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Fan Art Albums of My Lion King


FeatheredSeclude's Album

[SPEED PAINT COLLAB] Through the Hurricane

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[SPEED PAINT COLLAB] Through the Hurricane
© FeatheredSeclude 2016

Artist's Comments

So... here's a three way collab with Sophie, IC, and myself~
The story below ought to sum it all up~

rough sketch ~ FeatheredSeclude
clean sketch ~ ICUDO
lining, flat colour, background basic ~ SophieMacaulay
shading, lighting, particles, refelctive ~FeatheredSeclude
Total Time: 8.5-9.5hrs
Speed Paint Link: "[SPEED PAINT COLLAB] Through the Hurricane"
Story Below:

Artwork [c] 1Ts38n FS; ICUDO; SophieMacaulay 2016
Herne [c] 1Ts38n FS 2016
Roy [c] ICUDO 2016
Alastor [c] SophieMacaulay 2016
Maximus [c] 1Ts38n FS; SophieMacaulay 2016


The heavily waned moon was hidden behind a mass of low lying clouds, where rain fell with a solid consistency. The caracal didn't pay much of any attention to it since he was already wet from getting his dinner, he figured he would swing by the coliseum, since he and Al would meet there pretty regularly to head out to the farm when Herne's owner worked later than normal. Little did he know just what he was in for this night.


Al's paws automatically had lead him to the coliseum, it was almost routine for him now to go once or twice to fight there with Herne, to train him. He enjoyed the little fight lessons a lot, he was even able to learn a bit from Herne. He smiled, thinking on what the young one and all had taught him, even when he was this young. Having his head in thoughts, he didn??t looked at the street and had walked into the coliseum wall. He shook his head and looked around. No, nobody there who could have seen him. How awkward!


Within the coliseum walls, out of the rain, a few fights in the pit had been scheduled that evening. Even with the weather there wasn't much of an audience outside, the humans who were there all watching under the roof of the building. A dark pelt padding around some humans who were betting on a fight below, stopping to glance over the handrail, Roy watched two cats soaked from the rain fighting each other, one didn't look like it was going to make it. Before the battle ended, he pulled his head away and moved on hearing the humans cheer loudly with shouts behind him. He decided to find a more quieter place on the lower floors of the coliseum.


The golden caracal, now more of a fools gold colour from the rain that was getting heavier, plus it was starting to turn into icy rain, so it hurt a bit when it hit him. So he picked his pace up and got within the cover of the coliseum. With the weather being what it was, Al must have been inside, Herne thought to himself as he head further into the coliseum. But before he made his way further into the coliseum, he had looked out into the icy rain, and something told him his night was going to play out very differently than normal. So he kept his eyes peeled with whatever it may be.


Al entered the coliseum on silent paws, looking who was around. He couldn??t see any familiar cats, so he decided to go to the lower floors, where it was quieter and where he hadn??t to look at this fight which was going on. Drunken humans betting on poor cats which would die from the rain or by blood loss. In such nights, there was no winning for anybody.
He looked around and sniffed. He knew this smell. "Herne? Are you around?" he asked into the darkness.


On the lower floor, candle light illuminated his dark pelt as Roy walked along the wall. Turning a corner he spotted a huntress, he approached, stopping her for a brief moment. Roy learned that she had just finished doing guard duty underneath the coliseum, he asked her how the caged cats were doing below. "They're are sleepy as ever, I think the cold weather helps." She replied. "I hope this cold rain stops soon though." The two exchanged a few words before the other cat was on her way, heading home. Padding along the wall, Roy found a nice place in the shadows to sit for a while, watching a few people either come in from the rain or step out into it with or without a cat at their side.


The slightly iced feline shook off after he was clear from all the weather. It was certainly dry and warmer in the corridors of the place. Almost made him want to spend the night there, but he would rather be back on the farm with Al. So he ventured further into the corridors.
He didn't find much on the upper floors, well, anyone who interested him.
He trekked by a small crowd of people, and glanced under some railing, seeing two cats going at each other. He sneered before he turned and headed away from it without a second a thought. But he had a hard shutter, when he heard a death cry. He walked quicker away from the area, and found himself going into the lower corridors, where he at least could hear the crowd cheering on the senseless death.
Then he heard something to his left.


