Which cartoon character do you identify with?

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Re: Which cartoon character do you identify with?

Postby Regulus » December 19th, 2013, 6:35 am

[quote="KristinaKiara"]Twilight Sparkle from MLP:FiM

We are both very studious, bookworms, introverts. We tend to not interact with people, unless that's our closest group of friends. We both admire our teachers, and try to do our tasks done on time. When not, both of us become anxious. In general, we are both modest, shy, don't like to talk about our accomplishments, and would much rather spend a day reading a book than being on party.[/quote]

This. So much this. Twilight Sparkle is basically a female Regulus in pony form.
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Re: Which cartoon character do you identify with?

Postby DGFone » December 19th, 2013, 6:41 am

Simba from the Lion King.

Sure, this may sound very cliched coming from a TLK fan forum, but I do feel like I share a lot with him, and especially these past few years when I rediscovered The Lion King, I have never had any issues identifying closely with him.
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Re: Which cartoon character do you identify with?

Postby Lauren » December 29th, 2013, 6:58 am

Gosh…I have quite a lot of choices I could go on for…

Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

- I have been shy ever since I was little and the way Fluttershy struggles to gaining her confidence and standing up to herself infront of others reminds me of the type of progress that my parents tried to help me with along with counseling at school. I love animals just like her and I'm quiet at times.

Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

- She's kinda like the Samwise Gamgee of Avatar. I always stick to my friend's side and make sure I help them as much as possible with support like she does for Aang. Responsibility is one the first things that comes to her brain and sticks with it to accomplish things like I do with my responsibilities.

Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

- Using another comparison with a non-cartoon character who I also relate to, she is like the Hermione Granger of MLP. When it comes to academics, I study very hard with my own intelligence and receive the best grades I can. She is afraid to fail on her goals and spells and I have that same fear because failing in school leads to trouble. I am also a bookworm just like she is.

George Lundgren (Arthur)

- I always feel sad for him whenever he's isolated by his classmates and I really relate to him on that aspect. Since I was little, I have been isolated by classmates before and it gets very lonely being by yourself when others are together. He's seen to not be that intriguing by his peers and I still deal with that in school because I often describe myself as a "Student Manual", in which means that students only talk with me mainly if it's about an assignment or if they want to borrow something. I may not have dyslexia like he does, but I've had Autism since I was a baby and the handicapping sure is difficult. I also had nose bleeding issues when I was little. We have wild imaginations that go on for quite a while and can take a hold of us.

D.W. Read (Arthur)

- I know a lot of Arthur fans despise D.W. for several reasons (one of them being that she's very annoying), but to be honest, she is actually one of my favorite characters on the show. I know how it feels like being the younger sister who's gotten jealous of the freedom that the older brother has and wants more. The amount of friends she has is the same amount of friend's I've had when I was her age and even during my elementary years. Plus, I used to have imaginary friends just like she does with Nadine.

Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)

- When I was little, I used to have a problem of not knowing how to say "no" to people and he struggles with the same issue. I've learned to say no to others growing up but besides that, I am very kind and help others in the same matter as Wilt does.

Arthur Read (Arthur)

- Since I was 3, I've had sight problems and needed to receive glasses. The same went for Arthur when he was 8 (and still that age). I know how annoying siblings can get and I ended up fighting with my older brother just like he does with D.W. Even though I don't argue with my brother as much anymore since we're a lot older than they are, those memories are still in my head. When I had my group of friends in middle school, I knew how to be there for my friends like he is for his group of friends.

Simba (The Lion King)

- This character in particular has a big place in my heart because his past struggled him to grow up and become his own individual later. While I may have not had to deal with a family member murdering another member close to me, we've often felt like things couldn't be done easily since trouble stands in the way at difficult times of life. When Simba talked with Mufasa in the night skies, he had to actually think to himself how he would be able to change and face everything. I've had to deal with the same thing when it came to fighting my Autism and changing as a person to become more social and expressive. My parents were very depressed for six months when they found out about my Autism years ago. When we were little, we both loved adventure (I still do) and played a lot with our friends. Growing up, our pasts have been hard to let go because so much happened to us.

Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)

- Jim and I have faced issues with ourselves and felt like we weren't good enough for supporting the ones around us. His mistakes have frustrated him at times in the movie because he felt that every single mistake he made just got worse and worse. I've dealt with that type of frustration and it can be difficult to overcome them.

Elsa (Frozen)

- We both do not like hurting others emotionally and understand how it feels like to isolate yourself from others. It hurts a lot and shutting ourselves from the world is the struggle we've faced before. I still go through this at times, but at the same time, we've felt happy being in our own little worlds alone since it's freedom for us.

Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

- We are both very honest when telling the truth to others and support our friends with advice that's relatable. Plus, I love apples like she does and I believe this: Quality > Quantity

Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

- Sometimes my fangirl-ism can go overboard with the fandoms I'm part of, which also happens to Dash at times too. When I was little, I did read, but now as a teenager, I read A LOT more than I ever did before and I love reading books so much (especially books of my favorite genre, fantasy). The only difference is that she thought that reading was only meant for intelligent ones like Twilight, but she gave the Daring Do series a chance and loved it to death. We like to be out there on our own and be fast (her flying and me walking since I'm a fast walker, lol).

Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)

- Just like Fluttershy, we both love animals and hate to see others argue, but I also love drawing. I can get emotional easily and often feel like I'm stuck in the middle when arguments happen between others I know. In one episode, she was judged as being someone who can't get angry easily and is seen as a "weakling". In the past, my brother has often done that similar thing to me and I hated the fact that I couldn't be strong enough to get angry at him and he wouldn't take it in.

Jessie (Toy Story 2/3)

- Everytime I watch the second movie and her backstory is revealed, I always cry hard because it feels like I'm going back to my days as a child. She is probably the female Pixar character that I relate to the most. When she was owned by Emily, she was loved very much as her owner's favorite toy and sadly had to watch her grow up underneath the bed. She states to Woody, "You never forget kids like Emily or Andy…but they forget you." :cry2: I know how it feels like to be abandoned emotionally and a lot of my childhood friends have either moved away or left me and never talked to me again once I changed schools. I had so much fun and felt the love from my friends, but I never forgot them. I feel like they have forgot me because most of them who have left away from me don't contact me anymore and I can't remember either.

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Re: Which cartoon character do you identify with?

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » January 20th, 2014, 8:17 am

Anna from Disney's Frozen. She is basically me; the way she acts, the way she speaks. Falling in love with someone after one night...x) Yeah, Anna is me.
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Re: Which cartoon character do you identify with?

Postby Buffy » January 20th, 2014, 8:26 am

Pretty sure the character I relate to the most is Elsa from Frozen. While I have some of Anna's characteristics, I feel I have a lot more in common with Elsa than Anna.
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Re: Which cartoon character do you identify with?

Postby Ninaroja » January 20th, 2014, 9:56 pm


Particularly at the start of the movie, his struggle to fit in and discover where he belongs in life is something I really can relate to.
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