You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:31 am

Chapter 1

One would definitely have to be strong after all that Nala went through. From cubhood to adulthood, she was faced with challenges she never thought she would have encountered; nothing her mother had prepared her for. No mother could prepare their daughter for an adventure like she had been on. Regardless of her betrothal to the future king, Nala was tested emotionally, physically, and mentally in her years. And as she stood on the edge of Pride Rock with Simba's shadow looming over her, she was brought back to the troubled times she couldn't soon forget.

She could clearly remember the sight of all the lionesses grouped together, the news of king Mufasa and prince Simba deaths taking its toll on them all. Through her blurred vision and aching chest, Nala remembered looking over to the queen and seeing Sarabi gasping for air, as the news of her family's death shooting a pain through her that no one could relate with. Nala knew, from a young age, things were never supposed to be like this. But as the shadows of the hyenas encroached on their grieving group, she wished things would have never been like this. Growing up, her time was spent in slavery to those mongrils. She spent her days close at Sarafina's side, large blue orbs wandering over the surroundings for any hyenas that were growing tiresome of zebra and antelope and craved cub flesh instead. Nala didn't put it past them; they had almost consumed Chumvi, Malka, Kula, and Tama. The hyenas would even taunt Nala while Sarafina was around, letting the cub know that if she dared to leave her mother's side that she would have her bones left in the den area like the rest of their kills.

Teenhood was more troubling to her memories. As she was older and more sufficent at getting hunting done, the hyenas used their same tactics to pressure Nala to over hunt. The few times Nala decided enough was enough, she was struck. But she could clearly reflect on the hyenas who had abused her were always limping around the day after. Little did Nala suspect that Scar, the tyrant king, was watching Nala with great interest and the physical damage done to her he would double against the hyenas. Now the lioness knew it was because Scar wanted a trophy of a queen by his side, since Sarabi was not submissive to him. Had he not known Sarabi from cubhood? Nala had always thought Sarabi was a headstrong sort of woman and she was encouraged to believe that from Sarafina's tellings of their past. One day, however, Nala was approached by the uncle-figure she had known for the longest time, but it was different. Disgust rung through her entire body, shivers running down her spine like she was thrust into arctic waters when he was around. And the day he had come for her, to finally put an end to all the speculation and questioning of his true intentions, she had left him with another mark to his face and her fading image to his emerald hues.

She left the Pridelands. And she didn't want to go back. What was once promised to be the best home she could have ever asked for, it was turned into a dry nothingness. Nala wasn't sure why she was so intent on recovering the lands to its former glory when she set off looking for Simba. Maybe it was because she felt some sort of responsibility to the earth that now only showed dirt and gloom, or because she wanted to get Scar back for what he had done to her. Not only to her, but her pride; her family and friends. And when she found Simba, and finally convinced him to come back to the home he was supposed to rule over, she was more than pleased when she could help him take back what was his. Sure enough, Scar was overthrown and the hyenas followed him off Pride Rock, leaving behind paw prints and a disgusting stench which the lionesses soon took care of And to their horror, the queen who lead them through these hard times while she dealt with it all herself. Their dear Sarabi had perished, and hadn't even had the chance to pass on the responsibilites to her son.

And after all of that, she now stood as the future queen to these lands. Almost by some unknown force of time had the Pridelands regained its previous greenery. As both subject and royalty alike stared at Nala, she painted a smile across her features. The sun soaked her already lightly toned pelt, making her seem even more pleased with the moment where she stood next to the male whom she found and brought back to his place. But on the inside, she was still living in the lands of Scar's reign. For the moment she looked over her shoulder at the remaining lionesses who stood behind the royal couple, she could only spot her mother, and a few other females. Her mind imagined Sarabi standing there as well, smiling at her son with Mufasa next to her. Their translucent forms watching over the other animals of the Pridelands as they once stood in the same position as herself and Simba, in the same sunlight.


The sky had painted itself a magenta and purple mix, with stars twinkling behind the remaining clouds of the night time. Nala pressed through the grass, the only sounds her sensitive ears picking up on were those of the grass being crushed under her paws, and the sounds of herds gathering up together. The herds didn't leave at the sight of Nala, as she positioned her tail upwards, to signal them that she wasn't on the hunt. Not now. She had a personal hunt going on inside her, where her thoughts were latching themselves onto her concentration and not letting go.

When she emerged from the grass and walked up a small hill, her lids were heavy over her blue orbs and she continued to mentally spar with herself. 'I was supposed to love him by now. Mom told me I would fall in love with Simba and everything would be okay... so why hasn't it happened yet?' Nala asked herself. Her tail wrapped around her paws whilst she sat, head bent to look down at the ground. The lioness remembered back when they were kids, and Zazu was insisting they would be married. Never did he mention they would fall in love with one another, so maybe he was trying to warn Nala of this impending problem. Now that she thought about Zazu, her head perked and she searched the lands for him as though he would be right there for her. She hadn't seen him in a long time. Like, a really long time. She didn't want to think about any more deaths, but she was convinced that the majordomo was dead as well. Not wanting to think about how he had passed or even where he was now, she made a mental note that she would need a new majordomo.

