Hello everyone!
I always seem to overlook the welcome threads when I sign up to a forum. Well anyway here is mine and I'm glad to have found a thriving TLK/Balto community. Not too many around these days haha. I've been a Lion King fan for a very long time and a part of the online community since 2003. Back then I used to roleplay a lot with friends over the yahoo groups. Then in 2004 I came across Lea Halalela and have been a member of their community since then although I mostly just lurk and post every now and then. I've used Kopa as my username for a long time as well as my avatar. I've always loved Kopa from TLK: Six New Adventures so of course that's why I have him as my username. Leave it to me to state the obvious lol.
Well before this get's too long I'd like to again say hello to everyone on here and I look forward to becoming a full time member of your community!
~ Kopa