's a really good fan-fic, and the idea is truly great. I'm looking forward on seeing the next part.

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Re: Shadowland

Postby CommandoTheLion » October 1st, 2009, 5:16 pm

Welcome back and what a nice Part ^^
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