Secret Rendezvous

Secret Rendezvous

Postby Carl » July 17th, 2013, 6:03 pm

This story is Kiara X Vitani. If you don't like that, don't read it. If you don't like gay/lesbian themes, don't read it. In fact, if you don't like gay/lesbian themes best not to read any of my writing, cos it's likely those themes will arise. :innocent2:

The first part of this chapter is pretty empty on details because I felt they weren't necessary. I mean, most of it would have been covering every little detail of SP, and I figure no one wants to read the movie. The only reason the beginning part is included is for setup. The bulk of this story occurs during the events of SP, so that was kinda necessary. I wrote this for fun because I got tired of working on the three other fic projects I have. And though I do like the Kiara X Vitani pairing, my official me-canon does not involve these two being a couple. I just wanted to write something like this cos there's not much of these two out there.

I will add more parts to it, but for now, this is it. So, hope you enjoy if you actually read it.

Welp, you have been warned. Continue on only if you think you can handle me messing with the movie! (Don't worry, the events that actually happen will happen the way they do in the film. Just with a different spin on them.)

Part I Secret Rendezvous: show
(The name of this part and the whole fic comes from the song, "Secret Rendezvous" by Karyn White.)

It wasn't the first time Kiara had slipped away from her father's incompetent babysitters. She grinned as she slipped away, eager to meet the cub she'd met the other time. She wasn't supposed to go so far out, as she'd met the cub on the edge of the Outlands, and those lions were supposedly dangerous, but she knew she could get away and have a little fun. When she didn't see her new friend, she continued on, trotting across the log that crossed the river.

As per usual, she tripped due to not paying attention and fell, collided into another entity, and they both ended up sprawled out in the dust. She looked up and saw a growling Outlander cub, dark and male. It wasn't him she'd come out here to meet. She backed away as he demanded to know who she was. At first she had been afraid, but during their exchange, she became curious. She followed him onto what they'd mistaken for rock, only to discover it was actually crocodiles.

After a panicky escape they'd readied to play in the Pridelands, the young princess almost having forgotten the girl she'd come to see. She remembered her only when their parents had arrived and after snarling at each other were carrying them away. As Kiara waved good-bye to the cub she now knew was called Kovu, she remembered she hadn't found Vitani this day.

And now that she'd been caught, her father likely wouldn't leave her with only Timon and Pumbaa anymore, and she'd probably not get to see either of the Outland cubs again.

And yet, to her surprise, he did sometimes leave her in just the care of his old friends. So, as she grew, she was sometimes able to sneak away. She never saw Kovu anymore, but she did meet Vitani on a few occasions. When she asked the other girl about Kovu, all Vitani would say was that he was busy training, but she never said what for.

As time went on, Kiara grew into an adolescent, her body taking on more of its adult shape. It was a few days before she'd be doing her solo hunt, and she lay in the back of the den on Pride Rock, swishing her tail in agitation as the warthog and meerkat ran about prattling on about something she cared little about. The young lioness rose on her paws, tired of dealing with this, and trotted over to the den's exit. The other lionesses were out hunting, King Simba was nowhere to be seen, and only Timon and Pumbaa were around.

It would be easy for her to sneak away and maybe meet her friend.

She glanced back over her shoulder at Timon and Pumbaa, smiling sweetly and innocently at the two.

"Could you two excuse me for a minute? I'm thirsty, and I need to... er... go."

"Of course Princess. We'll give you a minute," Timon said quickly before turning back to Pumbaa and the discussion they were having.

Kiara turned back to the grasslands and grinned smugly. These two were too easy to get away from. She bounded down Pride Rock and made her way not to the waterhole, but towards the Shadowlands. The Elephant Graveyard was almost always abandoned except for vultures these days. Kiara's pridesisters never went there, and neither did the lionesses from the Outland pride. So Kiara and Vitani had agreed that meeting here was good, especially since it was right in between their territories.

The princess didn't encounter anyone of her father's pride on her way, and before she knew it, she was in a barren land surrounded by the skulls and skeletons of giants. She found her way over to some of the geysers and laid down to wait and see if her friend would arrive. She was growing tired of waiting, and was ready to go back to the Pridelands before her father returned when she was suddenly pounced upon.

The princess rolled around, struggling with her assailant until the two lay sprawled out in the bones a little ways apart. She looked up into purpley-blue eyes on a head topped with a tuft of fur. A smile crawled up her face. Vitani had arrived.

