What do we think?

Re: What do we think?

Postby Stormy » December 22nd, 2024, 5:33 am

Flawed film, fast pacing. But I still enjoyed it a lot. 100x better than TLK 2019.
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Re: What do we think?

Postby SimbasGuard » January 10th, 2025, 8:58 am

I should have stopped by Here sooner to give My thoughts.

I very much enjoyed this movie (I have seen it 3 times now) right from the get go The story takes a turn I did not expect. That was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the songs (The villain song had to grow on Me).
The changes to the story are well done and non anger inducing as this is in The CGI Universe.

I was nearly in tears the moment the film started given how it opened and the fact that that opening had to have been added after the movie was completed.

I will buying this as soon as it hits DVD
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Re: What do we think?

Postby Stormy » January 13th, 2025, 5:36 am

a new lion king film is in the works LOL

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Re: What do we think?

Postby SimbasGuard » January 13th, 2025, 9:19 am

Obviously nothing more than a rumor as of yet, but I would welcome another Lion King movie if well made.
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Re: What do we think?

Postby Stormy » January 14th, 2025, 12:16 am

DanielRPK is the one who told us about a Mufasa prequel months before official outlets reported on it, so I trust it
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Re: What do we think?

Postby SimbasGuard » January 14th, 2025, 9:53 am

@Stormy: Excellent point.

I could have phrased My response better.

At the most I would think A movie in the works could only mean that one has been green-lit. There are still a lot of things that have to happen before We will hear anything official.

I won't allow Myself to get excited, but this potential spark of hope does bring a smile to My face 8-)
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