She let a sigh escape her chest, not realizing how much she had been holding it in. A bad habit of hers, she had concluded; Nala would sometimes, as a cub, stray from her mother and be caught by the hyenas without Sarafina around so she would hold her breath and remain as quiet as possible. She was never dinner for anyone so she didn't need to do it any longer, but she supposed now that she had just carried it as a habit of when she was in deep thought or in a state of panic. But now she could have just been able to supress that panic more.

As Nala continued to joust with herself and her mental swords, her eyes were drawn to the moving grass a little ways from her. The grass being a good height at the angle she was positioned on the hill, Nala's cat curosity was irked and she felt the tugging on her morals as both queen and nosy feline to check it out. Besides, how bad could it be that a lioness of her calibur couldn't handle it? Moving off of her haunches, Nala crouched down slightly, her elbows rubbing against her sides and she kept her blue eyes hovering over the movements. She could hear mumblings, so she adjusted her ears to listen easier. A male and a female, she concluded. The male had a deep voice, almost familiar to her. And the female's voice was light, soothing. The best way Nala could describe it was if a feline had an extremely large amount of catnip and wasn't finished with the sensational ripples through their body.

"You alright back there, Nia?" the male pondered.

"Oh, I'm fine," she replied. "Don't worry about me."

Soon, the two figures escaped the yellow grasses and into a clearing where there were a few rocks and puddles. Even though the female was brightly coloured, like herself, Nala's eyes were drawn to the sight of the male. The more she studied the brute, her stomach dropped and she physically had to stop herself from letting her jaw drop. He retained most of the features from a lion from her past. Of course, when she was a cub, she couldn't really place many names to faces and unfortunately that being a habit of hers now, Nala attempted to remind herself not to draw such drastic conclusions. But she continued to stare, and maybe she was thinking louder than just inside her head because the two looked straight at her.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

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Nickname(s): Malenga, Mally, Mal, Giraffe, Queen.
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You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:32 am

Chapter 2

The night had crept up on Nala and these two new lions. It offered a silence that aided in Nala's growing anxiety of being alone with this large male and a lioness who could easily hold her own. As Nala stayed perched on the top of the hill, she flicked her sapphire orbs back to Pride Rock, wondering – hopefully quieter this time – if anyone was going to come and look for her conveniently. She couldn't see anyone coming for her, so she would have to approach these two kindly. She would have done so anyways, but it was nice to have back up in case these rogues had other ideas in mind.

Surprising Nala, she wasn't the first one to speak. The male did. "Hello there," called out the brute. He had moved a little closer to where Nala was standing, but he didn't advance up the hill. However, Nala noticed how wherever the lion would go, the lioness behind him would follow.

"Hello," Nala replied. Her tail swayed back and forth behind her, the small blades of grass being picked up in the motion as she did so. "Might I ask who you two are?" she beckoned out to them. Luckily they didn't seem to be a duo of troublemakers, but with the primary example of Scar, Nala had learned to never judge a book by its cover.

She was pleased that her request lead to introductions. As the male nodded, he looked over his shoulder at the lightly coloured fae. "This is Nia," he then looked over to the queen of the Pridelands again, "And my name is Mufasa."

Mufasa? Nala's thoughts echoed in complete disbelief. No, that can't be... Mufasa died in the stampede. Scar told us he –, her thoughts were overpowering and her face was a result of her shock. But then a thought occurred to her. She couldn't judge a book by its cover, and Scar was what she hadn't thought to be. So could it have been that allowing him to sew a truth into their pride those few years ago was because he was trying to pull one over on the very same lionesses who had outcasted him? Through her thoughts, she found a little more peace.

Nala nodded her head to Nia, still in shock and hoping she didn't come off as rude. But her eyes started to linger back to Mufasa. The voice matched his presence perfectly, just as she remembered from cubhood. But now that she looked even closer, she could see his face was more aged than before. His eyes were duller, making his ruby coloured orbs a faded brown. But his body looked the same. Still strong and muscular, as a great king of his calibre would be.

Breaking her out of thought, the bright beige lioness behind Mufasa, Nia, moved up beside the gold male. "And what is your name, dear? If I may ask," Nia gently questioned.

Nala was reminded that she hadn't given her name yet, even though the social structure of the uptight conversation exchanged between these three lions called for Nala to do so. With a thoughtful flick of her ears, she cleared her throat and smiled graciously. As any queen would. "Sorry," she apologized for her perceived rudeness. "My name is Nala." Why was she having such a hard time just saying to Mufasa that she knew him? Surely he hadn't come back here by accident.

