Adia, Abasi and Adla

Adia, Abasi and Adla

Postby Scars Mate » November 29th, 2012, 6:29 pm

Name: Adia
Meaning: Gift
Age: 2 1/2
Species: Lion
Size: She is very close to reaching her adult size
Mate/ crush: Has had a crush on nearly every lion she has met that is her age
Cubs: None
Pride: Travels with her sister and her brother-in-law
Relations: Sister: Adla. Brother-in-law: Abasi
Personality: A happy and bubbly lioness, who is always happy. However, she does have moments of darkness, because her mother and father were killed in a stampede when she was 4 months- just old enough to remember them. Her sister always looks out for her, and vice versa. She is always messing around, much to her sister's annoyance. However, she always redeems herself when she brings back the biggest catch for her sister (her sister is heavily pregnant).
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Name: Adla
Meaning: Justice
Age: 4
Species: Lion
Size: Slightly bigger than average, because she is pregnant
Mate/ crush: Abasi is her mate
Cubs: None yet, but soon to be one!
Pride: Travels with her sister and mate
Relations: Sister: Adia. Mate: Abasi. Child(dren): No name yet
Personality: A very down-to-earth lioness, she has a very sarcastic sense of humour. She is deeply in love wth her mate, which surprisingly never clouds her thoughts when it comes to arguments- she would 'fight to the death', as in she would keep going until she won. However, she is heavily pregnant so is very emotional, and relies on her sister and mate to get her food.
Appearance: (See below)

Name: Abasi
Meaning: Stern
Age: 4
Species: Lion
Size: Very big (not fat, just a big lion)
Mate/ crush: Adla
Cubs: None as of yet, but is expecting
Pride: Travels with his mate and sister-in-law
Relations: Mate: Adla. Sister-in-law: Adia
Personality: A very stern lion, as his name suggests. He is very strict, but he can be hilarious sometimes. He is actually very loving, despite his imposing appearance (he is a very large lion). He is an expert hunter, and leader. However, he is always willing to step back and let others lead.
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Scars Mate
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