Xbox One!

Re: Xbox One!

Postby DGFone » May 23rd, 2013, 9:14 pm

to claim that PCs and consoles are different is rather silly in my opinion.[/quote]

Again, you are looking at it strictly from a hardware point of view. Using terms like "x86", the average console gamer does not know, nor care what an X86 is. The difference is in who they appeal to. They only care whether they can come home from work, sprawl their lazy ass over the sofa, control in hand, Doritos in the other and instantly go straight to COD. That, is the difference and it is pretty big.[/quote]

No, the difference is not that big. Right now, I can buy a Windows game, and with some certainty, be able to run it relatively well on Linux. This is because, at the end of the day, both Windows and Linux run on the same hardware, so it's simply a matter of rewriting Windows game code to something that Linux understands.

Now that the PS4 and the Xbone use PC hardware, I can see in the future, DRM issues aside, being able to buy a PS4/XBone game, putting it in the tray of my PC, and playing it. And of course, if I were to design a console, that's exactly what I would do, because I will be able to enjoy the game on my PC, but consoles are more portable than PC towers.

Of course, I don't see Sony nor Microsoft allowing their games to run on a PC, because they need to sell consoles, irony in itself as the Wii is the only console that actually makes money when it's sold. I would imagine Sony and MS would be glad if I paid full price for a game that they get money for, without having them losing money by building a console for me.

To put it simply, 4th gen console = less expensive Alienware. AKA pre-built PC. So why won't I be able to plug in my CoD (which, BTW, is multi-platform, INCLUDING PC) into my PC, no matter if I bought it for a console? They have the same hardware, and therefore, are the same. If it looks like a PC, runs like a PC, is made like a PC, has the same components as a PC, then it's a PC.
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby FlipMode » May 25th, 2013, 11:05 pm

^ except its not a PC, because it is a games console. :)

Also on a seperate note; I thought about the Xbox event a little bit more and there was actually some interesting stuff. If things like face recognition, or knowing how you are feeling, yeah we've seen how it is used in menus to say, sign you into your profile instantly but... If they can actually integrate that into games then there could be some interesting stuff coming.

I think that if they integrate what they have shown into games and not just y'know, watching TV on a console, then the One could be a pretty good console.
I know the same thing is said about every console but, it's going to come down to the games available. But with One, that's going to be more important than ever before. 360 wasn't exactly known for having the best exclusives. But it COULD have.

Also heard a rumour (well statement from an MS rep) that the One will have cloud computing capabilities for Live members, so if you are connected then essentially you have three times the power of the hardware that you actually buy in the box... Is that a real thing? Lol
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby DGFone » May 26th, 2013, 2:03 am

^ That's what I don't get... If I use my PC for gaming, doesn't it make it a console as well? People plug in their Xbox controllers via USB, and bow you have a computer with a gaming controller... a console.

With the same hardware, the console vs PC debate is nothing more than wordplay.

Which will make the PC the dominant player, if they can both play the same games (almost guaranteed) because at least I can do work on my PC, but not on my Xbox. This is not even going into the fact that many PC games exist only on PCs because consoles physically can't handle their demands.

What I'm saying is simple: I don't see any difference between the Xbone, PS4, and what I'm using right now.

...lack of DRM on my rig perhaps.
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby Regulus » May 26th, 2013, 2:25 am

Console games are generally very optimized, so they run efficiently on the specific hardware that they have. That's their advantage: no tweaking required. You put the game in and it just works efficiently, right out of the box.
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby DGFone » May 26th, 2013, 2:26 am

[quote="Regulus"]Console games are generally very optimized, so they run efficiently on the specific hardware that they have. That's their advantage: no tweaking required. You put the game in and it just works efficiently, right out of the box.[/quote]

What I mean is this: If I get the exact same hardware as a console, which for the new generation is very achievable, I will too at least be able to get close to the same level of optimization as a console.
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby Regulus » May 26th, 2013, 2:29 am the same amount of time that you could beat the game at least twice.

For half of the American population, ain't nobody got time for that. :P
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby DGFone » May 26th, 2013, 4:03 am

[quote="Regulus"] the same amount of time that you could beat the game at least twice.

For half of the American population, ain't nobody got time for that. :P[/quote]

Or, you don't have to quite reach the same level of optimization, and suffer a few missing FPSs. Consoles have a min of 30 FPS. I'm sure you can live with 25-28.

Besides, it's time PCs stop getting crappy **** ports.
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby DGFone » June 4th, 2013, 2:02 am

What do you guys think of this video?
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby LionsAreKings » June 4th, 2013, 2:17 am


What do you guys think of this video?[/quote]

And that ladies and gentleman, is why I'm moving to PC gaming. (I'll probably still get a PS4, just 'cos)

Microsoft has honestly shot themselves in the foot. It may sell well, due to all of the fanboys and naive people but it will suffer in the long run. It's hard to say if Microsoft is going to recover from this. Gamers don't want Sports or TV. If we wanted that we'd go outside or change channels.

I feel sorry for people who buy the Xbox One. Rest In Peace.
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Re: Xbox One!

Postby DGFone » June 4th, 2013, 2:19 am

^ Exactly. XBox fans might complain all they want, but they will still get their own XSpyOne to play their Halo 15.
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