

Postby Hali » August 23rd, 2010, 8:06 pm

Name: Cal
Species: Hornbill
Gender: male
Family: Zazu's nephew (sister's hatchling)
Age: a young hatchling in LK2

Personality: Inquisitive and bounding with energy, Cal is one of those kids who's a real pain and problem but doesn't try to be, he just has way more questions than adults want to answer. Also naive about when to keep his beak shut he can talk himself and his new guardian of his Uncle Zazu into real situations

Description: The general pattern of a hornbill except he's probably a hornbill mix and not purely redbeaked since his beak is all yellow, lacking the red tint of Zazu's and he's a green color instead of blue. Being a hatchling, he's still slightly poofy from the chick fluff too.

History: Hatched after his father had already passed away, he lived with his mother outside of the Pridelands but they'd make visits every now and then to visit Zazu, then when Cal's mother was killed by hyenas, Zazu was the only family that Cal could fall back on remembering and mentioning to a passing Zebra who asked if he couldn't help the poor hatchling. The Zebra brought the young hatchling to the Pridelands and Zazu's care. Now the young hatchling is just getting use to the Pridelands and learning more about it day by day.

Crush/Mate: EWW!
Children: :-o
Allegiance: Pridelands
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Re: Cal

Postby Perrys Girlfriend » April 25th, 2014, 9:11 pm

How cute! Zazu definitely could use a little nephew! If I could favorite this character, I would.
Perrys Girlfriend
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