Worst animated film you've seen?

Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Lauren » March 18th, 2014, 3:26 am

Looking back at my first response almost two years ago, I still consider The Ant Bully to be the worst one for me. It's just awful in so many aspects.

Has anyone else seen this film besides me? :/

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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby mamaprince » May 18th, 2014, 9:30 pm

Frozen! Ugh! The most overrated Disney movie ever! I never was interested in it, I even watched it a few times, but it was just, Meh. :/
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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Gemini » June 20th, 2014, 6:26 pm

[quote="Lauren"]Looking back at my first response almost two years ago, I still consider The Ant Bully to be the worst one for me. It's just awful in so many aspects.

Has anyone else seen this film besides me? :/[/quote]

Yeah, I saw it... like, years ago. I dunno. I kind of liked it as a kid, but as I've said, I haven't seen it in a long time, my opinion might change now since I liked nearly everything then. (EDIT: In fact, now that I'm really thinking about it and typing out my thoughts, I'm starting to realize why people don't like it... o___o). I know my brother went through a phase where he *loved* it (he's autistic, so no hate on him please :P), but I never really felt anything particular towards it other than 'meh'. I liked the Nick Cage-sorcerer ant dude, but other than that it's just a generally flat movie. Aside from the gross scenes - yes, I'm starting to remember what you're talking about - and corny jokes... and that one really annoying bug character who always said 'HI!!! WAT'S UR NAME!?' to everyone :ugh: ...it's really kind of silly, not to mention... why the hell did Lucas sign that contract from that creepy exterminator dude? And speaking of which, why was that guy so hell-bent on destroying the ants in his yard? What's his deal? Did he have ant-related trauma as a kid? Did they both have ant-related trauma as a kid? The mysteries go on. :/

Let's see, other movies to add to this list... hmm... I grew up mostly watching Disney movies, so I haven't seen that many terrible ones. Most of the ones I have seen that are bad or look like they were made by high/drunk kids in the 5th grade have already been added to this list, but just for clarification, I'll continue.

- The Wild. This one has been mentioned a few times. To this day I've only seen it once (I was about 8 and I think it was a free movie or something, so we ended up going), but I still remember just sitting there like "... this is bad. It's a like a cheap rip-off of Madagascar :oops:". If you've seen it, then you know what I'm talking about. The story is pretty generic and the characters are bland. All in all, it's easily forgettable.

- Barnyard. This was another once I watched at 7 or 8 and thought was only 'okay' (which, since I liked most movies I watched back then, says something). I've only seen it twice, but having seen clips and reviews of it on Youtube since then... I can honestly say that the fact male cows in this movie have udders really disturbs me. :nomnom: I'm not all that impressed by the animation, either.

- Space Chimps. Watched this one once, don't really remember it (aside from the LSD-esque scene where he warps through a wormhole and, instead of getting ripped to shreds, sees his dead grandfather's face talking to him :sleepykovu:) ... but seriously, didn't they use like a volcano to boost their rocket ship off the weird alien planet? How does that make sense? Seriously, someone had to write that.

- Open Season II and III. If you hated Open Season (which, in my opinion, wasn't that bad, only really silly and kind of cliche), then you can have the comfort of knowing that these two movies make the first one look like a classic masterpiece. Perhaps it's still not something that deserves a sequel, though... at least, not these sequels.

- Planet 51. Another one I watched when I was maybe 10 and thought 'meh'. Again, my brother liked it, but we were the only people in the movie theater instead of at the new Twilight film, so obviously it didn't attract a lot of attention. The astronaut in the film was... well, not terribly unlikeable, but the aliens just look... disturbing. John Cleese actually agreed to voice a character in the movie apparently... and I still don't know how that came about (his character was still forgettable). I mean, do actors not read scripts anymore?? Lastly, the plot also relied way too heavily on references to other classic movies and jokes about 'oh, look, on this planet the roles of alien and human are swapped around! Here the aliens are afraid of the people!! That's so funny!! Har, har, har!!' :roll:

(EDIT: Oh, and I nearly forgot Pocahontas II and Mulan II! I watched them both with my friend on Netflix after watching the originals. Now, generally I think that Disney is like the paragon of animation, bar-none, but they don't seem to always put effort into their sequels, do they? Considering how much I liked Mulan and, to a degree, Pocahontas, I was disappointed by these. Here's some reasons why.

-Mulan II. Well... it's not as bad as Pocahontas II at least. But still it suffers from OOC-Disney-Sequel-Syndrome. I mean, where's the free-spirited, unconventional Mulan from the original? And when did Mushu become a total a-hole that purposefully destroyed everything? Ughh... that pretty much sums up my thoughts on that. The characters just... got canon-raped or something, I feel like they need help. They ought to give Disney characters rape-whistles for stuff like this. :gasp2: Aside from that, the story was a bit far-fetched and silly, but hey... at least the animation wasn't terrible.