But when her name was mentioned, Nala found a new twinkle of light in Mufasa's once bored eyes. His ears perked with his head, and he walked up to the younger lioness with purpose. Closing the gap between the two, the male's ruby hues focused on Nala's form more and more with each pressing second, Nala unsure if she should move away or just stay put. The result of her persistent lack of decision making skills resulting in her just staying where she was. Her eyes moved over him, taking him in for what he was now that he was closer to her. He was as big as she remembered him, the grand size of his bulk being quite the off putting to find in front of her now, especially when she believed a few minutes ago that he was still dead.

Finally, Mufasa moved his head away from her and smiled. "Oh my, it is you Nala! Look how you've grown up," Mufasa bellowed, his paw reaching out to grasp her to him in a friendly hug. Nala had no other option but to fall into his scent, reminding her of her cubhood. She could remember Mufasa doing his rounds of the Pridelands. Often, when her mother and Sarabi would hang out together, he would check up on the lionesses and make sure they were doing alright before leaving. Distinctly, Nala could remember his scent when he left.

Tree bark, she reminded herself. Whenever Mufasa would come home, he smelled of tree bark. Never would she know why he did when she was a cub, but now knowing the ways of dominant males in a pride, they would often rub themselves against trees to mark their territory. But when she was young, all she could think was he should smell like Sarabi. Nala could never know what Sarabi smelled like, but it was so much cleaner compared to Mufasa.

A clear picture of Sarabi in Nala's mind brought the lioness to ease herself away from Mufasa, unaware that he was questioning her leaving his embrace. Her eyes were focused to the ground as she wondered to herself how she could tell him. After all, she wasn't too sure how she was supposed to break it to him that his brother was the one who killed Sarabi. Or at least, that was how Nala viewed it.

After a moment of silence between the three, Mufasa cleared his throat. It brought both females to look at him, but Nala could see he was looking at Nia at his side. "Nia, Nala is my son's betrothed. She is the future queen of the Pridelands," she explained to the lioness.

"Oh, are you?" Nia asked. Nala nodded her head, almost guiltily. The thoughts of being with Simba again blanketing her in a veil of shame for how she was acting in front of Simba's father. "Mufasa has told me you were the favourite to become the next lead huntress after Sarabi decided you were ready," Nia commented. The shame fell even harder onto Nala's face, and her head was weighed down because of it.

"Speaking of Sarabi, where is she? Back at Pride Rock? I can't wait to see her again," Mufasa smiled. His eyes were taken over to where Pride Rock was, Nia's following. They both focused on the large rock standing out against the landscape. It certainly was an eye catcher, even in the dark. But when Nala didn't reply, Mufasa's eyes followed after her. "Nala?"

Hastily, Nala peered back up at the king but skewed her vision to the side, away from where she could even spot Nia's bright colour. With a sigh, she collected her words though she wasn't sure she could have put it any other way for him. "She passed away," answered Nala. Another silence was brought amongst the group. Not even able to bring herself to look up at Mufasa, she looked at Nia. Nia looked just as shocked as she was sure Mufasa did. "I'm so sorry to have to tell you this."

Nia looked over to Mufasa for Nala, but she soon looked away from him as well. This brought Nala's curiosity to a boil once more, and she looked to the male. Sadly, the lioness sighed when she saw Mufasa's expression. He was standing stiff, ears alert like he was still awaiting for news of Sarabi's whereabouts. His orbs were wide, and that was probably how the tears were falling so freely. Just the sight of this male crying, it brought Nala's own ears to a fall and her eyes closed for fear of allowing her own tears to shed.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

Posts: 18
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Nickname(s): Malenga, Mally, Mal, Giraffe, Queen.
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You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:33 am

Chapter 3

"I'm so sorry, your majesty," Nala sadly expressed her concern for the male. She knew it couldn't be easy for him. It wasn't easy to watch Sarabi suffer all that time she was alive, but she was just glad Mufasa didn't have to see his true love in such a state. Watching Mufasa's reaction, she continued to let her eyes linger over his indecisive features.

Finally, it looked like he came to a conclusion. "I need to be alone for a while," he told the two. As king, Nala knew he wasn't asking permission, and it seemed like Nia and Nala were in no way looking to stop him from being on his own for a while. Nodding, Nala looked at Nia and beckoned her to follow with swift communications through her tail. The two brightly coloured lionesses walked off the hill. As they left, Nala looked over her shoulder to Mufasa. He was sitting with his head hung and his shoulder blades protruding through his golden pelt. The posture of a broken heart.

As the two lionesses walked on, there was a silence placed back between them. Neither female really looked at each other, and when they did it was a small smile given back to each other and then looking forward again. The two continued to walk, pushing through the savannah grasses with not much to say. Not really sure why, Nala cleared her throat to see if anything would be said between the two.