Al turned right and spotted something in the dark. He made a step closer, sniffed and asked "Herne? Is this you?" He looked around but couldn't see much. Why this night had to be that dark? He felt like he would be blind.


Within the shadows Roy watched another hunter nearby, they thought he was another cat and walked closer asking if he was Herne. Golden eyes blinked in the dark Roy replied. "If you're looking for Herne." Roy said standing up and began padding out of the shadows. "He's over there." Roy nudged his head forward for the other cat to follow, to where Herne could be spotted walking through a doorway now entering the lower floor.


As the caracal looked left, he turned and entered the corridor.
Despite it being so dark in the corridor, Herne very quickly spotted to familiar faces. It was Roy and Al. Herne figured he stuck out like a sore thumb since he was a much blighter colour than the two. The trio met roughly in the center of the corridor, but he wasn't the first to vocalize anything.


"That damned darkness." Alastor growled. "I feel like I would be blind!" he sighed. "Perhaps I??m just getting old..." Then the corridor was lightened for a second like it would be day. "Oh, great, a Thunderstorm! What a night." He shook his head and looked at Herne and Roy. "Here to fight or to watch, you two?" he asked to start a nice conversation, knowing the answer already. He was absolutely sure they were here to fight. In this weather! He looked at them both and felt terribly old. In this age, he had fight in every weather and thunderstorms he had loved. But now...


Standing there Roy listened to Alastor talk, he wasn't interested in hearing the Jaguarondi Lynx Mix complain. When he asked who was here for a fight, Roy's ears drew forward slightly. An hour ago he had finished a fight that was scheduled earlier that evening inside the pit, right before the thunderstorm rolled in. A few days ago Herne asked Roy if he could be there for his first fight in the coliseum, Roy glanced over at the golden caracal now, wondering if Herne was nervous or even scared. Thunder boomed overhead.


The golden caracal grinned at the flash of thunder and lightning that boomed overhead, it had to been very bright since the three were on the lower floors and it still lit everything up.
Herne wasn't much to hear other complain himself either, but Al is Al, a bit of a grouch, the Caracal quickly thought before making a statement.
"The joy of thunder and lightnin'," he uttered without a hint of issue of fear or nervousness, but he asked, "any ideas on the fights scheduled?" something he'd soon regret asking.


"No, I don't have any clue." Al had to admit, being angry about himself, especially because he jumped a bit when the next thunder rolled over them, as if it were right next to them.
His reputation was going to die, slowly but with each second of this night.
He looked at Herne and Roy, trying to get a glimpse of the future, trying to see if they would tell this on street what would make a coward out of him.


Roy answered Herne's question. "There are a few fights scheduled this evening, with this storm overhead though, I'm surprised the humans have their cats fighting in this crazy weather." He paused for a moment then added. "I feel sorry for the hunters fighting today, they'll end up getting sick from the cold rain if they are out there too long."


"Not very surprised there," Herne uttered, "they take too much for granted," he then retorted, "certainly hope..." he started to say as the eye of another cat walking into view behind Al and Roy.
Herne had a feeling this cat was here for a reason, and Herne himself was involved, he just didn't know what.


Al nodded at Roy's speech before he felt somebody behind him. He felt like something was coming... A thunderstorm... He shook his head. Thunderstorm, they had one outside and there was nothing like two thunderstorms on one place. He turned around, wanting to see what was Herne looking at and what gave him this strange feeling. It was another cat, standing there, looking at the small group.
He was about to hiss the cat away but this would have make him look crazy. No, he wasn??t crazy. Not tonight.


