Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby Timon the great » June 17th, 2014, 4:57 pm

Mostly a random question that came into my head, but I also remember someone writing about this on a fic of theirs on FF.net.

How would it be if Sarabi thanked Timon and Pumbaa for rescuing/raising/helping Simba? Since this isn't shown in the film, we can only speculate or imagine exactly how it would be. I'm pretty sure many would say that she would thank them first and foremost though.

But how exactly do you imagine this? Would Sarabi welcome and thank Timon and/or Pumbaa with open arms? As a scene?
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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby TheLionPrince » June 17th, 2014, 5:33 pm

Oh, wow! What a good question! It all depends on how much Sarabi learned about Simba's years in self-exile. I believe Sarabi would be thankful of them rescuing Simba, but she wouldn't have approved of their decision to have Simba leave his troubled past behind and not return home to his grieving family. Hopefully, she would understand if Simba returned home immediately after his father's death, Scar and the hyenas would try to kill him.
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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby juhouh » June 17th, 2014, 7:20 pm

As much as I dislike that duo I guess they still deserve big thanks from Sarabi especially. Also to that what Chris said above; I think "Hakuna Matata" was actually helpful for him. He didn't know where to go and what to do plus he could have starved to death if Timon and Pumbaa didn't teach him to eat bugs
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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby Zonofon » June 17th, 2014, 8:26 pm

I agree with previous opinions: Sarabi would be grateful Timon and Pumbaa. I think her gratitude would be restrained, but sincere.

But I want to add that she should understand that Timon and Pumbaa do not fully understand what it means to be a king, and look at their actions from that position. I'm sure she'll understand, that they were good friends, and I believe that this is so.
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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby Timon8 » June 18th, 2014, 7:01 am

Altough I love them, I'm not sure if Sarabi would approve them. Even Mufasa said the following to Simba, when living Timon and Pumbaa's lifestyle: "You are more then what you have become."
Still a question that's rrally interesting to think about.
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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby DGFone » June 19th, 2014, 7:46 am

When Mufasa expressed his disapproval of Simba's lifestyle, he was talknig specifically to Simba about refusing to remember who he really was. While Sarabi might share the same views had she known, I think that knowing that they were the only animals directly responsible for her son's survival more than made up for the fact that they didn't bring up Simba as a king-to-be, or even as a lion to return home and take his rightful throne.

Think about it: Both Timon and Pumbaa are just about at the bottom of the food chain. Yet they willingly chose to take up a young member of a species that eats their kind, and allowed him to survive and live on.

Plus, now that I think about it: Mufasa at least got to tell Simba about the importance of all life, including ants and antelope, who cub Simba thought were not important. While it is a lesson that I am sure Simba learned, I am very certain that at least in this specific regard, getting brought up by "prey" more than anything, truly enforced the point home into Simba's head of how important even small, seemingly unimportant animals are. What I am saying is that I think that while Timon and Pumbaa brought Simba up not in an ideal environment, their relationship really made him appreciate all life much more than Mufasa could ever hope for.

I think Sarabi would approve in the end.
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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby Carl » July 4th, 2014, 5:53 pm

I would say no, except...

Timon and Pumbaa didn't know Simba was a king. They simply knew that he was an outcast with nowhere to go. They saved his life and kept alive long enough that he was able to defeat Scar, something that wouldn't have happened had he returned to the Pride Lands or braved the desert alone. Had Simba really been a simple outcast like T&P thought, then their carefree lifestyle would have been exactly what he needed, something to help him forget his problems. They did the best they could and risked their lives doing it. She would probably thank them for that.

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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby TomCat » July 4th, 2014, 10:28 pm

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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby EdtheHyena » July 9th, 2014, 9:00 pm

What's interesting is you'd think this sort of thing would be shown in the midquel. But I guess the creators pretty much forgot about Sarabi after the first movie.

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Re: Would Sarabi Thank Them?

Postby Haraka » July 9th, 2014, 9:47 pm

Well she probably would have said 'thanks' indeed.
If they had not be here , simba would have commited suicide by walking aimlessly in the wastelands , scar would have gone unchallenged and the pride lands would have been locked in it's desolate state.
Even if they weren't the greatest teachers nor did they act like they were dealing with a lion , they did save him and thus the pride lands
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