Is Nuka Scar's son?

Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby outsider500 » June 1st, 2010, 12:13 am

well after all Nuka, was more like Scar then Kovu was. so therefore Nuka is Scars son. :)
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby BlitzRogue » June 1st, 2010, 3:11 am

[quote="Kojo"]I've never really thought that Nuka was Scar's own son. I'd always assumed that his resentment towards Kovu was based on his being the eldest and being passed up as the heir for the younger male. Zira states that Kovu was the last cub born before the Outlanders were exiled from the Pridelands. That being true, Nuka, being older, could have actually known Scar while Kovu never met the lion (that he can remember). That, too, would add to his resentment of not being chosen.[/quote]
I can accept all of that except for the part about Kovu meeting Scar (even as a baby cub too young to understand who he was "meeting"). Though it would make sense going by the line in SP, in order for that line to make sense, the timeline set down by the first film would have to be completely nullified, which I can't accept.

At the end of the first film, we see Simba and Nala's first cub ("Fluffy") being presented to the kingdom. Now, as far as story-line is concerned, "Fluffy" is Kiara; I personally don't buy that, but I digress...

Now, you will recall that between the time Scar is overthrown and Simba takes his place as king and the time when Simba and Nala present "Fluffy"/Kopa/Tanabi/Kiara/whatever, there is a pretty MAJOR change in scenery. All of the vegetation that was completely, 100% dead and/or burnt away has come back and is again growing and bountiful in the Pridelands. You can't very well expect that this happened overnight just because Simba was back and Scar was dead; it just doesn't work that way.

That alone gives at least a few months (more realistically, close to a year or more) from the time Scar is overthrown to the time Kiara (and sometime near there, Kovu) is born. Hence, no way for Kovu and Scar to meet.

[quote="Kojo"]And if Nuka was Scar's biological son, then I don't understand why Scar would have chosen another cub who he didn't sire to be his heir in the first place. Scar was obsessed with leaving a legacy, with being the greatest king ever. And he was nutso. There's no reason why he wouldn't want his bloodline to continue to be royal, even if he thought Kovu might have been smarter than Nuka.[/quote]
Who says Scar knew that Kovu wasn't his son?

[quote="Kojo"]Saying that Scar passed up Nuka in place of Kovu because Nuka was weak doesn't hold water with me either. We only see Nuka as a young adult, well after it's known that he is not the Chosen One. Kovu is well cared for as a cub and young adult because of his value to the Outlanders. Nuka didn't get so much care, so of course he would be unkempt, skinny, and look weaker than he would've been otherwise.[/quote]
Perhaps Nuka was given the same nurturing before Kovu was born, and after showing no promise for however many months he was alive before the birth of Kovu and Vitani (whom I personally believe are of the same litter), he was substituted and left to fend for himself.

[quote="outsider500"]well after all Nuka, was more like Scar then Kovu was. so therefore Nuka is Scars son.[/quote]
Um... what? How does that prove anything? :roll:
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby thanigraphics » June 2nd, 2010, 2:33 am

Nuka is Scars full son. That's the reason you see him as a teenager where Kovu and Vitani are still cubs. Scar must have lived to choose Kovu by hand, so I reckon Kovu was a newborn or infant cub at the time Scar was defeated and killed.
I think Nuka is Scars real son, because he actually IS a mix of Zira and Scar when it comes to appereance, and Nuka himself states in the movie "pah, chosen one. He isn't even Scars real son. I should be the chosen one!" Which makes clear that Nuka IS Scars full son. Offcourse Scar should have known that Nuka wasn't "mentally stable" enough to be his heir, so he chose another cub that was born in his pride.
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby BlitzRogue » June 2nd, 2010, 4:14 am

[quote="thanigraphics"]Nuka is Scars full son. That's the reason you see him as a teenager where Kovu and Vitani are still cubs. Scar must have lived to choose Kovu by hand, so I reckon Kovu was a newborn or infant cub at the time Scar was defeated and killed.[/quote]
The timeline set down in the first film doesn't permit for Scar and Kovu to have met. Scar was long-gone before Kovu could have been born. As I explained in my first post, several months to an entire year most likely passed just from the time Scar died till the time "Fluffy" was presented. And in all likelihood, Kovu was born after "Fluffy". That means that an even longer time passed before Kovu could have been born. So, unless you're suggesting that Kovu is nearly a full grown lion in the latter parts of his adolescence at the beginning of SP, there is simply no possible way that Kovu could have "met" Scar before he was killed by the hyenas.

[quote="thanigraphics"]I think Nuka is Scars real son, because he actually IS a mix of Zira and Scar when it comes to appereance, and Nuka himself states in the movie "pah, chosen one. He isn't even Scars real son. I should be the chosen one!" Which makes clear that Nuka IS Scars full son. Offcourse Scar should have known that Nuka wasn't "mentally stable" enough to be his heir, so he chose another cub that was born in his pride.[/quote]
Though I do agree that Nuka is most likely Scar's son, your logic is all wrong. Just because he says that Kovu isn't Scar's son doesn't at all prove that Nuka is his son.

