by DGFone » January 25th, 2018, 4:48 am
Feel free to send me the submissions when you write them in. At the very least, I will post the voting round once I can get three submissions (then add in my own to get at least four), to get this thing over with.
If I get them in quickly enough, possibly... a revival of the writing contest?
Inactivity certainly helped a great deal with killing of the writing contest in a sort of positive feedback loop: members would promise me a submission by X days, but fail to deliver, making me have to wait for them. The more I had to wait, the easier it was for me to delay out of shear laziness, which caused members to also take their time with submissions, to the point when one round would take more than a month, and more inactivity lead to less submissions. Even though this current contest has been started over a year ago, I only ever got one submission for it - and I don't like to post a "contest" where the winner is by default.
I guess the question, at the very least for this one time is: Do you all want to write for the prompts posted in the beginning of this round, or do you all want to scrap #38 and restart with #39 with all new prompts?