Roy looked over, he recognized the cat who approached them, they were an Elite Hunter.
"Are you Herne?" He asked looking down at the light colored caracal. "I'm giving you an assignment to take part in a coliseum match this evening, I know this weather is really icky but that won't stop us hunters from training now will it? We've fought in much worse conditions before so this will be easy for you, I hope you're not scared of a little thunder and lightning." The Elite glanced over at Roy and Alastor. "You two are more then welcome to watch your friend if you'd like." The Elite looked back over at Herne. "Remember this will be a non-lethal fight so you won't be killing any of those empire rats today, you'll get another chance. Meet me over by the west gate when you are ready." With that the cat left.
Thunder boomed overhead, Roy glanced over at Herne. "You've just been given an assignment."


The caracal gave a slight nod the Elite and listened to what he had to say, none of it was appealing to him. Then Roy's remark to top it off just gratifying.
"It brings tears to my eyes," the caracal retorted to Roy with a bit of a growl.
He was in no way thrilled about it. He honestly wanted to just ignore it, but how well would that work, honestly.
"So where is this west gate?" he then asked out right still carrying a bit of growl, with his ears down some, and with his tail lashing about a bit.
Out of how many times he had been in the coliseum, he didn't know where the gates were, likely because he was always avoiding them. He didn't like the concept of fighting for the entertainment of the people. It was stupid. It was careless. Thoughtless of they who are forced to fight. The caracal did not agree with it at all, but he was now in the hot seat, and there really wasn't a way out of it. He just hoped it was a fair fight. Considering his luck so far... ya never know...


"Follow me," Al said with a dark voice and with no Emotion in it.
He started walking, as he wouldn't care if they would follow or not.
Even not turning around a inch as he asked the Elite Hunter "And who has invited him?" Not a single word would show what he was thinking no expression on his face.
But inside he was full of emotions.
Being worried about Herne as hell, what he never would have shown in any case, surprised that Herne was invited and curious who had invited the caracal. Next to this he wondered who had the stupid idea fighting during a thunderstorm.


Roy didn't like Herne's growl towards him, sure Herne wasn't pleased with getting this assignment though what the apprentice didn't understand was that, if he did a good job in this coliseum fight the Elite will report it back to their Leader and possibly rank Herne up to Hunter. Alastor led the way to the west side of the coliseum, the Elite greeted them with a nod when they arrived and asked Herne if he was ready.
Roy watched the loud icy rain drizzle through the gate bars, a fight had just finished outside, two soaked cats walked away from each other heading towards the East and North gates.
Roy padded over to Herne placing a paw on the apprentices shoulder. "Best of luck out there." fifteen feet away a young man stood in the darkness waiting for the caracal. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave, my master is here. Sorry I'm not able to stay and watch your match Herne, you and Al are welcome to tell me all about it tomorrow." Roy glanced over at the two then turned and began padding up the steps."Oh and Herne." Roy glanced back. "Make this fight count!"
Roy hoped that this stubborn apprentice would finally realize that what he believed in, that all empire cats deserve a second chance no matter who they are, Wasn't true. Lightning flashed followed by a close thunder clap and Roy and his master disappeared around the corner.


The apprentice watched as Roy disappeared around the bend, a bit disappointed he couldn't stay. He thought a lot Roy, and that was a letdown in some ways, but Roy couldn't have done much about, so he didn't let it get to him, as he turned his attention to Al and followed him, and then realized something, he had been in the city almost two months, and he didn't have much of any armour, the only thing he had was what was on his front-right leg, and it was a brace to support his wrist, not really armour.
At the finishing of that, a clap of thunder and lightning, it very loud, Al looked like he jumped out of his skin, the apprentice dropped his ear from it is was so loud as it reverbed through the corridors.
"That was loud..." he whispered under his breath as they appeared to be getting close to their destination.


