[TP(E)] Hova

[TP(E)] Hova

Postby Tatenda » March 6th, 2016, 10:22 pm

Hova Reference.png
Original art by Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga. http://www.malenga.deviantart.com

Name Hova.
Meaning "Middle Class" (African).
Species Panthera leo (Lion) [100%].
Weight 372 pounds.
Height (From head to toe) '3"2.
Length (From head to tail) '5"9.
Age 13 years old (cat years) / 117 years old (human years).
Family Fa'izu (Father), Rashidah (Mother), Chezna (Younger sister), Sua (Youngest sister).
Cubs Deviant (Adopted Son), Layden (Son), Nkiru (Daughter), Hadiya (Daughter), Halima (Daughter).
Pride The Tatenda Pride.
Pride Rank Elder.
Pride History Cherway Pride (Birth pride), Tapon Pride, Akila Pride, The Rogue Akilas Pride, The Tatenda Pride.
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual / Straight.
Romantic Interest Enui, Dax.
Mate History Luka, "Enzi"*, Enui, Dax. (*Enzi forced himself on Hova so she was never romantically involved with him.)
Voice Actor Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter

History As a cub, Hova was the oldest born into a litter of three. As she was the oldest, she had the idea that she was going to be Queen of her birth pride when her parents were ready to pass on the responsibility. Always being a proud cub, she was either hated by the other cubs in the pride or she was loved. She was, of course, loved by the adults of the pride as she got along with them more than she did the cubs. Hova would always love to be with her little sisters, but she cherished the time she had with her father and learning the ways of the throne. Hova and her mother never got along very well, as Rashidah was usually with the other lionesses and not attending to Queenly duties; Hova found her to be very irresponsible and often thought herself better than her own mother.

As a teen, Hova had many suitors but she never looked for any romantic interaction with them as she wanted to keep her eyes on the prize. This is when her sisters and her started to grow apart from one another, Sua and Chezna often finding company with each other while Hova was set on being the best "Queen" she could be. Hova started to develop a sort of "complex" where she felt she was better than her sisters as well. And eventually, she started to disagree with her father's decisions, often getting into conflicts with him over the pride.

When she grew into a young adult, Hova was devastated that her father chose Chezna as the future Queen instead of her. As a result, she grew furious with her family and lived her early adult years in anger and lived her life that way. She distanced herself from everyone in the pride, and eventually challenged her sister for the throne. Chezna refused to fight with Hova, but Hova wanted to prove herself to her family. Regardless, Chezna didn't fight her. Instead, Sua fought for Chezna. Hova won the fight, but she was much too proud to admit that she wanted what she wasn't given and so she left to find another pride.

She eventually found a pride known as the Tapon pride, where she became a royal advisor to the leader. One day, there she met a lion named Dax, and Luka -- two boys who didn't get along well with one another. While Hova and Dax hit it off with each other right away, becoming friends, Luka had a strange hold on on Hova that eventually lead into them becoming romantically involved -- just not mates yet. She also met a male named Deviant, and a male named Raion, who wove a special way into her heart as good friends. When Hova had to leave the pride to go and speak with another, she came back to her pride being gone. Searching, the only ones she found were Luka and his little sister, Mara. They all decided to make the Akilas pride, with Hova as the Queen. Naturally she took it, but still had some doubts in the back of her mind with her father not picking her for the position originally. However, the Rogue Akilas flourished and was soon a large pride. Only when it was running smoothly did Hova decide that it was time for her and Luka to mate, making him the new King. As a result of this, Dax left the pride. However, soon there was much stress and drama to come with the ownership of the pride. Such as a lioness named Hasira that didn't take too kindly to Hova being with Luka. As a result, when a pair of lions, siblings, named Enui and Ahava joined, she latched onto Enui and tried to make him her mate. One day, Hova along with Deviant, Mara, Luka, Enui, Hova, and Hasira acted like they were breaking up the pride due to a conflict when they were really just making it so that they could make a whole new pride with a whole new set of rules. Thusly, this pride was called the Rogue Akilas Pride. Traveling to a new land all together, Hova revealed that she was pregnant and had her son, Layden, and daughter Ren. When the pride was one day off in another part of the territory for Hova to watch, she ran into a rogue named Enzi who raped her. As a result, Raion threw himself and Enzi into the river as they washed down together, no where to be found (Hova assumed Raion was dead afterwards).

