Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby MalibuTrashDog » March 28th, 2009, 4:14 pm

Well I was sitting at my desk eating a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, and usually I like to let my hamster Raven run around my desk while I'm sitting here. I had already given Raven one piece of cereal to try out since she loves treats so much. So anyway, while I was surfing the net I had left my bowl unattended. All of a sudden I hear a crunching noise and when I look over Raven is at my bowl stuffing her cheeks with cereal pieces! I sit there staring at her and go "RAVEN!" and she stops for a second to look at me as if saying "Whut fool?" and then continues stuffing her face. When it seems that she can't stuff anymore I ask her if she's done and she looks at me again, stuffs in 5 more pieces and then sticks both her paws in the milk as a final touch and then scurries away.

And that is the story of my hamster, Raven the food thief.

So what have your animals done?
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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby Moka » March 28th, 2009, 7:24 pm

Haha, thats funny XD

My cat isn't cute he's just old and dumb. He used to be cute as a kitten! When he drank milk he'd quint his eyes and it was funny to watch :]

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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby Zeke » March 29th, 2009, 6:01 am

Ok, so about 2 months ago, my dad got really mad at my dog for some reason and he is very emotional so he gets all sad when someone gets mad at him, so he went outside to get away from him. I was doing homework at the time and the window is a few feet from my desk and I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I pay no attention to it at first but then I take a full look at the window and two yellow, glowing eyes were staring at me through the window in the dark. It scared the **** out of me and it took a long time for me to actually get up and let him in. (he tore the screen out of my window earlier)
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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby morri908 » March 29th, 2009, 6:11 am

[quote="Zeke"]Ok, so about 2 months ago, my dad got really mad at my dog for some reason and he is very emotional so he gets all sad when someone gets mad at him, so he went outside to get away from him. I was doing homework at the time and the window is a few feet from my desk and I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I pay no attention to it at first but then I take a full look at the window and two yellow, glowing eyes were staring at me through the window in the dark. It scared the **** out of me and it took a long time for me to actually get up and let him in. (he tore the screen out of my window earlier)[/quote]

xd.. i remember u telling me about this on msn ..

Okay so i have 2 chihuahuas and they like to chase eachother around the house. it's actually kind of funneh.. cuz they run into stuff... Like my feet... which sends them across the room (.. it's an accident.. they just kinda run across ur feet at 2386023897402938764 miles per hour.. if i had a cam that was worth a crap.. i'd show you.)
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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby NalaLionQueen » April 21st, 2009, 2:15 pm

One Day When I Was At School My Old Dog*That Died :cry: and Now i have new* When I Came Home My Room was Smelled Like P--!!! :yuck: My Dad Mom & I Was Mad At Him That He Lived In The Yard All The Time And Then He Made P__P__ In The FLowers :yuck:
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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby Simba » April 21st, 2009, 8:10 pm

ok, I have this cat that's like the 2nd cat I ever had, the 1st was there for all of 1 week before she hitched a ride elsewhere on a cable truck, and I still have him (he turned 14 this month). so just let me tell a little abou him so you understand. he's like a freakin body-builder cat or something. he's small made but his legs are huge with muscles and I've never known him to lose fight (he even took after my dad's large husky mix before). we spoiled him more than any cat so far and he's rather greedy and clever. and I'm not very strong and am rather light-weight, just so you understand this story.

so I was 6 and getting ready to eat breakfast. I was teaching him a new trick. I'd hold my hand out at the edge of my dad's big recliner (my feet didn't touch the ground) and I'd say something and he'd get on his hind legs and rub my hand. he did this a few times, my fried eggs were on the table beside the chair and cut up, but I had only ate like 2 pieces. so when he saw the perfect opportunity he jumped up and slammed me back into the chair instead of rubbing against my hand, and jumps onto the table to get my eggs. the chair's going back and forth and my butt's stuck between the back cusion and the seat cushion, and I'm yelling "Jingles!" all pitiful cause he's trying to grab all the pieces but doesn't get a hold on them good. so he's basically just slobering all over them. in the end he only got to eat 2 pieces before I got free and he ran off. but I had no eggs cause he licked every one of them!

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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby NightyByeSparrow » September 6th, 2009, 2:52 pm

I have 2 little finches. Just a little while ago, when I was on a trip and my friend was bird-sitting them, so to speak. In the room my friend had kept them in, there was a TV, and it was on (I forget the movie it was showing though, I think something musical ish.. :/ ) The whole time, they were sitting on their perch, eyes completely glued to the screen, and even chirped a little bit along with the movie. :) :P

And then whenever I play music, they also chirp along with it :lol: It's cute. lol.
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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 10th, 2009, 3:30 am

Me and my mum were hanging out the washing and my dog usually goes crazy and run around fast and we heard a big bag on the class sling door behind us and the dog running off i was like wth O.o he just smashed into the door at high speeds..
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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby thanigraphics » October 2nd, 2009, 12:30 pm

I own 3 cats (and some more animals) and I could write a book about them. They have their own stories and own personalities and they are funny as hell :)

I started with taking in 2 cats from the humane society. A black one and a 3 coloured cat. Both were found on a campsite, suffering worms and fleas and their eyes were infected. Their background have influenced their behaviour too, they were easily scared.

After a few weeks they became more tame, the black male cat developed normal. The other one, the female, was slower in development. When I took them to the vet for sterilization, they were worried about my female cat, because something was wrong with her heart. She also had behaviour problems, like taking a dump in my living room instead of the "cat bucket" (don't know the name of that in English, since I'm Dutch, lol)

A year later my black cat dissapeared and never returned. He was chipped, so I called several animal societies but no one found a black cat.
Then for a year i only had one cat, the female. Four months ago I took in my second cat, a 9-week old female kitten called Fluffy. My collegue had a nest of kittens and I took that one.
Since 2 days I own my 3rd cat, a grey tigerstriped one, this little girl thinks she's a wild animal. And sometimes I wonder, did I take in a cat or a serval? She's just so....wild!
She climbs on my pants with her nails, it really hurts :disgust:
She isn't afraid of ANYTHING. BTW, she comes from the humane society too. She was found wondering alone near the beach as a young kitten. Maybe that's why she has such a wild nature! But she's adorable and playfull and healthy at least! So yeah, I own 3 totally different cats! 8-)
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Re: Funny or Cute Pet Stories?

Postby LionPrincess » October 2nd, 2009, 12:48 pm

only last week i had my dog Bullseye out for a walk and i was on my roller blades, everything was going fine untill he spotted my big brother going into the shops and he dragged me accross 2 main roads untill we got there and by time we did my brother had already got in his car and drove away, Bullseye is a cheeky little doggy x
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