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Are you on the Spectrum

What's Autism?
No, but I know someone that is
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Re: Autism

Postby Gemini » August 29th, 2013, 12:59 am

[quote="Regulus"]Okay, first things first, Autism is genetic. It's not caused by vaccines, or any other sort of environmental thing, or what-have-you. Significant evidence suggests that it is almost entirely hereditary, because most people who have autistic children have their own fair share of autistic traits. Most people who are diagnosed with Aspergers also have parents who possess very similar traits, as well.[/quote]

Hmmm. Well, like I said, that would explain some things about me and my family... I understand the autism itself might be hereditary, but could it theoretically be worsened or compounded by another problem such as brain damage/trauma? I'm just curious.

[quote="Regulus"]The way I see it, autism is just the name for a collection of traits. Because it affects so many people, and all in different ways, I'm almost entirely convinced it isn't actually a unified thing to begin with. I don't think there is any one specific genetic component that causes it.

In essence, I speculate that autism is the effect of a bunch of different genetic traits working in synchronization to make one's life harder than it needs to be.

As such, one does not simply "cure" autism. It's not a disease, and it's not an illness. It's an atypical brain structure.

You can't treat it effectively, because it's just not like that. It's not like you could just take a pill or flip a switch, and then have everything inside the person change on a fundamental level. That autism is part of the person—it's part of who they are.[/quote]

I kind of suspected it worked like that because, like I said, it affects different people in different ways. Such a complex brain disorder probably has a lot of factors contributing to it, which would explain why it has such varied effects.

As far as treatment, I understand what you're saying about Isaac Newton and Da Vinci... I wouldn't be surprised if they had some form of autism (in addition to being extremely talented and being dedicated to their work). I'm talking about the kids who can't even speak or communicate with their families... again, I'm not saying it's 'wrong', and it's certainly not their fault. I guess I just kind of wish I could see my brother go out into the world and have a successful, happy life with his own family. :sad: I'm sure a lot of people would wish the same thing.

But I guess that's just the way he is, and I suppose it's not really my place to say if he would be better otherwise. I just want him to be happy.

In any case, I'm not sure if I'll respond to this thread again. But I'm glad someone made it - it's nice that people are aware of the disorder and that I'm not the only one.
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Re: Autism

Postby Regulus » August 29th, 2013, 2:01 am

[quote="GeminiGemelo"]I understand the autism itself might be hereditary, but could it theoretically be worsened or compounded by another problem such as brain damage/trauma? I'm just curious. [/quote]

Yep. Brain damage would affect an autistic person in the same way it would affect a normal person.

[quote="GeminiGemelo"]As far as treatment, I understand what you're saying about Isaac Newton and Da Vinci... I wouldn't be surprised if they had some form of autism (in addition to being extremely talented and being dedicated to their work). I'm talking about the kids who can't even speak or communicate with their families... again, I'm not saying it's 'wrong', and it's certainly not their fault. I guess I just kind of wish I could see my brother go out into the world and have a successful, happy life with his own family. :sad: I'm sure a lot of people would wish the same thing.[/quote]

I understand what you mean. I wasn't trying to incite guilt for feeling that way, if that's what I did. I know you want your brother to have a better life, and I truly don't see anything wrong with that.

All I was saying was that because autism is a spectrum, after all, it's very difficult to determine where to draw the line between who needs to be cured, and who doesn't, provided a cure is even possible. It's all a matter of perspective.

And, to tell the truth, most autistics don't want to be cured. Some do, but many don't. From their point of view, everyone else has a disorder. For what it's worth, you'll find plenty of parodies around the internet that were written by autistics, which humorously advocate curing normal people.

The problem that I've been noticing in this situation is that the voices of autistics are overheard by the voices of those who claim to speak for autistics (generally speaking, that refers to the parents and immediate family of autistic children). I'm thinking that's mostly only because autistics are bad at communicating. :P

Hopefully, I've been able to explain the other side of the coin as best as I can. That was my only intention. But, after all, I shouldn't be speaking for autistics, either... so you can disagree all you want. xP

I guess, the whole point I'm trying to make here is that instead of trying to push for a cure, we just need to be more open to alternate ways of thinking, communicating, and, in essence, living. That's all.
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Re: Autism

Postby Si-Amber » September 6th, 2013, 8:37 pm

I have Dyspraxia, some of the symptoms of which are on the Autistic spectrum. I don't have great social skills for example.

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Re: Autism

Postby SlayerOfLight » September 11th, 2013, 1:06 pm

I think having autism is anything but a blessing... It prevents people from having an ordinary life and easy relationships with others. How can one just say autism is not a bad thing? People always have, and probably will always look down on autistic people (at least here where I live) and just ignorantly concider them nothing more then mentally disabled ''retards'' and joke about it to their friends, which pisses me off. Maybe some people don't mind having autism, but I just view autism as something negative, like a burden in life.
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Re: Autism

Postby Wrightfan » September 28th, 2013, 9:26 pm

I have Asperger's. Was diagnosed with a learning disability around 4 and Asperger's diagnosis came around the time I was 14.

It's great to see that more and more conferences are getting publicized. I can imagine it was hard for my parents to take care of me and all back in the 90's when awareness wasn't as great.
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Re: Autism

Postby Meskhenet » November 17th, 2013, 3:49 pm

My deceased aunt had autism. She couldn't talk the only way she communicated with us is by making sounds. She died about three years from Chrome's Disease.
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Re: Autism

Postby Miharuka » December 10th, 2013, 11:50 pm

I have symptoms of it, but I don't think I actually have it.
In some cases it's more of a personality thing I guess.
I mean, not in every case. Certainly not.

It really sucks though. Not to be able to communicate properly. But I think there will Always be people who will understand you and get along with you.
I am so socially awkward. XD The worst thing is that at some point you can try to avoid people..
And that's something you really can't do, especially not when you are working or at school. ><''
It's just difficult. .___. I am glad some people are aware of it.
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Re: Autism

Postby Wilfre » December 19th, 2013, 3:25 am

[quote="Si Targaryen"]I have Dyspraxia, some of the symptoms of which are on the Autistic spectrum. I don't have great social skills for example.[/quote]

I too have dyspraxia, not fun. :\
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