"Hi," she said, laughing at their tussle, "You surprised me."

"You never pay attention to your surroundings, Princess," Vitani laughed, rolling over next to the Pridelander and stretching a bit. Kiara narrowed her eyes and looked away as her friend continued, "I'd have thought after all this time it's been since we last met that you'd have learned."

"It's not exactly my fault the lionesses won't teach me," the princess huffed.

"They won't?"

"No. Father wants me to be safe, so he's not let them teach me yet. There's only a few days until my solo hunt and I don't know how to hunt at all," she complained.

"He doesn't want his little girl to grow up," Vitani teased.

"Oh shut up. I'll succeed on my own," Kiara said defiantly.

"Mm, I admire your spirit, but how are you going to pull that off?" her friend asked. Kiara pawed at the ground, pushing a small bone around. A geyser hissed and erupted behind them.

"I don't know," the Pridelander admitted. Her face fell and she just stared at the dirt. What was she going to do? She only knew the basicsㅡ predator hides, then jumps out at the prey and chases it down. Was that all there was to it? Could she manage like that?

Suddenly, Vitani's head was under Kiara's pressing close in a very comforting way she'd not expected from the Outlander. Her heart jumped.

"Don't worry about it, you'll do fine," Vitani said, wishing that she didn't know otherwise. Wishing that she wasn't going to have to help set a fire that could potentially kill the princess.

"You think so?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah. Hey, let's not worry about that right now," the Outlander said, licking the princess's cheek and leaping to her feet. She smiled back at Kiara. The princess rose, smiling just a little herself. She was still surprised by Vitani's actions and her heart was all aflutter. She darted past Vitani and began just running through the graveyard. The slimmer lioness caught up to her quickly, and then passed her, taking the lead.

The two ran on for a long time, long after it was dark, until Vitani stopped on the edge of a ledge and Kiara ran into her, knocking them both off and into a waterhole. Laughing, they began splashing water at one another until they were thoroughly soaked from head to tail. Dripping wet, the teen lionesses rose out of the pond and collapsed in a heap atop one another.

Kiara turned her head to speak to Vitani, but paused when she realized that their muzzles were mere ant lengths apart. She felt her face heating up, and her heart raced. She laughed nervously and wriggled away from the other lioness before shaking the water out of her fur.

Vitani rolled over so as to avoid looking at the Pridelander. What was she doing? She couldn't indulge her desires, even if it seemed they mirrored Kiara's. In a few days, she'd help Nuka lay the fire that would ruin Kiara's hunt, and then Kovu would be spending his time trying to win the princess's heart so that he could get close enough to kill Simba and take over. Vitani would never have a chance to talk to this girl anymore.

She wanted to warn her, wanted to abort the plan, but how? She didn't know. But this could be her last chance to win Kiara's heart for herself, so she decided to stop moping. Maybe it was stupid, but if for just one night she could be blissfully with Kiara, it would be worth her while, even if she was never able to repeat the experience.

She rose and moved over to the still nervous Kiara, leaning up against her back and rubbing her head against the Pridelander's affectionately. She let a low rumbling purr begin to emanate from her body as she wrapped her forelegs around the princess.

"Don't pretend you don't like this," she whispered in Kiara's ear. The other lioness gasped and turned her head to look Vitani in the eyes. The Outlander was eyeing her seductively at this point, and Kiara couldn't deny that she was interested. She smiled a bit, a nervous smile, as Vitani pressed her snout against Kiara's and let her tongue slip out onto the other girl's lips. Kiara's mouth opened just slightly so her tongue could meet Vitani's. After a moment, the two moved their heads back and retracted their tongues into their mouths. Vitani removed her forelegs from around Kiara and backed away a few steps.

"Never forget Kiara, no matter what happens, never forget that I care for you," Vitani said, a tear rolling down her cheek. Kiara nuzzled her, wondering how this had happened. Before this day, she'd never thought she might feel this way for a lioness. She didn't want to ever leave. She just wanted to be close to the rough girl who'd been her secret friend for years.

"I won't ever forget it, Vitani. And don't you forget that I care for you, too," the princess assured her. The two moved close together, Kiara's head under Vitani's chin, their paws atop one another's for a long moment, just being there together. Silent tears kept falling down Vitani's cheeks as she thought of the things that were to transpire soon, as she thought of this being her only night with the one she loved.