"It's too bad about Sarabi," Nia commented. Pinning her ears, Nala criticized the tone of her voice. It was generic, like the way someone would speak about a child losing its favourite toy. But then again, who was Nala to judge? Nia didn't know Sarabi at all.

Nodding, Nala walked on. For some reason, now that they were speaking about something, Nala could relax her neck more. "Yes, it is," she replied.

"Mufasa spoke so highly of her. I wish I could have met her." The two of them stopped in front of a waterhole, the moon shining down on the waves to show the calmness of the liquid.

"It's too bad you couldn't have," Nala told Nia. "Queen Sarabi was the type of lioness who could stare a rhino, elephant, and bison straight in the eye and still have the nerve to tell them to get along as long as they were in her lands." Nala spoke from experience, as she remembered the older lioness doing just that on a number of occasions. As she spoke, Nia flicked her ears with great interest and intrigue. Nala could easily see that Nia was the type who could only dream of being that way; a superhero that ruled the Pridelands as Sarabi once did. But Nala found it best to change the subject. "So, you saved king Mufasa?" she asked.

Nodding her head, Nia looked up at the stars. "It was a night just like this one," she started. "Myself and some other lionesses were coming back from a hunt and we came across Mufasa, who was injured and beaten up at the time. As we were an all female pride, there were a few raised eyebrows when some of us came back with an injured male, but Mufasa wasn't one to intrude. So, he stayed outside of the territory, and he took care of himself... or so he believed." Nala's brow rose as she mentioned the last part, making her wonder just what Nia was getting at.

"What do you mean 'or so he believed'?" Nala questioned Nia. Her brow arched in a sceptical manner, wondering just what this lioness meant. However, from her demeanour, Nala was sure that there was nothing abusive about to come out of her mouth.

Nia laughed, obviously picking up on Nala's wonderment. "I would visit him outside of the territory and make sure he was healing up. But on top of that, he would find carcasses laying around and he believed they were just there." Now Nala was smiling, seeing what Nia was hinting at.

"You put them there for him," Nala concluded.

"I wasn't going to let him die just because he was too proud to accept help from others in his time of need."

Nala nodded again. Speaking with Nia like this, she was happy she could get to know her character a little more. As soft spoken as she was, Nala found this lioness to be kind and compassionate. But a question was imposing her peacefulness.

"Why did you leave your pride?" asked Nala. When Nala asked the question, Nia's face was washed over with a whole new emotion. One that Nala didn't even know could exist on the face of this lioness. Obviously it was hard for her to talk about, and so Nala quickly stiffened her posture. "I didn't mean to pry," she recovered, giving Nia the opportunity not to say anything.

Shaking her head, Nia smiled back over at Nala, but her smile was tinted with a faint sadness. Something she had obviously worked hard on not allowing affect her. "I don't mean to be secretive from you, queen Nala. I am just... it's fresh."

Curiosity was scratching at Nala like flies to her pelt, causing the lioness's tail to flick back and forth behind her. Nevertheless, she would have to respect Nia's decision and expect either an explanation from her later on, or learn to put it behind her and not know at all.

Silence was, one again, replacing their conversation but the two of them found their way over to where Mufasa was. He hadn't moved. Nala sighed, and looked back at Nia. "I don't know what to do," she said.

"What can you do, really?" Nia pondered.

"Simba will be overjoyed to see his father again," the queen lioness remarked. But she didn't know if Simba could deal with Mufasa knowing right now. It was fresh for them too, and even for Nala. It was hard to think that she wasn't going to learn the ways of the queen from the original; she was going to have to make mistakes along the way and learn from that. Added with a little common sense, Nala had the makings of a good queen, but she was still young and that's what frightened her.

Snapping out of her thoughts, however, was the sight of a golden figure encroaching on the lionesses time together, spent in the quiet. Nia's eyes followed as Mufasa placed himself in front of Nala, looking directly into her orbs. The queen watched Mufasa, noticing the same lacking light in his rubies.

"We should go back now," he said.

"You sure you're ready?" Nala asked him.

"I have no other choice," Mufasa answered almost instantly.

"You always have a choice, your highness." Nala's retort seemed to catch Mufasa off balance, his posture stiff again but all the more intent on going back home. With a sigh, Mufasa shielded his eyes once again by closing them and opening them back up with the sight of Pride Rock clear in his sights. Obviously his choice was to go home. All that Nala and Nia could do was follow along with him. Nala knew this route too well, following behind Mufasa again, just like good old times.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

Posts: 18
Joined: April 25th, 2014, 8:12 pm
Location: Imaaaaaaaaaaginaaaation~
Nickname(s): Malenga, Mally, Mal, Giraffe, Queen.
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You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:33 am

Chapter 4

Walking back to Pride Rock, Nala was transported back to her cub years. She followed behind Mufasa, her head lowered to the ground. This time, not because she was in trouble, but because she was fearful of upcoming trouble. For son and father, she was sure it wouldn't be the nicest of reunions. Her eyes were focused on the ground in front of her, barely noticing the fact that her paws were stepping in Mufasa's tracks. This time though, her feet weren't conquered in size. When Nala brought her gaze forward, she could see they were closer to the large structure she called home than she had thought they were. I was too deep in thought, she reasoned with herself. Also ahead, she studied Mufasa. At his side, Nia stuck close. She could understand why; this was a new land and even Nala could admit that she would be edgy about being in unknown lands. But at least she had Mufasa with her.

