Simba and Mufasa?

Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby hi123 » July 13th, 2010, 6:37 pm

i dont get it,why did scar just totally dig and tear his claws into mufasas paws and hold on with that grip and with simba he barely held on and he just lightly punctured them and gave him marks? i dont get it gimme some answers :)

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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby Moka » July 14th, 2010, 12:04 am

Scar's frustration with his brother built up to a point where he simply hated his brothers guts and was more forceful in killing him,
The animators just forgot to make the marks on Simba's forearms.

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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby Panda-chan » July 14th, 2010, 12:40 am

Maybe it's because Mufasa was dangerously close to slipping right before Scar grabbed hold of him lol. He had to dig his claws in real deep in order to keep him from falling backwards. :ehh2: Simba on the other hand had a more solid grip, so Scar got to ease his hold on his paws a little.
The first scene also seemed more urgent since Scar knew he'd have to let go quickly before the stampede was over or someone else saw, so perhaps some of the tension and anxiety he felt fueled his iron grip. Scar was less stressed in Simba's situation since he knew he was in no major hurry to finish him off, so his hold was much more relaxed.
As Moka pointed out, it's also a fact that Scar hated Mufasa more than he hated Simba. Whatever hatred he felt towards Simba was directly related to that of Mufasa, so it's only natural that he tried to cause his brother more physical pain.

Sorry, I'm not trying to outsmart anyone here. :innocent: I just have a lot to say on this subject.
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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby hi123 » July 14th, 2010, 1:44 am

but mufasa already slipped 2 times before he punctured his paws with scars dangerously sharp claws not too mentio that they seemed too be at full length and he just dug them directly in to mufasa whiched caused the roar and him slipping a smidge right after that,but if he never dug his claws into simba he would have fell and simba was on the very very edge and he still didnt have too claw hard,did he claw hard? i cant tell it seemed like he punctured him too where simba probly felt the pain but not as bad as having scar have his claws directly out too dig his claws into simba like he did too mufasa, but did he claw simba hard?

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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby rich198 » July 14th, 2010, 4:05 pm

is it not possible that simba simply had a higher a pain threshold than mufassa
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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby hi123 » July 16th, 2010, 9:23 pm

i remember acting the falling parts like mufasas death and simbas almost death i remember falling off a bed or a slide :D i was either scar at times or mufasa or simba whatever part we did :) did anybody else do it?

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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby Lauren » October 30th, 2010, 8:17 pm

I useally think that when Simba's paws were grabbed by Scar, those skin marks of "bleeding" is just the skin pulled in but not really bleeding IMO.

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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby delldoown » January 17th, 2011, 3:53 pm

Mufasa is a lion who rules the land and the father of the protagonist of Pride, Simba. At the opening of the first movie, the animal kingdom Mufasa's pride and honor to welcome the arrival of rock, his newborn son was born, and their next king, Simba. Brother of Mufasa, Scar, is angry, he has lost his position as the direct successor to Mufasa, after the birth of the prince.

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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby SummerSnowLeopard » February 16th, 2011, 12:24 am

[quote="Mike"]Maybe in Mufasa's case Scar dug his claws directly in, rather than making shallow scratches over a distance. That would definitely be more painful, and might explain why Mufasa couldn't get up. Also, don't forget that Mufasa had just been battling a stampede and climbing up a sheer rock wall while Simba hadn't really done anything yet.[/quote]
Yeah. That blood looks really painful in the Simba-Scar pic :/
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Re: Simba and Mufasa?

Postby Animal of the Wild » September 29th, 2013, 10:05 pm

Did you noticed when Simba is hanging off the edge of a cliff seconds from a flaming death O.o.....that Scar REALLY dug his claws into Simba. He is BLEEDING. [/quote]

I know. Poor Simba! That must have really hurt :(

And I hate to think how much it hurt for Mufasa! :(
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