Suddenly, Kiara's ears pricked up and she leaned back away from the other lioness.

"Oh no.." she mumbled, "Daddy's coming. Quick! Hide! Get out of here before he hurts you!"

Vitani's heart clenched. Her time was up. She leaned forward to give the princess a final lick on the cheek before springing into the water again to mask her scent and then speeding away. Until now, she'd not even noticed that they'd ended up back in the Pridelands again. How stupid of her to pay so little attention!

"Kiara there you are!" Simba roared as he reached his daughter, the princess's eyes moving to him instead of continuing to watch VItani's retreat.

"Calm down, nothing bad happened to me, I'm ok," she said, rolling her eyes.

"That doesn't matter, you left without even telling me! You were supposed to stay at Pride Rock while the lionesses were hunting!"

"In case you didn't notice, Daddy, I am a lioness! And in a few days' time, I'll prove it to you when I successfully complete my first hunt!" she snapped back.

"Until then you are my little girl, and you will do as I say. Now get back to Pride Rock," Simba said harshly. Then in a more gentle tone, "I'm only trying to look out for you."

"Well I don't need looking out for," Kiara snarled, storming away from him and sprinting back towards Pride Rock. How dare he interrupt her rendezvous like that! How dare he always treat her like a little cub!

"I'm not a cub anymore!" she shouted back at him angrily.
As she returned to the termite mounds, Vitani approached her mother in an attempt to protect and keep her love. She had an idea that might work, though it was unlikely. She had to do what she could to make Zira reconsider and come up with another plan.

"Mother," she said as she approached, "I was in the Pridelands just now, spying on Simba and his pride..."

"Were you spotted?" Zira demanded, her eyes wide and nostrils flared, but her voice low as Kovu slept nearby.

"No. Of course I wasn't," Vitani snapped haughtily, "But I saw something I should report. I don't think your plan is going to work."

"What do you mean, it has to work!"

"I mean... I don't think Kiara likes lions. She seems to be interested in... er... lionesses."

Zira laughed, "Is that it? Kovu can still make friends with her, he can still be her best friend and use that to get close to her and her father. This changes nothing."

Vitani's heart sank. There was nothing else she could do for now. She'd just have to let her love go... or think of another way to keep her if she could.

"I guess I didn't think about that. Goodnight Mother," she said quietly. She made her way to the place where she usually slept and laid down, her heart breaking as she tried to only think of the good times she'd had this night and sleep. As she lie there, another tear rolled unbidden down her cheek.

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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby call_of_the_wild » August 20th, 2013, 8:33 am

I really like the story very well ;) written! :D
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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby Carl » August 20th, 2013, 8:54 am

Thank you! :dreamy:

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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby call_of_the_wild » August 31st, 2013, 7:50 am

Have you madeany more fanfictions or storys of kiara and vitani ? :) If so can you give me the links to them. :)
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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby Carl » August 31st, 2013, 2:17 pm

I haven't written any more Kiara X Vitani ones (though I am working on writing more for this one), but I have three other in-progress fics at the moment. The longest and most likely to be finished is my SP sequel, Mercy. As it says in the first post there, I'm posting it on as well, but all of the uploaded chapters are only available on MLK for now.

I am also working on an AU story that comes after the first movie in place of Simba's Pride. If I had thought about it, I might have made it lead into Mercy, and hell, one day may edit Mercy a bit so that it can, though I'm not sure yet about that. This one is called Scar's Heirs.

The one that gets the least amount of attention from me is Scar's Mercenary. It takes place during Scar's reign, is also technically AU, and I'm currently writing on the third chapter. This one has a prequel in the form of the origin story of one of my OCs who plays a major role in the story. The prequel is Stoker: Origin. This story will almost definitely lead into Scar's Heirs, and it is for that reason that I'm thinking of conjoining Mercy as well.

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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby RedKite » August 31st, 2013, 3:27 pm

Inspiring stuff, really. I mean your writing shows that no matter how many layers of defence you build up around you, inside, you're just the cold bare foundations of yourself. You can love who you want to, and show it when and how you want to. And I think that people who are afraid of being gay/lesbian are just afraid of people being different. So, well done to you for being yourself. And I bow down to your belief in your self for showing it to everyone...
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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby Carl » August 31st, 2013, 3:42 pm

Thank you! :)

That means a lot to me to hear, as it's so rare to have people say nice things on this topic.