Al looked back. He had heard the whisper of Herne and waited for him to walk next to his side. "It??s all about the show. Don??t show them how frightened you are, under no circumstances." He thought for a moment. "Try to show no emotion, then they don??t get you that easily, you won??t reveal your next move." he told Herne and felt with him. It was scary to fight in the coliseum and especially in a thunderstorm.
He looked at the apprentice, feeling a prick in his heart. Yes, he had know it from the start, even if he never had admitted it to himself, but Herne found a way into his heart, He grown to some sort of a son for him and he was worried as hell Herne could get hurt badly or being killed.
They reached the gate, sat down waiting for the moment it was opening. There. Time for a show. "Get out there and show them what you got, my son." Al said.


That's what I hate about it the most, their entertainment for the risk of our lives, he added to himself from Al's starting statement.
The caracal himself wasn't scared a bit, and had a lot of prior experience on defending himself, but he didn't have much on the offensive, so he would need to rely a lot on batting his opponent.
As the gate opened, Al spoke, and the words got Herne's attention, all he could do at the time was give a nod and head out into the arena. He was honestly very taken back, he's heard other cats say similar things, but how Al said what he said, was sincere.
The caracal was in the ring alone at first as the gate shut behind him. There were quite a few people gathered, not really caring they were wet either. And despite all the sleet pouring down and now onto him, he saw blood staining the floor. He couldn't help but swallow, and he got interrupted by a sudden roar that rang from the other side of the arena.


The opponent flashed in pure white for a moment as lightening striked. The white tiger stepped up slowly to Herne, knowing his strength. They could see him chuckling while he was coming closer, a grin in his face that was saying he expected an easy fight.
He licked his lips as he would like to say "Delicious little snack" and started running on the last meters. He started the fight with a jump.


At the sight of his opponent.
What the hell?! the thought ran through his head.
Then he uttered something, Herne didn't quite catch it, but then he sprang at him, when he was still kinda close to the gate.
The caracal made a fast duck, and the tiger smacked into the gate. Herne quickly got a bit of space between he and the tiger, he instantly knew this tiger was going to be very vicious, and likely had no value of life. And he wouldn't have much time to dodge or counter him, if he had the ability to counter him. He was huge.
"It's gonna take a lot more than a oaf's dive!" he spat at him, ready to take him on.


The tiger just laughed at Herne. Knowing the small one wasn??t able to outrun him, he started running until he was on his height, it looked like he would made a race out of it, running for a moment beside Herne who was trying to get away from him. In the next moment the tiger turned round, stopped Herne with one paw and threw the caracal a few steps back, making him have a hard landing.


The caracal rolled when he landed, but quickly got to his feet as the tiger took another swing. He jumped back, find his hind legs hitting wall, while being in the air.
As the tiger started to recover from his power swing, Herne pushed himself off of the wall and rammed into the tiger's head, pushing him back a few steps, and Herne continued his momentum to fly up and over the tiger, knowing he was going to spin about with a swipe, which would be an easy dodge, and would give him another opening to hit his face again, but hopefully do some actual damage.


The tiger screamed in surprise of the unexpected head-butt. He growled. Seemed like he noticed that the little one wasn??t easy to scare and a good fighter, so he changed strategy. It seemed like he was having trouble to focus and he made two steps, appearing as he would be disorientated.


The caracal at first wanted to take a jump at his disorientated appearance, but no way that would have done that. Herne himself took a harder hit right-out-of-the-gate, and it didn't daze him whatsoever. So there was no way this tiger was really dazed.
Instead he took a jump back, to watch him. If he had any chance against him, brute force was no option. He would have to out think him to have a remote chance.


"clever." the tiger said, grinned and shook his head to get rid of the last sing of the pain the head-butt as caused.
He walked slowly in direction of his opponent, started talking in a nice, comfy tone. "You know, this is not my first fight today. See the blood around? The blood of the cats that I killed or which scraped through."
He showed Herne's his shoulder. There was a fresh mark on it.
"I even got injured today, see? It was a cat, double big as you, little one. But I have to say, I??m impressed by your style. Perhaps, if you try really hard, you'll get a mark on me too?" he was now so close to him that he could have bitten him. Looking in Herne's eyes he said: "Let??s see how long YOU will survive." He nudged the caracal and walked away, turning around and grinned. "Show me what kind of cat you are!" he shouted and roared with the thunder.


