Lion King in London - Cast Members

Lion King in London - Cast Members

Postby AliceLondon » December 8th, 2011, 12:04 pm

Hello all of you Lion King fanatics! I just saw the musical again in London and it blew me away! It also made me think, do any of you know if any of the past cast members have become famous? I think/know that Javine who was on Popstars - the Rivals used to play Nala? Do any of you know any others?


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Re: Lion King in London - Cast Members

Postby nathalie » May 18th, 2012, 12:44 pm

Well, most of the actors are (very) famous in the musical-industry, and not on TV/in movies.

A lot of the The Lion King cast members, have been going around the world to play in other productions for The Lion King.
For example: Gino Emnes was original German Simba, played in Holland too, and the Disneyland Resort Paris show (so did Roger Wright, original London Simba), Jonathan Hume was Simba in London and now in Seoul.

Etc ...
tlk soundtrack freak

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