Russian script?

Russian script?

Postby CaliforniaSimba » February 19th, 2017, 3:07 am

Hey guys. Really cool site you have here! Great to see there's still such a vibrant fanbase for this movie more than 20 years later!

I was wondering if any of you guys could help me. I'm trying to learn Russian as my third language. I learned my second language, German, in large part from watching the German versions of DIsney movies and expanding my vocabulary by watching them over and over. By far my favorite movie to do this with was The Lion King.

The problem I'm having is that the version of the "Russian script" for the movie that I find everywhere online doesn't actually match the Russian version of the film that I've found. This is the script that seems to be duplicated all over the internet, but it doesn't actually match the dialogue of the film (which you can see here, for example

Does anyone know if there are two different Russian dubs of the movie or, if not, where I might be able to find the accurate Russian script? I've looked everywhere but can't seem to find it.

Thanks a lot for your help! I think I'll stick around this forum either way! :)

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Re: Russian script?

Postby DGFone » February 19th, 2017, 5:57 am

As someone who can speak Russian well enough to watch movies in the language without subtitles, I can safely say...

Yeah, I have no idea where you can find an accurate script. Perhaps a fan script, if one exists? As for a second dubbing, since those take a lot of effort to do, I doubt you will find one. Maybe those stereotypical Russian pirate dubs that play over the English version of the movie might match the scripts you can find online, but I would recommend you learn Russian by watching the proper dub, not the pirated ones.

For non Disney movies, I can highly recommend the Ivan Tsarevich I Seryy Volk (Prince Ivan and Grey Wolf) series of movies. They are made to look like traditional animation, and are a great introduction to Russian culture as well, although in my opinion, the first two are significantly better than the third.

Or for that matter, anything on the Три богатыря channel: ... 1%80%D1%8F

I can also recommend you viewing Wolves and Sheep, if you can find it. It used to be uploaded on the above channel, but then was removed, and I can no longer find it on YT. It is a very... interesting movie.

Also: Welcome to MLK! :D
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Re: Russian script?

Postby CaliforniaSimba » February 20th, 2017, 1:48 am

[quote]Yeah, I have no idea where you can find an accurate script. Perhaps a fan script, if one exists? As for a second dubbing, since those take a lot of effort to do, I doubt you will find one. Maybe those stereotypical Russian pirate dubs that play over the English version of the movie might match the scripts you can find online, but I would recommend you learn Russian by watching the proper dub, not the pirated ones.[/quote]

Oh, I wasn't implying I was looking for a pirated dub. I was wondering if perhaps the movie had been dubbed twice by Disney itself (such a thing isn't unheard of; there are two official German dubs of The Little Mermaid, and there is much argument among fans about which one is better.) In particular, I'm wondering that if where the Russian script that I find all over the internet came from, since it doesn't seem to come from the actual movie. Did someone just translate word-for-word the dialogue from the English version?

For example, the script online says

[quote]Муфаса: Симба, ты забыл меня.
Симба: Нет. Как я мог?[/quote]'

When in fact in the movie, the dialogue is

[quote]Муфаса: Симба, ты забыл меня.
Симба: Нет. Это не так[/quote]

Just using a really simple example since my Russian is so rudimentary at this point, but the entire movie is completely different. One thing I have tried is inputting the actual dialogue into Google, as above, in quotes, so that anything with those exact words (presumably, the script for the movie) pops up, but I can't seem to hit on anything. It seems a smattering of people have transcribed some of the "big" scenes from the movie, but I can't find the entire thing anywhere. :?

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