At The Moment...

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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Carl » January 17th, 2017, 7:55 pm

Wearing: black "all my friends are walkers" TWD shirt, black jeans
Hair: unkempt
Eating: pepperoni
Drinking: n/a
Thinking: I don't seem to be capable of fully comprehending it.
Feeling: mixed
Talking to: no one just now
Listening to: Pandora; Black Veil Brides Radio; "Beautiful Pain"- Andy Black
Watching: nothing.
Loving: erm. please don't ask me this :innocent:
Hating: I don't even know anymore. probably everything
Wanting: alcohol
Waiting for: something to get better
Weather: rainy and beautiful
Time: 12:54 pm
Hoping: that I can make some real progress towards something soon. lord knows I'm trying
Situation: ...

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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Ninaroja » January 17th, 2017, 9:10 pm

Wearing: Jeans, DM low boots, fatface jumper
Hair: In a ponytail, I'll probably wash it tomorrow
Eating: Nothing, had dinner a while ago - might go for some grapes
Drinking: water
Thinking: I should do all of those things
Feeling: Fairly relaxed
Talking to: Nobody ATM
Listening to: The Greatest - Sia
Watching: This screen?
Loving: Future plans
Hating: Deadlines, and moody housemates
Wanting:This deadline to be gone
Waiting for: Above
Weather: Mild
Time: 20:10
Hoping: I get this essay done tomorrow in as stress-free a manor as possible, and I muster up the "courage" to enrol for that class
Situation: Relatively ok
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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Carl » January 18th, 2017, 10:28 pm

Wearing: same "all my friends are walkers" t-shirt, tan jeans.
Hair: in need of a wash
Eating: nothing
Drinking: water
Thinking: I'm not here to be your friend.
Feeling: very strange today
Talking to: FireAndSun
Listening to: "Shadows Die"- Black Veil Brides
Watching: the video for the above
Loving: not gonna say
Hating: life, society, other stuff
Wanting: to not be sick
Waiting for: I don't know that I am waiting for anything right now tbh
Weather: not bad, probably still kinda rainy, if I had to guess
Time: 3:27pm
Hoping: I don't seem like too much of a creeper lol
Situation: ...

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Re: At The Moment...

Postby FireAndSun » January 18th, 2017, 10:51 pm

Wearing: Jeans and a pink shirt with stripes. I need to do laundry.
Hair: Getting longer. It needs to be trimmed.
Eating: Nothing. Just ate ramen, though.
Drinking: N/A
Thinking: My brain is so fried right now.
Feeling: Pretty calm.
Talking to: Carl.
Listening to: A YouTube video about why Tutankhamun had a weird head shape.
Watching: Said YouTube video.
Loving: The quiet.
Hating: My anxiety.
Wanting: My brain to actually sleep properly.
Waiting for: The insanity that will commence when my brothers come home.
Weather: Sunny but chilly.
Time: 3:51 PM
Hoping: I can sleep better tonight.
Situation: Very quiet.

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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Regulus » January 19th, 2017, 3:24 am

Wearing: Don't ask.
Hair: Wet.
Eating: Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing. Just finished the last of my iced tea.
Thinking: I should make a pot of coffee for tomorrow.
Feeling: Bored, lazy, relaxed, sleepy, peaceful, and warm.
Talking to: No one at the moment.
Listening to: No music, just the ambient stream of water.
Watching: Was going to watch an episode of Torchwood, but decided not to tonight.
Loving: A lot of stuff.
Hating: My glasses for breaking this morning, and freight train stations in Cities: Skylines for clogging up all my roads.
Wanting: To go back to playing Cities: Skylines... and bulldoze those pesky cargo train stations.
Waiting for: The weekend following this upcoming one, so I can watch the Rolex 24.
Weather: 66° F, cloudy.
Time: after 9 PM.
Hoping: I can get my new pair of glasses on Friday
Situation: Have a 7:30 AM class tomorrow, and then an appointment at 11. Getting ready to go to bed soon.
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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Carl » January 27th, 2017, 5:19 am

Wearing: Grimes/Dixon 2016 campaign shirt, blue jeans
Hair: short enough that I haven't combed it in days and that's okay :D
Eating: nothing just now
Drinking: water
Thinking: Could I be any more obvious? :facepaw:
Feeling: honestly, calm, happy...good... and absolutely terrified.
Talking to: FireAndSun, Squeely
Listening to: "Boys Don't Cry"- The Cure
Watching: nothing
Loving: someone... :innocent:
Hating: tension, anxiety
Wanting: I honestly don't even know right now.
Waiting for: the next time I get to eat :P
Weather: cold again. stupid weather
Time: 10:17pm
Hoping: I can get someone to cover part of that shift for me at work and that this actually gets resolved sometime soon, ffs.
Situation: I am just in a weird sea of insanity that I can't even figure out.