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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby Kipekee » October 14th, 2013, 10:49 pm

As I said before, this is amazing.
Get off my lawn whippersnapper

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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby Carl » October 29th, 2013, 7:31 pm

Part II Whats Love Got to Do With It: show
(The name of this part comes from the song, "What's Love Got to do With It?" by Tina Turner.)

It was the day of the hunt. Vitani's heart clenched as she and Nuka made their way into the elephant graveyard to take some flames from a geyser. This was it. Her time was up. She'd have to turn her beloved over to Kovu now, and that would be the end of it. Kovu would worm his way into the princess's heart with his dashing good looks and his maleness, and Vitani would be alone from here on out.

She was very distracted as she and Nuka went about their task, and found herself snapping at her brother a little more than normal. This stress wasn't good for her. Her anger wasn't good for her. Neither was her jealousy. She snarled a bit. "Kovu is too lucky!"

"Puh, you're telling me," Nuka retorted around the branch in his jaws. Had she said that out loud? The teen lioness felt her face flush and just moved on without saying another word. As she actually began to set the fire to the grass, she had the cruel thought that wouldn't it be so perfect if Kovu failed his task and died in the flames? A sadistic grin split her muzzle and vanished behind the flames when she realized what she'd thought. He was her brother, after all.


Kiara stopped, horrified at the sight of the smoke and flames coming towards her. She ran. Why was this happening? Why did these bad things always happen to her? Her father would never trust her to hunt again, her life was ruined! He'd just keep treating her like a little cub forever and it wasn't even her fault the hunt wasn't going well! She couldn't control fire. The princess fled, until, leaping onto a ledge, she couldn't keep going anymore. Her eyes were burning, her chest ached, her vision blurred and she felt weak. She staggered, then fell to the ground. Darkness surrounded her. Then there was the vague form of a lion above her. Was it her father? More darkness.

Water. Bringing her to life. It was cold and it stung. Somethingㅡ someoneㅡ pulling her to dry land. She coughed and looked up. The lion was before her. At first she was furious with him for having brought her back to the Pridelands, but when she realized it was Kovu, her long-lost friend and her Vitani's brother, she brightened quickly. When her parents and Zazu arrived, Simba's anger infuriated her. Kovu had saved her life, and that wasn't enough for her father to allow them to be friends? What would he say if he knew about Vitani? She was fit to burst with rage when Rafiki and Zazu (albeit reluctantly on the bird's part) convinced her father to give the Outlander a chance.

Finally there was someone her age around here for her to spend time with. Kiara and Kovu had some fun the first few days, and she loved having a friend around. One day as the duo were laying in the grass after having just had another hunting lesson, an idea came to Kiara. The former prince of the Outlands seemed to really like her. Like really. During her time her father had occasionally fretted over the fact that she didn't have a suitor yet. She needed a betrothed as heir to the kingdom. If she returned Kovu's affections, pretended to love him, married him, could she convince Simba to allow Kovu's family to come back to the Pridelands? She was sure she could. She could get them all to reconcile their differences and then Vitani would be able to live here. Their meetings would have to remain secret still of course, because everyone else would think she loved Kovu.

She purred and moved over closer to the dark male. "Kovu?"

"Yes, Kiara?"

"What happened between you and your family? Why did you leave and become a rogue?" she asked. Vitani had said that their mother had been training him, for what she'd never said, but maybe the training had become too much and he'd fled from it?

Kovu stood and strode away from her. "I... I don't want to talk about it."

She frowned and watched as he looked uncomfortable. She wanted to hug him, as a friend, but she knew the gesture could be misinterpreted as romantic interest. While the thought wasn't appealing to her, it was all she could do to try and get her Vitani back. She had only just discovered her feelings, and she wasn't going to lose that spark over her father's old grudge. No matter what it took. A princess had to make sacrifices. As she rose on her paws she made a face at the thought. Was she really doing this? The princess eased up beside the dark male and pushed her head up beneath his chin, placing a paw on one of his.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

As the days passed, she spent much time with Kovu. She flirted with him, and made friendly, doing her best to win his heart for her own selfish needs, unaware that he had been doing the same, but now had begun to fall for her for real. Also unaware was she that many days, her true interest, the lioness Vitani, lay crouched nearby, watching in agony at the sight of her love being with her brother. The princess was unaware of the hurt she caused, she was unaware of the amount of time that had passed without her sneaking off to the Elephant Graveyard to meet Vitani, she was unaware of anything beyond her plan and her desires.