When the three reached the bottom of the rock, Nala wasn't too surprised that there was no one there; it was time for everyone to file in and get ready for their evening slumbers. Even Mufasa knew that. Looking up the rock, Nala knew she would find Simba in there as well – of course, since he was the king. Her eyes skewed over to where Mufasa and Nia stood, seeing the male stare up at Pride Rock with unnerving calmness.

"Your majesty," Nala broke his thoughts, Mufasa's eyes focusing on the young lioness, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Mufasa gave her the same look he did in the plains. Obviously he had made up his mind, but Nala was still unsure if even he knew what was best. She couldn't put it past him that he was thrown by the recent news, even though she saw him as invincible. But she would have to learn that he was a lion, just as she, and even the powerful king lion who had saved her and her best friend as cubs had his days.

"I have to," he replied to her. He sounded much more collected than he looked.

"I could just tell Simba and he could come to you. We can ease the pride into it slowly that you're –" But before she could offer her suggestion to the fullest, she stopped herself when Mufasa strode forward. His mane made his chest look even more full, like he wore his determination around his neck. And with only a sigh and a sympathetic look from Nia, the lionesses followed after the golden king.

Climbing to the top was a pinch for Nala, her paws learning where the right path was after years of climbing down every day and up every night. And as she looked over her shoulder, she was pleased that Mufasa's paws took the same memorized journey as her's. However, when she looked down to Nia, who was intently watching her paws every which way they landed, she couldn't help but smile. She didn't dare make a remark however, and simply just waited as Mufasa passed her and Nia caught up. Slowly, she followed after Nia to give her support while she pulled herself up to the top of the large rock formation. There, they met Mufasa waiting for them.

Nala looked to the male one more time, seeing if he was having second thoughts about revealing himself as alive to the rest of the pride all in one go. He reciprocated the look but was the first to turn away and face the entrance of the den. With a sigh, she walked up beside him.

"At least let me go in first," Nala attempted to persuade the male at her side. Mufasa was quiet for a moment, fixated on Pride Rock's height. His eyes focused on the tip of the rock overhead, like he was about to try and jump up to it. Finally, he nodded in agreement. Nala's eyes dived into the darkness of the cave, not being able to make out any figures through the shadows, but her blue orbs aided her as she stretched her legs forward into the den. There, she could see the lionesses crowding around a stage-like rock at the end of the cave, where Simba had placed himself with enough room for his mate when she returned. And as Nala entered the cave, she was taken notice of. Plenty of lionesses smiled at her and greeted her with warm chuffs. As she looked to Simba, he smiled at her. "Everyone, I have something to show you," she announced.

Simba's smile turned into a confused stare, as he like the rest of the others, awaited for Nala to give more information. But Nala didn't speak, and only allowed her news to show itself. And as Mufasa stepped forward, the cave was so silent that the sound of lionesses looking at each other in shock could be heard in the wind. Simba stepped forward, over to where his mate was, making sure this wasn't a trick of the light. "Dad?"

Mufasa's face was stiff, like he didn't believe this to be real. But soon the male's face dispersed and he smiled down at his son. "Yes, Simba. It's me," he replied. The rest of the pride gathered around Mufasa as well, giving the four space, and watching in happiness as Simba pushed himself into his father's chest in a heartfelt greeting they thought they would never have again. Mufasa's forehead bumped into Simba's, being reunited once more as the two stared at each other up close, sharing their personal feelings through a series of happy groans and feral sounds of gratitude. Gratitude that they were able to be with one another again. Nala and Nia moved to the side, watching as father and son enjoyed each others' scents and heat once more. Nala was sure that Simba was overjoyed that his father was warm again.

Once they eased off of each other, the two males smiled at one another before agreeing silently that they should talk in private. And so, without a word to the others, Simba and Mufasa padded out of the den to leave the lionesses to be with each other.

Nala continued to watch the entrance of the den, even as the two gold figures had left her sight completely. She didn't even notice that her mother was the one to come up beside her and give her a loving nudge to the shoulder. Once a nose made impact on her pelt, Nala looked at her mother and smiled at Sarafina.

"I didn't expect you to come back with this when you went out for a breath," explained Sarafina. And Nala couldn't have known either. Knowing Nia was right beside her, Nala looked at the lighter coloured lioness than herself and back to Sarafina.

