tlk warriors

tlk warriors

Postby Hekima » May 4th, 2014, 3:18 pm

I've had some interesting TLK dreams which I plan to try to write as Fanfic, though 'fic may or may not be Co-Authored. Not sure what the title name will be when finalized.

Place: TLKVerse
Timeline: (Possibly far) Before "Ahadi" 'til well after Kovu & Kiara's time. It's planned to be a long one.
Nuka and Scar are still Alive. Zira, who knows. Mufasa's a who knows too ;)
Semi-Canon chars and cut ones included. "Fluffy" has blue eyes where Kopa has red. I've used an color-picker in Paintbrush (Mac ver-MS Paint of sorts).
So, it'll try to find a good way to merge the Canon with the Semi-Canon. :P
There's a couple nameless Lionesses in the screenshots, I've saved them and brightened up some of the more darkened ones to actually see what they look like; such as outlanders in cave purple lionesses.

TLK Jungle, well lately I've been into Kimba/Jungle Emperor Leo (because of there already being Semi-Canon lion named Leo I'll stick with using Kimba). So, there's a chance during that time they could have met as cubs. Could see "The Wild" also fitting in. Example, what if as cub Taka (Scar) mistaked a Wildebeest for a Water Buffalo? Being a cub and all, plus the wildebeest; besides its name Kazar (sounds similar to "Scar"), has a scarred left eye. :)
Warrior Cats, Aristocats where there too. Not all at once of course, but over time...
Jungle Book; Bagheera mostly. Tarzan's Sabor too. Bambi (both movie's chars).

Essentially my dream was something like Transformers Beast Wars (including the Japanese BWII and NEO exclusives) in the TLK verse which is what eventually created the more Animal-esque "Pokemon"

That Pokemon movie Spell of the Unknown, "Entei" did remind me much of Mufasa.

Now, my Dream's bloodlines for the TLK family tree may not agree with you all but it is what it is. :roll:

Besides, I need to practice my writing and keeping Chars "In-Character". 8-)
Off to dig through wiki and screencaps for "big cats" for character options. :D

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