Herne didn't flinch a bit from the tiger as he approached him, ready to move, but was only nudged. The apprentice was filled with anger at this murderer. But knew he was trying Herne's own tactic, baiting.
"Long enough to put you down..." he growled calmly, "and honestly, that was a rather desperate measure, don't ya think?" Herne said, sitting down, which was a very bold move, but had several options with the stance he was in.
Herne knew if he charged, he would get hit flying. So this tactic was his better option.


The tiger again started running, when he reached Herne, he was prancing around him, not letting him come out of a circle, the tiger was determined. Always pricking the caracal with his claws, not enough to hurt him badly, but enough to make him feel pain.


The caracal took the light blows without a complaint, and then looked at the tiger with a cold face.
"Is that it?" he questioned bluntly, showing no sign of pain, but inside they did sting as the sleet began pouring heavier onto them.
This tiger was creative, but taunts are not something that would get him to take a swing, that wasn't how the caracal fought.
And at that moment, the tiger got a little too close to the caracal, who suddenly made a straight up jump, slicing the tiger across the face with both front paws, and then slicing his other shoulder on the way down, and quickly getting a bit of distance, waiting to see what the tiger would do next, pretty sure he would do a straight-up charge, but there was a chance he could do something else, Herne just needed to know which move he was going to do, he wouldn't have much time to decipher the difference.


The tiger turned around, grabbing for Herne. He couldn??t get him, but left a wound on the hind leg and caught the tail of the caracal. Not for long, but for long enough to bite and hurt him. With a satisfied expression he looked at the caracal, seeing the blood swelling out of the wound. He ignored his own wound and started attacking Herne, trying to get him into his claws.


Not showing a sign of pain, but the bit on his back was very painful, but it would take a lot more than that to get him down.
The tiger took a swing at Herne. Rather than avoid the tiger's swing. The caracal made a bolder move to throw himself into the on-coming fore-leg of the tiger, and rammed his shoulder into it, hearing clear sign of damage from the tiger, Herne wasted no time to roll away after the impact, which did a bit on himself, taking a clawful into the shoulder. But the tiger clearly showed the sign that Herne landed a very solid hit on the tiger's leg.


Shaking his paw to check out if he was seriously injured you could hear the bones scraping.
He grinded his teeth and tried to rest his paw, using the other one more. It must have been painful but he didn??t say a word as he attacked again. Because he couldn??t use his paw anymore, he used his teeth, snatching after Herne again and again while he drove him in front of him to gain time.


The caracal had apparently taken more damage from the claws of the tiger as he took jump after jump back from the tiger that took relentless bites at him, confirming his ram was a solid hit. Since the tiger had a clear limp, but it didn't slow him down much. The tiger did manage to grab Herne once since the weather clearly wasn't on his side, he took a jump back again, and slipped upon the jump, basically falling flat on his rump, to have the tiger taking a bite him. The caracal wasn't fast enough to avoid the bite, which was on the same already injured shoulder.
He let out a holler, but then bit the tiger's muzzle, but that wasn't enough to get him to let go. So Herne then kicked his back legs forward, whipping himself and his hind feet into the tiger's chin, which was enough to get him to let go, and Herne dove away from him. He was at a huge disadvantage now, but he was still in for a fight.


The tiger growled and slipped on the wet ground. Almost falling, he reached for Herne, trying to kick him with his back paws. He got up again and made a small jump, trying to get Herne and push him to the ground and pin him there.


The caracal was not going to take any rushed movements, and that seemed to be what the tiger was trying to get him to do. The caracal took a few steps back, to try and keep away from him. Herne's tactics were heavily limited due to his front left leg being wounded from the massive bite. The caracal's tactics that remained were baiting, to an extent, and to parry, but that may only be due-able one more time, and that's if he had the chance to. The only way to stop the tiger was to knock him unconscious.
Which put a plan in his head.


The tiger was losing more and more control of himself, just chasing Herne around like he would be some sort of prey.


