A buff, stocky grey/brown tabby with sharp hazel eyes. His coat is worn and decorated with scars from battles. The tip of his tail is missing from a hyena bite.
N a m e: Jackalstar
G e n d e r: Tom
A g e: 68
R a n k: Leader
W a n t e d R a n k: Elder
K i n: ---
P e r s o n a l i t y: He's a strict leader that takes his leadership duties quite seriously. However, he is surprisingly accepting of loners, though this may be only because larger numbers means a stronger Clan. He's very ferocious in battle, but knows when he is overpowered.
H i s t o r y: Born and raised in BaobabClan. He assumed the leader position after Storkstar passed on.
C r u s h: ---
M a t e: ---
L i k e s: Mice, mole rats, and hares as prey. Owls, although dangerous, have always intrigued him.
D i s l i k e s: Extreme wet seasons, wet moss, and hyenas.
+ t r a i t s: He's an excellent climber (as most BaobabClan cats should be), a swift swimmer, and a fierce fighter.
- t r a i t s: He lacks skills in hunting, and has gone hungry many nights in his life.