Queen Nuru

Queen Nuru

Postby AnActualLion » May 17th, 2015, 9:10 pm

Name: Nuru
Species: African Lion
Gender: Female
Pride: Pridelander (Second Ruling Monarch)
Personality: Nuru takes after her father in personality.She's a hard, strict and emotionless ruler towards most of her pride and subjects. She believes very strongly in unbiased judgement and does her best to exhibit this in all her judgments. She tackles problems head on, sometimes even physically defending her kingdom as she never took a King, though she did have a cub, Zahra.
Nuru can be often times too harsh, especially to her grandson Mohatu, as she wants him to be a fit an strong minded king like her and her father before her. She can push him and other members of the pride too hard without realizing she's doing so quite often. But all this comes from her desire to bring honor to her father's newly founded Kingdom.
The Queen is also, underneath her thick skinned demeanor very self conscious. Above all she is the hardest on herself always feeling like she needs to do better despite the fact that she has surpassed her on Father's expectations of her.
Description: Nuru is a heavy and muscular lioness. She has a hard face, often resting in an unpleasant expression, hich makes some believe that she is unapproachable. She is a striking, golden lioness, resembling a lighter colored version of her father, also carrying his orange eyes.
Other: Nuru is the second Monarch to ever rule the Pridelands, after her father and the founder, King Tau. She took over at a rather young age after his passing, after being trained for the first three years of her life under his harsh paw. She never took a King, though she had a single cub, Zahra, who died giving birth to Mohatu.
Picture: Image
Featured In: Will be featured in future TLK fanfictions. WIll post links when they are being written.
Certified Lion Trash Queen

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