The caracal dodging the tiger's blows to the best of his capability, which was proving pretty effective, to an extent, since he was taking hits throughout, but was also wearing the tiger down. The caracal obviously had the higher endurance, and was in better shape, but even that wasn't enough.
The caracal spun around after taking a hit that knocked him air-borne. He was close to a wall, more like, right up against a wall. The tiger raced to him and started to take a swipe at Herne.
Herne then chose to push himself backwards with a jump, but when he pushed with his hind legs, they slipped, for the second time, having him fall onto his rump, but he didn't have the time to even acknowledge it happened.
The tiger's paw smacked Herne in the face, and the caracal smacked into the wall, head first, and dropped to the ground. Still conscious, but heavily dazed.
But luckily, the tiger chose to boast, which is what bought Herne a little time.


Al had watched and got worried more with every second. Herne was a great fighter, especially for his small size, but enough was enough. The tiger was definitely about to kill the caracal, even he knew he had to hold back, like Al was told. Seemed like Maximus, this was the tiger's name, Al knew now, was about to ignore his instructions.
The lynx hybrid ran into the arena, jumped between the fighters and hissed at the tiger.
"Maximus, you know your instructions. No kill today, so let your paws of my son and end the fight with honor!" he shouted.


"You really think you intimidate me?" Maximus sneered arrogantly, "then you'll meet his same fate," he followed with an aggressive growl, "either you move, or you die," then he began circling where he could of Alastor, but payed a little more attention the caracal behind Alastor.


Herne was against the wall, and could hardly ear the commotion behind him. He felt he was definitely against the wall. He was heavily dazed, his head hurt unbelievably. He looked up at the wall briefly, and saw the impact of where his head hit it.
Unfortunately, not knowing when to quit, was part of Herne, as he started to try and push himself to his feet several times, not really aware of what was going on behind him.


Al growled and had a eye on the tiger, but he concentrated on Herne. Seemed like the caracal was up on his feet again. "You think you will survive alone?" Al asked. A simply question, he already knew the answer. Maximus would kill the caracal tonight if the fight would continue. All watchers knew it. The questions was if Herne was smart enough to see it too or if he had to be rescued against his will. The two of them would have a chance against the tiger, but if Herne wouldn??t let help him, he would had to grab him and run away...


"You should be the worried one, little one," Maximus snarled, quickly losing his patience to stalk around anymore before taking a swipe at Al, and missed, "you're slower certainly, a little bigger, yes," he admitted, "but you really think that'll be enough? Wasn't enough for the runt behind you," he flicked his nose up, towards Herne.


As Herne finally got himself up to his feet, he saw Maximus take a swipe a Al, and barely missed. Despite the pain in his head, the pelting sleet, he did have more in him, and was going to be sure the tiger would know that he was no push over.
"You'd like to try that twice, I see," Herne growled, glaring at the tiger, which definitely showed he was in extensive pain, "and frankly... you seem to think blunt rage and power is enough to win anything in your way," the caracal took a step forward, "think again, and you've now got two to deal with," he hissed.

The tiger laughed. "Two small ones, the one a midnight snack and the other one my breakfast!" he said, making a jump in direction of Herne, landing next to him and trying to get his tail again.
He also tried to get a paw on Al again, but the lynx mix was fast enough to get away.

He jumped away as he saw the tigers paw coming at him again. He growled, realizing the tiger was now between him and Herne, so there was no way for grabbing at the caracal and getting away. Next to this Herne seemed to be serious to take the tiger down. It wasn??t a good idea to run away, but staying was a bad idea too. He hadn??t time anymore. The best way was to end this. Now. He had to let the tiger kiss the floor, that hard, he wouldn??t get up again this night. His next move had to be his last tonight.


The tiger took very bold dive, making a swipe at Al at the start of his dive, landing and taking a grab at Herne himself. Herne made a fast spin to avoid getting his backside grabbed, but took a claw in the face, as he made a fast back-to-side step as the tiger took a second swing at Herne.
As the tiger's second swipe at Herne landed, the tiger was at a side angle to Herne. The young caracal made the fast call to make a hard lunge at the tiger's head, fast enough to kick his hind legs out upon first contact with the tiger, slamming his head into the wall that matched the volume of Herne when he smacked the wall.