Getting back on their feet, the new pride travelled to the lands of the Eselenki, a pride ruled by Dax, feeling like they needed some more protection for a while. He offered them shelter and allowed them to stay for as long as they liked. Meeting his own pride, Hova quite liked them and they took a liking to her as well. However, trouble was soon caused by Hasira once more. A fight broke out in the pride one day, and Hova had to help attend to her pride members, leaving Luka in charge of the cubs. When she returned, Ren was dead from an unknown cause to both Luka and her (it was a bug she had gotten from drinking dirty water). As a result of this death, Hova held a small grudge against Luka for allowing their daughter to die. When Luka had to leave for a conference of Kings in another pride's territory, he left everyone else behind only to return a few days later. However, Hasira was working her trouble through the pride once more, Dax and Hova having enough of it so they banished her. When Hasira asked for support from both prides, no one helped her -- not even Enui. When she left, Hova figured it would be best when Luka came back for them all to leave as well and find their own way. Hova didn't want to leave her friend, but she didn't want to trouble Dax. When Luka came back, he was different (he had PTSD) but Hova was beside him through recovery from the conference. Leaving the Eselenki pride territory, the Rogue Akilas found a new land they would call their own. This is the land where Hova gave birth to Enzi's cub, Siwatu. Unfortunately, Layden disliked Siwatu very much and thusly Siwatu was very depressed as he felt that no one loved him -- no matter how Hova's efforts to show him how much she loved him persisted. In the new territory, Hova's pride acquired new lions and lionesses, including a male named Disaster (lovingly referred to as 'Dizzy'). In these new lands, Hova's leadership abilities were tested by rogues and problems from the pride (including one of the rogues killing Siwatu), but she handled it with the best she could. However, her leading style wasn't the same as Luka's and he voiced his opinion multiple times. Hova believed she was doing a fine job with governing the lands and being the mother to her cubs, but Luka believed that the lands needed less of a leader and more of a mother. This resulted in Luka leaving Hova and the Rogue Akilas Pride. Hova, still in love with Luka, let him go since it was what he wanted and fell from the role for a while, allowing her right-paw Ahava to lead the lands for a while as she recovered and spent time with her family. Once she was back on her feet, Hova took back control and lead on her own. After being single for a while, she fell in love with Enui. Enui and Hova had a daughter together, named Nkiru.

When Nkiru was still a cub, Enui went to a conference of the Kings but didn't come back when he was supposed to. Hova was left to raise her pride on her own. As Nkiru grew up and got a mate of her own with cubs, Hova was still convinced that Enui was out there. When the pride came under attack from the same pride that Enui was supposed to see, Hova became convinced they killed him. The opposing pride was defeated, but left Hova beaten and broken hearted from the loss of her grandcubs and her daughter's unhappiness. Layden and Deviant came back to the pride afterwards, now permanently living with her again. When she heard wind of her old crush, Dax, dying from his age, Hova set off to go and see him before he was gone. As a result of their meeting, Hova was impregnated with Dax's cubs and she gave birth to twin daughters, Halima and Hadiya.

Personality Hova is a very accepting lioness, able to tolerate many lifestyles and others who do not suit her fancy as she might like. She has a knack for being able to read others, and give advice in the best way she can. As well as being caring and loving to all of those in her pride, she can find herself being a mother to more than just her cubs. As she was once belittled by her father, she has a tendancy to be stubborn and hide her emotions, only doing her best to show the very best, strong part of her for everyone to see. If she has someone who is disrespecting her, she likes to handle them with sarcasm and can find herself sometimes letting her own complex come out to belittle them. Very rarely does she use her Queen position to put others in her place, but sometime she can let it slip. Her temper can go from 0 to 1,000 if she's mad enough about a situation, so best watch out for that on this lioness. Other than that, she enjoys talking to her pride mates and helping others who need it.

Stories N/A
Roleplays N/A
Queen Malenga

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The Tatenda Pride

Posts: 6
Joined: March 5th, 2016, 9:29 am
Location: Canada
Nickname(s): Malenga, Mally, Mal, Queen, Malmal.
Gender: Female
Pride Points: 2

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