She knew that much time had passed, and her heart longed for another day with her Vitani, but she couldn't risk anyone finding out her true feelings, or she'd never be able to get what she wanted. They had to believe that she truly loved Kovu. One night, at last, Simba had finally started to warm up to Kovu, and invited him into Pride Rock. Kiara still didn't know why Kovu had left his family, but he was opening up more and more. He was happy, and her father was finally warming up to him as well. Everything was going perfectly according to her plan. Everything was working out just fine.

Or so she thought.

Nearby, Vitani watched. She had been watching the two all day, and she hated her brother, was very hurt by the way Kiara acted around him. She wanted this to be done already. She wanted to end Kovu's tirade and his trampling on her heart. Wanted to end him. And that's when she saw him and Simba alone on Pride Rock... just as Zira had planned. She watched with sadistic hope, the hope that Kovu would kill Simba and let her come up to Pride Rock with the rest of the Outlanders. Then Kiara would hate Kovu and Vitani could comfort her and... and what? Tell her that she hadn't been part of the plan? Lie to her? Pretend she hadn't helped to lay the fire that had caused all of this?

She didn't know, but she knew she'd never be close to Kiara again if Kovu failed, and so when he did, anger coursed through her, more so than before, and hatred for her brother welled up within her. She turned and sprinted back to the Outlands, fighting the urge to cry. Fighting the urge to climb up that mountain and strike her brother down. She ran straight back to her mother.

"Mother! Kovu has betrayed us! He's refusing to kill Simba!" she reported. She relayed what she'd witnessed that night to her mother, and Zira's eyes widened in anger and shock.

"You're sure?"

"Affirmative, I saw it with my own eyes," Vitani said harshly trying to disguise the pain in her chest and keep it from her voice.

"Kovu cannot betray us..." her mother snarled. At once Zira began planning for an assault. She gathered her pride and told them the things Vitani had told her, and she tried to figure our a way to target Simba specifically. Her planning included a head-on attack on Pride Rock, calling to Kovu for aid and striking him down should he refuse them. It was risky though, and so she sent Nuka to watch and see if an opportunity presented itself. It was barely after daybreak when her oldest son came bounding back happily.

"Mother! Mother!" he shouted eagerly as he approached. All eyes focused on him. He beamed, thinking it was about time he was noticed, no doubt. Vitani kept her eyes on him anxiously as well, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Mother, Simba and Kovu have left Pride Rock alone. And they're far from Pride Rock," he practically purred, "They're out in the edges of their lands that are marred by fire, near the gorge."

"Perfect," Zira breathed. Vitani couldn't believe what she'd just heard. Now was their chance to end Simba and that traitor. She smiled viciously. Kiara would be hers again. It was coming. Her mother had begun to cackle, and her laughter echoed around, the sound uplifting Vitani's spirit. Kovu had betrayed them, had stolen her love, and now, even the one who'd trained and pampered him was against him. If they put an end to Simba themselves, they could move on with Zira's plan and either blame Kovu for it, or end him too and make it seem like some kind of accident... This was perfect.

"Alright, we move out!" Zira bellowed, leaping out of their midst and leading the way. Vitani followed eagerly, it was time to do what she had to in order to get her Kiara back. Kiara hated her father, and he was the one keeping them apartㅡ well, he was before Kovu had intervenedㅡ so getting rid of them would only open the door to her happiness. It was the only way. And if it didn't work, then so be it. If Kiara really loved Kovu, then she could be disposed of too, if necessary. Vitani couldn't let her unrequited emotions make her betray her only family. She had her duty to her mother, just as she always had. She had no choice but to help Zira first, no matter what came of it, and she could only hope that things would turn out well for her.

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Re: Secret Rendezvous

Postby Carl » December 23rd, 2013, 5:02 am

Part III Love Is a Battlefield: show
("Love Is A Battlefield" by Pat Benatar)

"Why Simba... What are you doing out here, and... so alone?" Zira asked as they surrounded the king and Kovu, appearing from the mist like phantoms. Vitani stood beside her mother wearing a sinister grin, ready to get this done. Zira's cackle filled the air as the Outlanders closed in on the two males in the middle of their formation. Zira continued, reaching out to Kovu, giving him a chance to redeem himself, "Well done, Kovu, just like we always planned."

Simba turned a vicious growl on Kovu, "You!"

