

Postby BlitzRogue » June 9th, 2010, 11:52 pm


Name: Arria
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Age: 3 years
Pride: Pridelanders
Position: Pride Sister; participates in hunts, no mate

Family: Unknown
Mate: None
Young: None

Appearance: As implied by her name, which is derived from the Swahili language, meaning "slim" or "lean", Arria is a lioness of a fairly small build. She is both shorter and less bulky than most other lionesses her age, but this size deficiency does not go so far as to detract from her hunting or fighting ability.

With a light coat of brown fur and lavender-blue eyes, she is considered among the more "exotic" looking lionesses of the pride. Unlike most others in the pride, her fur color is entirely solid; that is to say, her underbelly and paws are of the same color as the rest of her fur.

Personality: A more carefree soul than one might expect, Arria prides herself in her mild detachment. Some consider it a weakness of hers for lack of focus, but her personal take on the matter is that it helps to keep her from becoming too wrapped up in "reality" and missing out on something due to emotional instability. Well, you can hardly argue with the results: Arria is a fine hunter and a decent fighter, and she is happily content in her singularity.

She is perfectly content with life as is, and doesn't see the need to dwell on what you don't have when what you do have is more than enough to keep you happy. For this reason, some come to the conclusion that Arria has no dreams or aspirations in life, which is far from the truth. She is simply content that those dreams may or may not ever actually come true.

History: Will finish later...

Skills: Will finish later...


Arria: (altered for RP: Kopa's Captivity)

Name: Arria
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Age: 3 years
Pride: Enclosure Pride

Family: Biological family unknown; Arria does, however, consider every lion in the enclosure to be family
Mate: None
Young: None

Appearance: Unchanged; small build, solid light brown fur, lavender-blue eyes

Personality: Unchanged; carefree (rarely a worrier), mildly detached from reality, content (oftentimes dreamily so) with her life just as it is

History: As she was brought into the enclosure at a very young age, not much is known about her family or past home. She was brought to the enclosure not long after birth (for what reason is uncertain) and thus wasn't brought into the enclosure itself till later on in life. Raised for the first few weeks amongst the humans, she has seen and can occasionally recall what certain buildings outside the enclosure look like on the inside.

Skills: Though she will nearly always avoid physical conflict, this does not mean she is unable to fight. Prone to rely on speed, as opposed to power.

Being as small and light as she is, she is quick on her feet and a better tree-climber than most lionesses; she sometimes jokes that her mother (whoever she was) was a leopard, rather than a lioness.

(may add more later...)
Last edited by BlitzRogue on June 10th, 2010, 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arria

Postby AustralianChaos » June 10th, 2010, 12:00 am

Nice, I like this! The Enclosure Pride certainly has a lot of variety!
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Re: Arria

Postby YFWE » June 10th, 2010, 12:02 am

What a lovely little character. :) I look forward to RPing with her!
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Re: Arria

Postby BlitzRogue » June 10th, 2010, 2:30 am

Thanks guys. :)

It's a little shorter than I'd like, but it has been a while since I made a character profile like this and I did rush it a bit. Not my best work, but it'll suffice for the time being. Will be sure to update it as I RP her more and come up with a little more detailed back story.

Also, hope you don't mind AC, but I kinda nicked your format for this. :P What can I say? I'm lazy and you had a nice format; it works. Haha.
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Re: Arria

Postby AustralianChaos » June 10th, 2010, 2:37 am

It's fine...I nicked the format from someone else, so I take no credit.

Can't wait for Naki to finish theirs, then we can get started!
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Re: Arria

Postby Awali » February 20th, 2012, 7:48 pm

Arria is a really well developed character. Quite unique, as well. Great job!
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Re: Arria

Postby BlitzRogue » February 20th, 2012, 7:59 pm

Thanks! It's been a while since I've been able to RP her, and I'll likely have to tone down her "detached" nature a bit, but I'm looking forward to RPing with her again. :)
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Re: Arria

Postby cleargreenwater » March 5th, 2012, 2:10 pm

This really is a truly lovely character, a deftly drawn and well defined personality but a subtle enough story and presence to be very versatile. I'm glad to see that's allowed you to dust her off periodically over the years, you know you made a good one when....
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