The tiger laughed, seeing Herne smacking the wall. "Oh, all these cubs who think they could they could beat me! Poor little ones!" Maximus stood on his feet again, no sign of any pain from hitting the wall. He had a look on Herne, but couldn't find the other cat. Where was this trouble maker? He growled. "Where are you?" He shouted.


This was the moment he had waited for. The tiger was so concentrated on Herne he was an easy target. He attempted and jumped on the tigers back while he was calling him. "Here I am!" he said loudly and aimed for the tigers nose. Hoping Herne was fine, he called for him. This was the chance to end the fight. "Herne! His belly! Now!"


As Al yelled for Herne to get his stomach, the tiger made the sudden move to throw his backside against the wall, in attempt to bash Alastor off of his back. It was enough to get him off of his back, but Al had his grip on the tiger's muzzle, preventing him from opening his mouth, and let alone breath properly. But then the tiger started to try and flay the lynx.


Before Herne had the chance to go for the tiger's stomach, the tiger suddenly threw himself to the wall, doing damage to Al, but it wasn't enough to get him off. Al had the tiger's nose, as aimed for. The caracal had to figure out how to get the tiger's stomach. But then the tiger suddenly charged forward, plowing into Herne.
Herne got knocked back, and landed on his back. However, the caracal made a fast decision to kick his legs up as hard as he possible could, and his feet directly hitting a cat's ribs, doing serious damage based on the yell that followed. After the plow, Herne was getting to his feet as her glanced over to see Al and the tiger both on the ground. What just happened?


Al stood up, slowly. His whole body was hurting. He had a look on Maximus who wasn't moving anymore. The tiger was breathing heavy and was bleeding, he had several wounds.
The lynx hybrid was also breathing heavy and asked himself how he could survived this.? Maximus had used the wrong paw for his try to get rid of Al and used his back paws to kick Herne. Seems Maximus had forgotten about his broken paw, he landed on the broken fore-paw, trying to kick Herne and grabbing for Al with his paw, trying to get the lynx hybrid between his teeth.
The fore-paw couldn't hold the tiger and with speed he felt down, made a loop over his head and crashed down in pain.
"Hah." Al said. "Don't step on the small, we are good fighters." he grinned. "Good work, Herne!"


The caracal, whose adrenaline was definitely wearing out, and showing a lot more signs of pain, looked over to Al as he congratulated Herne. It was both a huge compliment and a huge insult to him. He didn't have a reply to thank Al, but based on how Maximus was sitting, he had define rib damage, plus his front-leg looked mangled.
He looked back to Maximus, seeing just the slightest movement of breath, and looked back to Alastor.
"... think... I crushed his ribs..." he uttered with a very heavy breath, his bitten left hind leg felt like it too had a break on it.
Herne knew he could kick unbelievably hard, but hard to break his own foot was news to him.
He didn't wait for Al to make another comment as he started to turn to where he entered. He didn't want to come into the ring again, but he knew this was only the first, and he had a very large hunch this was not the last time he was going to deal with Maximus.


Al had a last look at Maximus, noticing cats around him who helped Maximus, leading him out of the arena. The tiger would survive. His wounds would need time to heal, but he would recover and once they would meet again, he would try to kill him, Al knew. He had seen it in the tigers eyes, telling him without any words that he, the great Maximus was eager for revenge.
Al saw Herne walking trough the gate they entered and followed him. Time to leave the arena, going home.


User Comments

  Chavratheserval August 8th, 2016, 7:23 pm
I love the story and the picture!
  FeatheredSeclude August 9th, 2016, 5:16 am
Thanks a lot~

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Submitted: August 8th, 2016, 3:50 am
Image Size: 1957.25 KB
Full Resolution: 3600x1128
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