- Pocahontas II. Seriously, what is the deal with this movie?? The animation isn't even close to what I would expect from Disney... I mean come on, you guys can do so, so much better. :yuck: Again it seems the characters were all raped terribly before being cast in this movie, words just cannot describe... but yes, as if being treated to the low-quality, often eye-sorish animation wasn't a blunt slap in the face, we get to enjoy watching John Smith fall off a building into the water in the first five minutes and then disappear for the other 99% of the movie. :wha: Yeah. I'm being serious. Of course, if they're killing off one of their main characters like that, they should have an incredibly good, well-thought-out reason for doing so, right? Turns out, no, not at all. As far as I know, it's just so Pocahontas can fall for someone else. Lazy writing, much?? Also, her personality is like 180-degrees opposite from before, now she's like this tame, civilized maiden going over to England, for reasons I don't remember but were probably pretty contrived. The whole thing just... doesn't seem to have a point. :unsatisfied: And I don't think she gets angry through like the whole film, even though they all gawk at her like she's some freak show. Oh, wait. I take that back. She does get angry, but only after they start stabbing a bear repeatedly in front of her as some sort of... court jester game. Apparently this was a real thing. So thanks, Disney, for at least doing your research... but does this whole movie have to be so silly?)

Another one that seems to be a popular one on here is Alpha and Omega, a movie I have seen only partway. I can't really offer my opinion aside from the fact that it seems more like a cartoon show and the wolves do look kind of creepy. I mean... what's with the hair? Also, am I supposed to believe that--you know what, nevermind. x___x

Lastly, I will say that I liked Chicken Little as a kid. Yes. It is true. However, be aware that this is probably biased because I was f-ing obsessed with anything with birds in it for... like... my entire childhood. :ermm: I think it goes without saying that the plot is overblown and completely ridiculous. However, I wouldn't necessarily go as far as to say that it's in the bin of the worst of the worst. The animation and just overall story/characters were by no means the best Disney had to offer by a long shot, and it kind of represents the slump that Disney faced after the 90's. But, like I said, it's still not as bad as some of these other ones in here. :/

PS As a bonus I watched the Nostalgia Critic reviews of Felix the Cat and both the Titanic movies. I would be surprised if I came out of that without some form of eye cancer. Dammit Niña, this is all your fault. D:

PPS What's with people putting Disney/Pixar films on this list? o____o Have there really been movies from Disney that were... I dunno... worse than these? Highly, highly doubtful in my opinion. (EDIT: Okay, I will admit some of the sequels are terrible, now that I start thinking about Pocahontas II and Mulan II... but barring sequels, what I said still stands, I think). I mean, I get if you don't like the particular movie, but you have to admit that all Disney/Pixar movies have a very, very high standard of artwork and animation. Particularly disappointing to see on this list is Frozen and TLK1.5. I mean, I can see if you don't like the particular story or characters, or if you think that Frozen is overrated - which I have to agree with a bit, even though I liked it a lot - but saying that it's worse than, for example, those Titanic movies (haven't seen them, don't really want to... except maybe to laugh at them) seems a bit unfair to the talented artists who obviously put a lot of time and effort into it. As I said, I can understand not liking the characters, and I myself am not a fan of TLK3 since it kind of ruins the mood of the franchise, but I don't see how the animation/voice acting/score/technical aspects/music of either movie are lacking.

PPPS Brave beat out Wreck-It Ralph for the Academy Awards? ... Ouch. Just ouch. :sad:
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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Lauren » June 20th, 2014, 10:44 pm

[quote="GeminiGemelo"][quote="Lauren"]Looking back at my first response almost two years ago, I still consider The Ant Bully to be the worst one for me. It's just awful in so many aspects.

Has anyone else seen this film besides me? :/[/quote]

Yeah, I saw it... like, years ago. I dunno. I kind of liked it as a kid, but as I've said, I haven't seen it in a long time, my opinion might change now since I liked nearly everything then. (EDIT: In fact, now that I'm really thinking about it and typing out my thoughts, I'm starting to realize why people don't like it... o___o). I know my brother went through a phase where he *loved* it (he's autistic, so no hate on him please :P), but I never really felt anything particular towards it other than 'meh'. I liked the Nick Cage-sorcerer ant dude, but other than that it's just a generally flat movie. Aside from the gross scenes - yes, I'm starting to remember what you're talking about - and corny jokes... and that one really annoying bug character who always said 'HI!!! WAT'S UR NAME!?' to everyone :ugh: ...it's really kind of silly, not to mention... why the hell did Lucas sign that contract from that creepy exterminator dude? And speaking of which, why was that guy so hell-bent on destroying the ants in his yard? What's his deal? Did he have ant-related trauma as a kid? Did they both have ant-related trauma as a kid? The mysteries go on. :/[/quote]
What's even worse is that Lucas is voiced by the same guy who played Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender and in this film, Lucas is such a douche and so unlikable as a character in contrast to Aang who is so the opposite since he's fun, charming, and likable as a kid. It's like watching my Aang being a jerk the whole time. :(