"Mom, this is Nia. She was the one who helped Mufasa," Nala introduced her.

Sarafina nodded her head. "We can't thank you enough for returning our king to us," she thanked the lioness beside her daughter. Nia pinned her ears and smiled. Obviously she wasn't used to getting praise for her actions, which was kind of sad.

"It was no trouble, really," Nia assured Sarafina. Her head was lowered to the ground, the kind words already enough to make the bashful Nia shy herself away from the conversation. "If you'll excuse me please, I am going to get some shut eye," Nia said. Both Nala and Sarafina nodded, Nia leaving the two to find a spot on her own at the edge of the cave. She was away from all the hustle and bustle that had just been presented to the pride lionesses. The lionesses seemed to be calming themselves now, more aware that night time was meant for sleeping as the days ahead were always filled with work. That in mind, the lionesses dispersed from cliques and grouped up to offer heat int he cool nights. All but Sarafina and Nala joined in.

As the mother-daughter duo sat with each other, they could catch themselves looking out the dark opening to see if the kings were returning to the den. Neither had shown up for a good few minutes, while the queen and her mother sat there in questioning.

"This all seems like a dream," Sarafina stated, catching Nala's ears off guard as they flicked over to her mother's direction. Sarafina's words pretty much spoke for everyone in the pride, but Nala agreed outwardly.

"It better not be," Nala stated with a small laugh. Sarafina joined in and inched closer to Nala. The air told her that the subject was changed. With a slight nuzzle to her cheek, Nala returned it instinctively once the scent of her mother hit her sensitive nostrils.

"Mufasa will be here for you and Simba's wedding," stated Sarafina, pleasure chiming in her voice. However, it wasn't received from Nala's view. The queen's ears drooped, blue orbs practically a window into Nala's less-than-pleased thoughts about the whole wedding situation. Once her daughter didn't reply, Sarafina lifted her head off of Nala's shoulder and observed her. Nala didn't dare look at Sarafina directly, as she wasn't looking for a conversation like this right now. Not when news so drastic had risen. "Nala?"

"Yes?" Nala still didn't look at her mother.

"Are you alright?"

Nala nodded her head. "Of course."

"If you weren't, you'd tell me wouldn't you?" Sarafina questioned the young queen. Nala took a moment, deciding if she should just tell her mother now. Telling her mother that she didn't want to marry Simba now, after all this time spent on knowing what her life was going to look like, it scared her a little. If she wasn't going to be the queen of the Pridelands, what would she find for herself? A regular lioness in the pride? Or would she be outcasted? Kicked from the Pridelands? Questions whisked around in Nala's head, thoughts running backwards and forwards in the rational and irrational parts of her mind. Nala's eyes focused on one rock sticking out from the den wall, but her orbs twitched from left to right as a result of her heavy thinking. "Nala?"

Nala's head turned to her mom's gaze, seeing Sarafina's worried optics looking over her daughter's face. Processing what Sarafina had said, Nala finally replied with a nod. Her silence was speculated though. Nala knew her mother had a better idea of how her daughter acted usually.

"Sorry mom, I'm just tired," she told the lioness in front of her. Sarafina nodded, understanding what Nala hoped was a believable white lie. "Let's get some sleep, alright? We both have busy days tomorrow."

Nodding, the two lionesses settled down beside each other. The middle of the den, where the king and queen slept was in her side vision, the moon shining down on it, but Nala did her best to ignore it whilst she lowered herself to the ground with Sarafina.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

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You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:34 am

Chapter 5

The African morning was chilled, the air still thick with dry season and a noticeable sing in the wind that passed through the ears of all that were awake – including Nala. Her mind had been tossing and turning, like her body was, all night long. The time that Simba had finally come back in with Mufasa, they made their way over to the middle rock of the den and slept there. Nala was just with her mother and the other lionesses. She didn't mind being out of the spotlight of the moon at all if it meant she wasn't painted with a brush of being in love with her betrothed.

Stepping out of the den, Nala allowed the morning sun to sweep over her pelt. If offered a richer colour to her than the shade did. She had a mission this morning, so her ears didn't pick up the sound of pawsteps behind her. Sure enough, a voice spoke to break the silence she was enjoying.

"Good morning," greeted a male voice. Nala turned around and noticed it was Simba. He was never usually up this early, so she guessed he had heard her in the den and decided to follow.

"Good morning," she faked a small smile. He probably wanted to know where she was going, and when he would know he would want to come with her. "You're up early."

"I heard you get up and thought we could spend the morning together," Simba suggested. He came up beside the queen lioness, and stared down at her with that charming smile of his.

Nala continued to smile, even though her facial muscles were pleading to stop and show her discontent with what he was saying. As bad as it sounded, Nala didn't want to spend any more time with Simba than she already was. But of course he would get suspicious about it.