There really is no definitive proof for or against Nuka being Scar's son. Simple as that.
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby CrazyNuka » June 2nd, 2010, 4:55 am

Actually let me tell you this. :3 It is never mention in the film that Nuka is scar's son or Zira's husband. Scar has dark brown fur with a black mane and green eyes and Nuka has red eyes like his mother very dark brown mane and has scar's nose. It kinda confused me. And the way Zira said " Scar watch over my poor Nuka." Why didn't she say our Nuka? I think Nuka could be Scar's son or not. :3
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby Kojo » June 2nd, 2010, 7:11 am


[quote="Kojo"]And if Nuka was Scar's biological son, then I don't understand why Scar would have chosen another cub who he didn't sire to be his heir in the first place. Scar was obsessed with leaving a legacy, with being the greatest king ever. And he was nutso. There's no reason why he wouldn't want his bloodline to continue to be royal, even if he thought Kovu might have been smarter than Nuka.[/quote]
Who says Scar knew that Kovu wasn't his son? [/quote]

The gestation period of a lion is 108 days. By your own definition of the LK timeline, Scar could not have possibly thought that he was Kovu's father, if several months to a year passed between Scar's death and the presentation of Kiara/Kopa/Whatever (and I'm not contesting that much). In order for Scar to have assumed he was the father of Zira's litter, she would've had to have been obviously pregnant before he died and would've given birth very soon after his death. This would have put Kovu noticeably older than Kiara, especially if we take Kopa conspiracy theories into account.

Scar would've had to have told Zira that the next cub born would be the chosen one, knowing that it wouldn't be his flesh and blood. This wouldn't make sense if he already HAD son in Nuka.
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby BlitzRogue » June 2nd, 2010, 6:02 pm

[quote="Kojo"]The gestation period of a lion is 108 days. By your own definition of the LK timeline, Scar could not have possibly thought that he was Kovu's father, if several months to a year passed between Scar's death and the presentation of Kiara/Kopa/Whatever (and I'm not contesting that much). In order for Scar to have assumed he was the father of Zira's litter, she would've had to have been obviously pregnant before he died and would've given birth very soon after his death. This would have put Kovu noticeably older than Kiara, especially if we take Kopa conspiracy theories into account.[/quote]
Yes, well you have to understand that in order for ANYTHING in TLK2 to make even the slightest bit of sense, you have to disregard that timeline set down in the first film. That's my whole point. TLK2 is nothing but one, big plot hole (or dozens of tiny, miniscule plot holes; you decide).

In order for Scar to "know" anything about Kovu, period, you have to assume that he actually went "to the stars" when he died. Those are, as stated in the movie, reserved for Great Kings of the Past. Some like to think that also includes Great Queens of the Past (though that is undetermined as well). But no where does it say that Jealous Brothers of Kings Who Put Their Ambitions Ahead of Their Duties get sent "to the stars" when they die.

So, I mean, in all technicality, it's pretty easy to assume that Scar is gone. He's stuck in limbo. He has no knowledge whatsoever of Kovu, Vitani, Kiara, or anything beyond his time in the Pridelands.

I never claimed that Scar thought he was Kovu's father; only that he, in all likelihood, didn't know that he wasn't. I personally think it's far more likely that he had no idea that Zira mated, against her will or otherwise, with another lion besides himself. This is because (most likely) he was dead long before it could have happened in order for TLK2 to make a lick of sense.

[quote="Kojo"]Scar would've had to have told Zira that the next cub born would be the chosen one, knowing that it wouldn't be his flesh and blood. This wouldn't make sense if he already HAD son in Nuka.[/quote]
Again, TLK2 doesn't make sense.

I generally agree with the "incompetence" theory. Scar and Zira started off raising Nuka as "The Chosen One", but quickly realized he wasn't going to grow up to be what they would expect of an "heir to Scar", so they decided to abandon him and try again. They couldn't very well have expected that Simba was randomly going to come back from the dead and retake the throne, now could they? He probably told her that the next male born would be the heir, thinking that he got her pregnant, when really he didn't.

Eventually another lion (debatable who it actually is; I personally just say it was an unmentioned rogue) came along and actually got her pregnant with Kovu and Vitani. When Kovu popped out, Zira basically said, "Well, he's not actually Scar's, but he is the next male. Guess he's The Chosen One." (you can insert insanity-inspired dialogue in there if you like)

Then it comes back to whether you believe Scar actually got his own star in the sky to determine whether he knows that Kovu is his son or not, or if he even knows who Kovu is.
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby LionKing4EVR96 » July 31st, 2010, 1:28 am

I believe that Nuka and Vitani are Scar and Zira's children. As for Kovu, Zira could still be his real mother and the father could have given Kovu most of his traits.
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby Amy43 » August 22nd, 2010, 10:06 pm

I think Nuka is Scar and Zira's son. He looks like them. :adored: :ziragrin: :nukaeww:
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Re: Is Nuka Scar's son?

Postby SophieCub » August 24th, 2010, 9:02 pm

hmm he could be, he looks like Scar.
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