TLK Fan of the Month - February 2016!

TLK Fan of the Month - February 2016!

Postby DGFone » February 18th, 2016, 9:32 am

It's time for those nominations to start coming in again! Looks like they will continue into March, so it looks like I started this thing late again. I will allow nominations for a little over two weeks, and will end them on Saturday, March 5th!

[quote]* Each month, members will nominate up to four members who they consider active enough fans to be considered "fans of the month".

* New members can be nominated one month after their joining the forum. If it's TLK fan of the month, it won't necessarily be fair to allow one-week old members to win compared to the older members who might not necessarily have a storage box of new ideas ready to be opened upon joining MLK.

*The nominations have to be TLK related. They don't have to be related to posting in the on-topic sections, but they have to be related to The Lion King in at least some way. This generally means that activities and posts in the den and Member HQ threads usually do not count.

* When nominating a member, provide a reason why they are being nominated. Unfortunately, a "I nominate 'X' because they are a great TLK fan!" will not be accepted. Try to provide a link or even a reference as to why they are a fan. Also, keep references for those that are on MLK. It won't be very nice to have members be nominated for something they did off MLK. Keep it on the forum please.

*The contest renews itself after each new year. If a member won in a year, they cannot be nominated again until the next year[/quote]
Nominations will go on until Saturday, March 5th. These members have already won and cannot be nominated again: Elton John.
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Re: TLK Fan of the Month - February 2016!

Postby Gemini » February 25th, 2016, 3:51 am

Forgot about this thread but it looks like nobody's done anything in it anyway, so it probably doesn't matter. lmao

Anyway, gonna add some nominations here.

1st nomination goes to Braveheart - he's a fairly new member but he's been very active in the RP section. He made his own RP that I am currently a part of, and he seems generally enthusiastic about his ideas. From what I understand, he is also intending to enter the writing contest... and given that he seems to be a fairly decent writer, also, I feel that these reasons taken together make him a strong candidate for Fan of the Month.

2nd nomination goes to DGFone - pretty self-explanatory, I guess. Long time runner of many different contests; it shows his dedication to the website and also especially to the writing/fanfic side of TLK. It'd be pretty hard for a lot of the events on this site to run without him, I think. He always seems to bring a lot of energy to it, even despite the large workload that is asked of him (on MLK and off).

3rd nomination goes to BlazingBlackMage - not someone who is active on the forum, but they've been posting a lot in the FAA. They are good not only at the TLK look but also at art in general, and I think more work of that caliber is definitely appreciated there. They seem to have posted more in this past month or so, hence the nomination here.

4th nomination goes to Killjoy Dixon - for all the usual reasons, including RP activity, participation in my art contest as well as moderation/posting in the FAA, thoughtful new posts and threads related to the lore and universe of TLK, some AMVs, and, of course, consistently high-level graphics for sigs and avatars and etc.

Anyway, that about sums up my nominations for this month, I think. :) Hope some other people participate and send in their nominations soon, too. Until then, yeah... those are my pics for FotM.
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Re: TLK Fan of the Month - February 2016!

Postby Elton John » March 8th, 2016, 6:06 pm

I will nominate littlerolox for posting plenty of tlg merch I have not seen before.
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Re: TLK Fan of the Month - February 2016!

Postby Rollo » March 9th, 2016, 10:36 pm


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