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Fan Art Albums of My Lion King


agirlhasnoname's Album


# Minti Has... GIVEN BIRTH 
March 31st, 2014, 11:08 am
EDIT3:Well I have seen that their fur clours are different. Three of them are gray and black tabbys(with white paws and muzzle), one of them is black with white paws and muzzle and other one is white with tabby patches!! :3
EDIT2:Minti has given birth to her FIFTH kitten! It's name is "Korsan". Korsan means "pirate" in Turkish, also name of my old cat who has died from wounds of car accident(A car hit him).
EDIT:The third kitten DID live, and Minti has given birth to her fourth kitten!!!!! ^^ Now, all of the kittens are dry, and it's time for the names!!!
1-K??rm??z?? (means "red" in turkish)
2-Simi (the name of a Greek island)
3-Lokum (a Turkish delight, in honor of my old cat who has left the house for finding a female)
4-??da (name of a Turkish mountain, in honor of my old dog who has died because of renal impairment)
Yes, you heard right! Minti has given birth today! She has already given birht to first and second kittens, and she has just started to giving brirth to the third kitten! :D Her all kittens look like eachother... They are all black with white paws and muzzle! :3
But there is a problem... With the third kitten... It's more weaker than the others, and Minti doesn't lick it...
Well Minti has just started to lick the third kitten. But she licks it so rarely... I hope it lives!

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