"No! I didn't have anything to do with this!" Kovu tried to protest.

"Attack!" Zira growled, her command sending the slim and dark lionesses and Nuka hurling at Simba. Kovu yelled out in horror as fangs and claws sank into the king's flesh, ripping and tearing. Then, having truly betrayed them, he started attacking the Outlanders who were assaulting Simba. Vitani leapt onto the king's back, digging her claws in. As Kovu moved up behind her, she grinned smugly and sadistically and kicked him roughly in the face with both of her hind legs. 'Take that, you girl-stealing jerk!' she thought bitterly as she did so. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Kovu hit his head on a rock and was knocked out.

More and more of her pridesisters (and her brother, naturally) piled onto Simba until he fell over into the gorge. They began pouring in after him even as Zira crowed happily, "Yes, we've got him!" Simba wasn't going to go down so easily though. Of course not. The king ran. He fled, Zira calling encouragement to her soldiers, Vitani and the other Outlanders hot on his heels until he came to a wall of rocks and logs. Desperate, the king started climbing. The Outlanders stopped, but they could see Kovu at the top of the gorge.

"Simba!" the traitor yelled.

Zira gave him a final chance, "Get him, Kovu! Get him! Do it now!"

But he didn't do it. Vitani watched in anger as her brother disappeared. The coward! What a filthy traitorous fiend! First he stole her Kiara, and now he chose Simba over his family... It was sickening. Before the young lioness could do anything else or even give it much thought, Nuka was bounding up after the lion king, his eyes sparkling with a hint of insanity.

"I'll do it! For you, Mother! Mother, are you watching? I'm doing it for you... and I'm doing it for me!" he shouted as he drew nearer to Simba. Within moments the younger and unharmed lion was on the golden prince's heels, and he reached up a paw grabbing one of Simba's hind paws. Vitani's face lit up as she watched. Nuka was doing it! He was going to end Simba! Then they could track down Kovu and deal with him! "This is my moment of glory!" Nuka cawed, as he moved closer to Simba.

But something went wrong. Vitani wasn't quite sure what, but a moment later, Nuka was pinned under logs near the bottom of the gorge and Simba was climbing away to freedom.

The lithe young lioness and her mother stood over the log, mourning the loss of Nuka. They hadn't been nice to him often, but she had loved her brother. She had loved both of her brothers. Had. That's when Kovu returned and dared to try and lay the blame elsewhere than on himself. The fiend. Vitani held her tongue as their mother tore Kovu and new one, in fact literally as well, until the male fled. Vitani wanted to chase after him, stop him from going back and telling Kiara what they had done, making them look like the bad guys, but Zira threw up a paw in front of her.

"Let him go! Simba has hurt me for the last time, and now he has corrupted Kovu!" she said, then going on to give a short speech. They were going to carry out the attack they'd planned previously. They would attack Pride Rock, and take it back in a full on assault. It would be tough, and messy, but they'd been left with no choice. Vitani let a devilish grin spread across her black lips at the thought of taking her vengeance out on her brother.


Kiara watched in horror as her father exiled Kovu. If he was gone, what were her chances of getting Vitani back? She panicked, tried her best to convince Simba to reconsider. She knew Kovu couldn't have done this, the fool loved her. He would never do anything to hurt her or Simba. But her father could not be swayed, and Kovu was chased from the Pridelands. Kiara confronted her dad as he gave her his alleged reasons as to why Kovu was "bad." When he claimed Kovu was following in Scar's paw prints and he must follow in Mufasa's, the princess felt like laughing bitterly. She'd heard about Mufasa, and she knew her grandfather would have been fair here, would have at least listened to Kovu's side of the story. Simba was nothing like that.

"You will never be Mufasa!" she spat, running back into the den. She cried, not for the loss of Kovu, but at the thought of never getting to bring Vitani here. At the realization that all of this time she could have spent the occasional night sneaking off to see her love, she'd wasted wooing Kovu in a vain and stupid attempt to unite the prides. How stupid she had been to ever think her father would just listen!

That's when she noticed the crack in the rocks. She shifted some rocks aside and found a way out. This was good, she could go find Kovu and try to fix this. She looked everywhere, until at last, she found him. She couldn't deny she was glad to see himㅡ Kovu was her friend after all. They hugged and she even went so far as to lick his cheek in pure joy that her plan might still work. When he suggested they run away and start a pride of their own, she had to stop him. She had absolutely no interest in that. She needed their prides to come together so that she could be with Vitani, if she could ever hope that would happen at all.