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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Gemini » June 20th, 2014, 10:56 pm

[quote="Lauren"]What's even worse is that Lucas is voiced by the same guy who played Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender and in this film, Lucas is such a douche and so unlikable as a character in contrast to Aang who is so the opposite since he's fun, charming, and likable as a kid. It's like watching my Aang being a jerk the whole time. :([/quote]

Dude, for real?? :-o I hadn't watched ATLA yet when I first watched The Ant Bully, but since I've watched some episodes of ATLA and really enjoyed them since that time... you're right, that would probably bug the hell out of me if I were to go back and rewatch it. ._____.

Characters with annoying/distracting/misplaced voices in general are the worst though.
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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby PridelandsPhantom » September 17th, 2016, 4:16 pm

I am a big fan of Alpha and Omega I think it's sweet and funny and I liked it quite a bit. I don't really like the Polar Express it's not a terrible movie but it bores me and it's just not my thing. As for the worst movie, Antz is up there on my list. A Bug's Life was far better and this is just a knock-off of that movie in the worst way. Woody Allen is trying to be funny, but he's not he's just whiny and annoying. A Shark Tale is pretty bad mainly because it's cliched and annoying with pop references anywhere. Rene Zellweger is about the only character I really like and I'm usually a big fan of Will Smith, but this movie was just horrible.

The animation wasn't terrible but I couldn't stand Cars 2 which I term "The Mater Show." I wanted to see more of Sally and the rest of the gang and even Lightning but the plot was all about Mater and not really that funny. :cry:
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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Elton John » September 17th, 2016, 9:32 pm


Ummm... I tend to not watch many of the really terrible looking animated films...

I think my answer was this thanksgiving themed movie starring turkeys from 2-3 years ago. Not merely boring, it was really insulting. It had george takei in it, and felt like it was created just to advertise chuck e cheese at the end (no, seriously).
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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Gemini » September 17th, 2016, 11:55 pm

^ Are you talking about Free Birds? Because I'll admit I haven't seen that movie all the way through, but I wasn't impressed by the parts I did see.

Anyway, feel like my list needs to be amended since the last time I posted in here was about two years ago and my tastes have changed somewhat since then. Also I'm kind of a connoisseur of really bad animated films, they tend to be a good laugh. LOL So I'll share some updates here.

Foodfight is #1 because any list without it is not truly complete. And before you ask - yes, I actually have watched this film (illegally, but I mean where the **** are you actually going to find a DVD of this, let's be honest). It is just as hilariously awful as it looks. The animation is simply horrible to look at and all the characters look like greasy plastic dolls. The jokes are all really off-base and the film tries to replicate this cartoony style and it just... fails really horribly. The fact that Charlie Sheen and Hilary Duff are in it is also hilarious. I mean, Sheen has had issues with his career (probably he went crazy because of this crap since apparently they had to keep calling the actors back or something) and Hilary Duff is like... not even relevant anymore. But seriously, there's so many big-name actors in it. The dude from Back to the Future is even in it. I'm just... it's one of those things where you can only be in shock that it even exists.

I mean, obviously they had the budget but... honestly just look at the film.


And my favorite scene in any animated film, ever.


Oh and that's another thing about this movie. Literally everyone jerks around all the time and makes tons of unnecessary hand gestures. It's like they're all just constantly having seizures and it's super distracting.

Anyway, pros to this movie (yes, there are a few): the voice acting isn't usually terrible at least. Because they probably spent 90% of their budget on that (and product placement but whatevs). Actually the sound quality in general is fine (more on that in the next movie I put in here). The animation may be god-awful but at least, as put in the words of one commenter on Youtube, "the camera angles are weirdly on-point".

That's about all the good I can say about this movie, however. lol

#2 would have to go to Life's A Jungle: Africa's Most Wanted. It is also pretty terrible; however, I wouldn't recommend watching it because it's INCREDIBLY BORING and weirdly paced. It honestly feels like a cutscene for a PS1 game that just goes on for an hour and a half. I watched it with Jack back when we were dating and we had to stop it halfway through because we were falling asleep. It feels like the characters take five minutes to walk anywhere and they all talk really slowly.