"That's sweet Simba, but I have somewhere I need to be," she offered him information of her own plan for the morning. Gazing over his expression, Nala could see he was still wondering about her idea. "I'm going to see Rafiki about something."

The 'something' caught Simba's interest. How could it not? With the natural curiosity of the feline coupled with his inability to know what was rattling around in Nala's secretive mind, Nala's speech was offering him quite the titillating conversation this morning.

"Is everything okay?" the male asked, concerned.

"Yes, everything is fine," she lied. "I'm just wanting to go and speak with him on my own."

Simba took a moment to adjust his face accordingly to her. He rose a brow, hidden under his red mane and pushed his mouth to the side. "And you're sure everything is alright?" he pondered.

Nala simply nodded. "I'll be back later," she dismissed herself and started down the side of Pride Rock. When she didn't hear her mate calling out for her to tell her one last thing before she left, the lioness knew she was going to be dealing with the backlash of this later. But for now, she had more important things to discuss with Rafiki. She hoped he would have the answers for her, but more importantly that the mandrill wouldn't judge her if she let something slip to him.


Nala padded farther from Pride Rock than she had last night, getting herself to the Baobab tree where she knew where Rafiki would be. The largest tree in Africa, it felt like to Nala, as she came up to it, her neck bent back as far as it could go. She didn't see royal adviser swinging around, so she figured she should just call him out.

"Rafiki!" Nala called out. She took a few moments to let him show up and respond back to her, but there was nothing. "Rafiki, are you there? It's me, Nala." Again, there was no answer. Maybe he's out, thought the queen. I'll have to come back later.

Nala turned herself around, but was shocked to see the very being she wanted to speak with right behind her. With a roar of surprise, Rafiki was sent into a crazy laughter as he usually did – even when he was totally calm.

"Something on yo' mind, queen Nala," Rafiki's thick Jamaican accent rung through his laughter, easy for Nala to pick up. Was she really that obvious about her mood though?

"Yeah," she replied, nodding her head. "There is."

"Well den," Rafiki waddled over to the trunk of his tree home, and looked over his shoulder, "Come on up!" he laughed as he climbed up the thick trunk of the tree. Once the mandrill reached the top of the tree, he looked down to see Nala staring up at him with a risen brow. "You a strong lioness, my dee'ya queen. You can get up hee'ya."

"I'm going to have to disagree with you, Rafiki," Nala replied. Her voice boomed a little louder than usual, just to make sure he could hear her from that height.

"Fine, fine." Rafiki swept himself back into the shade of the tree, and rummaged around in his home for something. After a minute, Nala watched the white haired monkey swept himself down the tree gracefully and without any harm done to himself. His hand-feet landed on the cracked ground and he walked over to Nala, holding under his arm a bowl made out of a turtle shell and some interesting looking fruits. Nala studied them as they passed in front of her from Rafiki's radical actions before he caught her attention with his voice. "You have come to me to get advice, have you?"

"Sort of..."


Nala sighed, before she picked out the right words to use. She didn't want to reveal that she was thinking of not wanting to be with the king, but if Rafiki found out, would he really be the one to tell Simba personally? Then again, Rafiki was more loyal to the royals who contained the blood instead of being married in.

One more sigh from Nala and she was ready to speak. "Can you tell futures?"

"I don't believe in being able to tell dee fut-cha." Nala skewed her head to the side at Rafiki's strange accent, but she knew what he was getting at. "Howeva, I can tell you dat dee path you a' on right now is leading you away from what is expected of you." Perking her ears, Nala listened even more intently to what Rafiki was saying. Taking hold on the shell he had brought with him, his hands gripped the sides so he could swing it back and forth. Nala's blue optics focused on the insides of the shell, seeing some of the stuff contained in it being swayed back and forth. She found herself wondering how that could offer a viable glimpse into the future, but dared not to question Rafiki out loud. She was the one who came to him, after all.

He was beginning to mumble things to himself. Did he not want Nala to hear him speaking out loud? She found herself leaning into him, trying to tell what he was saying, even though his Jamaican accent. But Rafiki soon stopped and looked at Nala with a warning.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Your highness, it is very impo'tant that you tink about what you a' doing wit yo' fut-cha. De way tings a' looking now, you will not be de same as you were befo'," Rafiki advised Nala. She eased away from him and listened, not sure really what he was implying. He had seen something in her future? "Unless dat is what you a' wanting?"

"Wanting? As in, wanting to change? Is that such a bad thing, Rafiki?"

"Queen Nala," Rafiki said as he rose from his shell. Walking on over to the lioness, he wrapped his arm around her neck and closed his face into her's. "If you do not che-nge how you a' living, you will hu't many oders along dee way."