"Kovu... we have to go back," she said gently.

"You're kidding! But we're finally together!" he protested. She'd known he would. The poor fool was utterly convinced she was in love with him. She couldn't let on that she wasn't, not yet, so she continued.

"Our place is with our pride. If we run away, they'll be divided forever," she said. Kovu frowned, but after a moment, he nodded. The lioness smiled. "If we don't go back, then Vitani..." she stopped as she realized what she'd almost said.

"Vitani? What about her?" Kovu asked, wrinkling his nose, "How do you know my sister?"

"Never mind that, Kovu, I'll explain later. But if you care for her, or your mother, we have to stop them from fighting. We have to make peace between them," she said quickly. Crap! She'd have to tell him now, and there was no guarantee he'd react well... she just had to unite the prides first before telling him though, it would break his heart now and he'd never help her. She couldn't tell him that all that time they'd spent together, acting like lovers, that she'd imagined his sister was there in his place. She couldn't tell him something like that. It would be too much. It would crush him.

"You're right. Let's go help our pride before it's too late," he agreed, "But I am gonna ask you about how you know Vitani again when this is all over."

"That's fair. Now let's go!"


All eyes were on Simba and Zira. They were about to clash. The Outsiders and the Pridelanders had ceased their fighting and now stood behind their respective leaders again. Vitani watched, no longer so smug and sure of this as she had been. The princess and Kovu hadn't been here... that could only mean they'd run off together. It meant that Kiara had moved on, or had never loved her in the first place, and all she was doing would hurt her love. She was battered and sore and didn't know what the point as anymore. She half hoped Zira would kill Simba, and half hoped he'd be the victorious one.

That's when, in a flash of lightning, Kovu and Kiara leapt over the heads of the Outsiders and landed between Zira and Simba. Vitani's eyes widened in shock. The princess hadn't run away with her brother. And now she was in front of her again. Both of the two new arrivals on the scene of the battle defied their parents' commands to get out of the way and let them carry on with their battle. Then Kiara gave her reasoning as to why.

"A wise king once told me, 'we are one.' I didn't understand him then... but now I do," she said.

"But... they..." Simba tried to protest.

"Them, us... look at them. They are us. What differences do you see?" the princess asked. Vitani's eyes widened. She wasn't sure why, but she got the feeling that Kiara was doing this for her. Maybe she was wrong, but the princess was definitely trying to end this peacefully, and Vitani would do anything to at least be Kiara's friend. Her heart hammered in her chest as she stared at that beutiful young lioness, watched Simba smile, noticed the rain stop. It was all happening quickly, but time seemed to drag.

"Vitani... now!" Zira commanded. Without even thinking about it first, Vitani replied sharply.

"No, Mother! Kiara's right, enough," she said, walking over to take a stance beside Kovu. She wanted to stand next to Kiara, but she couldn't risk it at this moment. Zira threatened her life, but was completely shocked to discover the other Outsiders moving over to Simba's side as well. Zira's words hurt Vitani deeply, though she tried not to let it show. Would she really kill her own daughter for trying to end things peacefully? They could go back to Pride Rock with the Pridelanders if they'd just let their silly grudge go! Was killing her own flesh and blood a price that grudge was worth?

But a moment later, Zira lunged at Simba, and much to Vitani's horror, Kiara leapt in the way, causing both of the lionesses most important to Vitani to fall over into the gorge. She raced to the edge with the others and watched as Kiara tried to help Zira up, but her mother refused the young Pridelander's help. At last, Zira plummeted into the rushing river below and Simba helped Kiara back up. Vitani just stared down into the river, distraught, as the Pridelanders and Kovu celebrated, as the lion king welcomed the Outsiders into his ranks and they all smiled happily. She sobbed quietly by the edge of the cliff.

She didn't look up when she felt the others leaving. She just stayed where she was until she figured she was all alone. But that's when she felt a paw on her shoulder. She turned around to see Kiara, in all her beauty, standing before her wearing a sympathetic expression.

"Vitani... I'm sorry," the Prideland princess mumbled. They moved quickly into a hug and Vitani just cried into Kiara's fur. She couldn't believe she finally had her lover back, at the cost of her brother and her mother. Was it worth it? She couldn't say. She was just glad that Kiara was here for her. She didn't care about anything else right now.

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