Another annoying thing - THE SOUND QUALITY. Foodfight actually did it right, or at least way better than this film Jesus that feels weird to say... but honestly. Half the time it's just random bird noises or misplaced classical music or sound effects that feel like they were ripped from a free sounds library off the Internet.

There's also "rhinos" that stand on two legs and look disgusting.

This one I will be a bit more lenient with than Foodfight, even if some things are worse. Namely because the budget for this was $250k, if I remember correctly, and the bulk of it seemed to be made by one family. So at least I can sort of understand why it's awful.

But it's definitely awful. Seriously, don't watch it.

#3 goes to Leo the Lion, an obvious TLK rip-off. Though really, that's not why it's #3 - it's just #3 because it's honestly awful. It's hard to find clips of it but it's on Netflix. I watched the subbed version, but this one is dubbed. Original language is Italian.

This scene literally comes at the end, with no context. But basically he eats grass???? Which isn't possible since they don't have the microorganisms in their gut to ferment grass and break down cellulose bonds, honestly even ruminants don't digest it very well and a lion would definitely die, this is literally basic animal science but whatever. HE HAS A HEART GUYS. OTHER LIONS ARE MONSTERS.

And this is honestly probably one of the least cringey parts of the movie. Seriously, the plot makes no sense.

Warning for spoilers since I'm sure you all wanted to watch this movie and don't want anything given away, LOL. But basically like the movie opens and his mom dies in two seconds (I'm supposed to feel sad??? Oh, and that's another thing about this movie... the emotions I'm supposed to be feeling are really unclear) and then he decides not to eat meat, because screw being an obligate carnivore. And then there's something with him meeting a random elephant queen. And a storm and a bunch of cubs go missing and the queen's elephant children so that's a thing.

There's also this random elephant who's supposed to be a villain. He even has a crappy "Be Prepared" rip-off song.

Apparently he wants to marry the elephant queen so he can be king, which makes no sense because judging by the song he's already a king or in charge or something so I mean... okay. I think this song is literally only here to make him more like Scar, except he honestly only has like 1/16th of the brain mass of Scar and isn't nearly as cool. But whatever. lol

In any case, this movie is awful. The character models are legitimately disgusting. And none of it makes sense. Things just kind of... happen. But it's on Netflix, unlike the other ones, so it should be pretty easy to find.

Anything by Dingo Pictures is also awful. I've never really had the pleasure of seeing one of their "movie" game things (except Animal Soccer Adventures or whatever it's called... it's pretty haphazard and random...), but I've been watching tons of reviews by this guy. They're all fantastic reviews and very funny so I'd highly recommend them if you want a good laugh.

In any case, all of these are definitely pretty bad films. It's hard to find ones that are worse because you really have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. However, a lot of them are very obscure and low-budget. In terms of films that are more mainstream and had a theatrical release, or were well-known DTVs... I will still keep most of the ones on my previous list. I will also add Hunchback of Notre Dame II to my list of awful Disney sequels, even though I'm sure that goes without saying for anyone who's actually watched that film.

Also, to amend my last post: I did finish Alpha and Omega, a movie that has been brought up several times in this thread. I'm not sure I would put it in my worst list, however. I mean, was it bad? Yeah, but it was honestly pretty harmless and forgettable. It's not the same caliber of awful as many of the films that I or others have brought up here.

I cannot attest to the quality of the sequels, however. I'm sure they're awful.

Lastly, a list of films that I've heard are terrible and really would like to watch for the experience, but have not yet. I've only heard about them, or seen reviews. All of these are, however, probably on the same level as the other three I listed.

A Car's Life: Sparky's Big Adventure
Titanic/Secret of the Titanic/whatever tf they are called (both of them... and the sequel to one of them, Tentacolino)
The Little Panda Fighter (actually anything by Video Brinquedo, including the following two)
What's Up? Balloon to the Rescue!

Can't think of any others... but yeah. I really like awful animated movies. They're a good time. lmao
Last edited by Gemini on September 18th, 2016, 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Cheezi » September 18th, 2016, 12:28 am


i cri evrytim :lol:

Agree heavily with GeminiGemelo, Foodfight was definitely he worst animated film I've seen...
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Re: Worst animated film you've seen?

Postby Elton John » September 18th, 2016, 12:29 am

Yeah, that was the one. That food fight cgi looks like it came straight out of a low budget playstation 2 game. Geez!

While not completely terrible, the animation is decent enough and the acting was acceptable, ferngully? I hope no one hates me for this but I found it to be overly bland, with a message as subtle as an episode of captain planet.
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