Difference of Timon's appearance.

Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby Zonofon » November 9th, 2014, 7:01 pm

This is my favorite movie, so I had noticed that the appearance of Timon is different from how it was in the first film. In TLK 3 there are more closeups of Timon so his appearance is more detailed. For example, this can be seen on this comparison of two films.

But this is the same character so there are similarities, even in his gestures.
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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby EdtheHyena » December 21st, 2014, 10:16 am

what about Timon in the TV series? his appearence is really different considering he's a lot bigger...

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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby Merion » December 22nd, 2014, 9:37 pm

In Polish version of TLK 1½ he was also voiced by a different actor... The same person did Timon's voice for the original movie, the sequel and the whole TV series... And then BAM! Disney Character Voices picked someone else for the role in The Lion King 1½. It's really confusing, Timon not only looks different, but also SOUNDS different. That's why he feels like a completely new character to me...
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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby TheLionPrince » December 23rd, 2014, 12:49 am

It depends on whether your comparison between the two pictures work to justify Timon's different appearance (despite the similar gestures) since there is a different amount of sunlight in both pictures. The picture on the left is clearly morning with Timon with his body facing the direction of the sun hence his shadow while the picture on the right is Timon still in the direction of the sun supposedly in the afternoon, though his shadow possibly on the bottom left of the picture is not quite as thick. For the most of the movie, Timon's appearance looks about the same as he did in the first movie.

However, different animators and two separate animation software programs are the likely culprits for any difference between how Timon looked in the first movie and the third movie. The first movie had the Computer Animation Production System (CAPS) to digitally color the characters while had the Toon Boom Harmony animation software program to serve the same purpose.

Anyway, I felt Timon looked more different in Simba's Pride than he did in the first movie. His fur looks noticeably more darker while his fur in the first movie looked more peachy. Both images below are comparable with Timon displaying a "I got an idea" expression after coming up with an idea originally thought by Pumbaa.

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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby Zonofon » December 28th, 2014, 12:30 pm

Anyway, I felt Timon looked more different in Simba's Pride than he did in the first movie. His fur looks noticeably more darker while his fur in the first movie looked more peachy. [/quote]
Yes, I absolutely agree about TLK 2. Maybe he looks darker because creators of movie wanted to make him a little bit older. Because some time has passed since the events of the first film. But this is only a guess.

About those two pictures that I compare - difference maybe be is really small, but in TLK 3 is paid bigger attention to detail: can be seen stripes on his back and chest line.

[quote="EdtheHyena"]what about Timon in the TV series? his appearence is really different considering he's a lot bigger...[/quote]
About "Timon and Pumbaa" show I can say that Timon have 3 stripes on the back there, but not 5 as in the TLK films. All characters there is not so worked out as in TLK films because there was so many episodes, so it is quite difficult.
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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby Timon the great » February 12th, 2015, 5:18 pm

The main thing I can see from this topic is that as the film makes it quite clear, his appearance is more complex, mature and appealing here because he is the main protagonist of the film, instead of a supporting character on the previous films, where I can definitely see that he does have a more basic appearance from.

I like how this media image gallery of Timon's has turned out now where you can actually see the differences in how he appears in different types of animation and film media: http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Timon/Gallery

So of course, on this film of 1 1/2, he is going to appear more like what a Main Disney film hero should appear like: Quite appealing and more likeable in both appearance and personality. It's a habit that Disney animated film creators have had and it's very obvious that a lot of their work on this film went to Timon himself, because they had a particular interest in him and so they gave him much more depth here.

It should also be noted that some of Timon's personality traits are incomparable to the previous films and media because a good deal of his behavior on this one is uniquely different such as in dealing directly with personal conflict. Many people out there commonly see him as a "joker" and sarcastic LK character because of the first film. But 1 1/2 changes this almost altogether about him in a truly more positive light and that more people can relate to.

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Funny thing about this pic comparison of Timon between the third and first films is that he's actually missing the edge of his back markings on the right!
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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby Stormy » November 18th, 2019, 2:16 am

I don’t think it’s necessary to start a whole new topic, so I’ll mention it here. I noticed after rewatching it today on D+ Nala as well gets a different appearance, which I find extremely weird and sudden. Yes I understand it’s a different time and they might’ve been made differently, but I still don’t understand how it happened. For example, in the spider scene of Can you feel the love tonight Nala looks the same as she does in the first movie, and this is a new scene created for 1 1/2. However, not much later in another scene created for this movie when she’s explaining where Simba went to Timon and Pumbaa her look throws me off completely. Her face is wider and her fur is a darker shade. This is something I’ve never understood like I said before when both scenes were created specifically for the movie but still have different looks. I also understand it could’ve been different animators, but shouldn’t be that big of a difference. Don’t know if this was discussed before but here anyways.
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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby MeerkatOnTheMoon » November 18th, 2019, 7:03 am

Yeah it shouldn't be that big of a difference. I did notice her slightly wider face during that scene. Glad it was still Moira Kelly so it still made up for the animation in my book, because I appreciate continuity when it comes to voice acting.
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Re: Difference of Timon's appearance.

Postby BrianGriffinFan » October 21st, 2024, 7:31 pm

“The main thing I can see from this topic is that as the film makes it quite clear, his appearance is more complex, mature and appealing here because he is the main protagonist

So of course, on this film of 1 1/2, he is going to appear more like what a Main Disney film hero should appear like: Quite appealing and more likeable in both appearance and personality”

I don’t find the character’s appearance likeable or appealing, does that make me crazy or something?
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