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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Ninaroja » January 28th, 2017, 1:26 am

Wearing: ripped pyjama bottoms, purple jumper
Hair: In a ponytail though a bunch of hair has fallen out of it
Eating: Nothing (just had some tomatoes)
Drinking: Water
Thinking: Need to get up on time tomorrow...
Feeling: A bit apprehensive, about what I'm not sure
Talking to: No one
Listening to: Nothing
Watching: Nothing - might watch Gilmore Girls before bed
Loving: My characters, writing
Hating: Anxiety over social things
Wanting: To get a ton of writing done
Waiting for: Tomorrow - creative writing class at 10
Weather: Cloudy today - didn't really go outside much
Time: 00:26
Hoping: Everything goes alright
Situation: OK
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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Carl » January 28th, 2017, 4:33 am

Wearing: clothes of some kind
Hair: kinda messy
Eating: nothing.
Drinking: Seagram's Escapes Wild Berries
Thinking: I really wish there was some way for me to help. I know it's just one of those things people can't help with, but I want to so bad.
Feeling: Completely and totally drained. No anger or anything, just emotionally and physically exhausted.
Talking to: FireAndSun
Listening to: "Goodbye Agony"- Black Veil Brides
Watching: music video for the above
Loving: a couple of things
Hating: that I asked for more hours at work
Wanting: things that I also don't want... ugh
Waiting for: this rough patch to end
Weather: freaking cold
Time: 9:32 pm
Hoping: I don't end up ruining this.
Situation: ...

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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Marizzle » February 12th, 2017, 3:43 am

Wearing: Olaf winter pajamas and an Olaf poncho. :lol:
Hair: Messy.
Eating: Nothing.
Drinking: Water.
Thinking: I can't believe I had to ask how it was
Feeling: Strangely good!
Talking to: No one.
Listening to: Bom Bidi Bom by Nick Jonas & Nicki Minaj
Watching: Nothing.
Loving: This song!
Hating: School is starting soon...
Wanting: To watch that movie in the theaters again!
Waiting for: The arrival of a few packages!
Weather: Cold and rainy.
Time: 02:45
Hoping: That the semester goes well.
Situation: Good.
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Re: At The Moment...

Postby Gemini » July 20th, 2017, 7:51 pm

Wearing: UC Davis sweatpants, lacrosse T shirt from junior year (about three and a half years ago, jeez).
Hair: Short, relatively clean, combed. Back to its natural color
Eating: Nothing cuz I'm broke as s*** and already had instant coffee and a muffin and stew today so that's it I guess unless I want some milk later
Drinking: Nothing but might get more coffee I'm bored
Thinking: Man my old posts on MLK are... quite something. I forgot about this thread. :chuckle: Changed a lot over the years.
Feeling: Thankful that six months of garbage has (mostly) come to an end.
Talking to: Regulus on Telegram. Also Samantha.
Listening to: "The Catalyst" by Linkin Park
Watching: The hours go by. jk nothin' really
Loving: Hm. That I actually have a bit of time to myself and don't feel like crap. Also the UK is beautiful and I'm already sad to be leaving in three weeks.
Hating: That I have no money basically now cuz of all this crap that's gone on. I basically barely made it out of that mess. Lost a lot of money, donated a lot of things... good lord. But at least this means a fresh start.
Wanting: Someone to love. Also that next year isn't horrible.
Waiting for: An opportunity to see my horse again. <3 Been over a month since I've ridden now. :/
Weather: Pretty okay. Cool, cloudy. Hope it rains again.
Time: 19:45 GMT
Hoping: That everything will turn out OK.
Situation: Alright. Much better than in the past, despite the doubts and the lack of money. I have nothing to fear if I keep my focus pointed forwards.
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