I'm terrible at introducing myself.
Hmm, well, I have been making graphics for a few years now.
I'm alright. I'm HARDLY anything special.
OH. My name is Kristin. With a K. But my buddies call me Kris.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE photography, and I'm kind of almost good.
*sings* I am sixteen going on seventeen.
Actually, my birthday is in March. :]
I am currently attending college.
Please, no stalkers. D:
I love something in every music style. Name something, go on.
Dr. WHO, Torchwood, SG-1, and the Lion King rox mai sox.
I draw a lot. I'm alright at that too.
I can't write. I'm HORRIBLE at it.
I'm trying to learn piano...
I have a signed Michael Shanks photograph.
He's a hottie, and I met him. :'D
I love traveling.
I am a fencer. And I'm nationally ranked. YAY!
Now that I've likely bored you to tears, I'll go.*hides*