Looking at him, Nala hesitated. Had he seen her future, despite him saying he couldn't? The way he was talking didn't add up; Rafiki hadn't seen Nala in weeks. Sure, there was the casual pass-by and check-up to see how things were going in the Pridelands, but there was no real studying of her lifestyle over the days.

"What if I'm not changing? What if this is how I've felt all along?" she asked him.

"Nala, it is obvious dat you a' not wanting to marry Simba." Her eyes couldn't help but widen, unknowing if Rafiki was going to say anything to Simba or not. But also because she was curious about what he was going to say next. "Just kno', you a' going to end up wit' someone who you feel comf'table wit."

"Who?" she asked.

"I cannot tell you dat," replied the mandrill. Quickly, he gathered his things and started to head back to the tree. But Nala persisted, following after him.

"But if I don't know who I'm going to be with in the end, how will I know it will be the right one?"

"You'll just kno'," answered the mandrill. "You smart girl."

"But I've always been told I'm going to marry Simba. I was going to marry him, have cubs with him, grow old with him, and die with him. How can I know what I haven't been told what is expected of me?" Nala asked. She was starting to grow nervous of the conversation she had just exchanged with Rafiki Not knowing if he was going to report to Simba or not, she was also having a hard time with wrapping her mind around being able to make her own decisions.

As Rafiki started to crawl back up the tree, he turned his head back to look at Nala. She was back on the ground, while he was a few feet in the air. Even from there, he could see worry in her bright blue optics.

"You don't give yo'self enough credit, my queen. Tinking for yo'self might be scary at first, but once you see the changes you can make and the good you can do on yo' own, tings will settle fo' you." Nala just stared at Rafiki, left with words as strong as those that would rattle just about anyone. In keeping quiet, she allowed the monkey to make his getaway and left Nala on her own on the ground.

With a sigh, she figured it best to get back now. As the lioness padded forward, her paws seeped into the ground with each step but before she knew it, she was back on greener lands. It meant she was back in the Pridelands – meaning she would have to give some real thought to what she was told by Rafiki. But Nala stopped herself, dawning on an answer for herself. Is Rafiki testing me? He said I can't listen to others all the time, so is he expecting me to not listen to him as well? But where would that get me?, she asked herself. But what good would that do? If I can't believe what Rafiki, the royal adviser is telling me, who can I take advice from?

As Nala asked herself a multitude of questions, she walked further into the Pridelands. Closer to her home, but still so far away from peace.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

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You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:35 am

Chapter 6

The walk back home didn't seem like much time at all – and Nala was hoping for a little more thinking time. But as queen, she knew she wasn't supposed to take her time with her own personal affairs.

When Nala entered behind the giant rock, she fully expected lionesses to be sunbathing. A part of her even expected to see Mufasa out there with the others, but he was nowhere to be found. It irked her, in some way. But she quickly was able to ignore it when she heard a numerous boast of laughter coming from the direction where her mother usually took the sun to her pelt. Nala turned her head, seeing most of the pride crowding around Nia. What Nala thought to be a lioness who didn't like to be in the middle of most social situations, she was surprised that the pale female seemed to be leading the charge of joyful energy.

Sarafina smelled her daughter near and thusly turned her head to greet Nala. "Hello, dear," she smiled at the queen. Attention soon followed after Nala as the others greeted her, but none of them leaving their warmed rocks. So, Nala got herself over there.

"Hello ladies," Nala smiled down at them. She sat next to her mother. "What are we all talking about?" she asked.

"Nia was just telling us a story of when her and her old pride was hunting a water buffalo," one of the females boasted for Nia. Nia simply looked over at the lioness speaking and laughed a little.

"What we learned was, don't hunt water buffalo unless you're alright with having a few pokes to the bottom," Nia recapped over her story more comically to Nala, but it jerked the same reaction from the others. Nala, on the other paw, just sat there and nodded her head.

Smiling, Nala contributed. "I guess your pride was good at hunting then, huh?" she questioned Nia. Nia nodded her head and smiled.

"Probably not too wise though, if you're hunting a buffalo without at least ten lionesses there to pull the thing down," Sarafina jested. Some of the females started to laugh again, but the others looked at Nala. "Speaking of which, it's time for a hunt." The sudden reminder brought all the lionesses to their fours and turning to Nala for guidance. In the absence of Sarabi, Nala had become the lead huntress of the pride and she was about to lead another one.

"Alright ladies, let's get to it," Nala smiled before turning around.

"Mufasa!" Nia's voice was heard, and the others looked to where she darted off to to find her next to the large male. With a couple of nods and greetings heard through the group, Nala included herself by smiling at the king before looking over to Nia.

"You coming?" she asked.

"Oh! Yes," Nia nodded and took a look at Mufasa. "Join us?" she asked.

Mufasa, being male, didn't participate in hunts. His brightly coloured mane tipped off more than a fair share of prey for this lionesses, so he had reason to hesitate answering Nia. Clearing his throat, Mufasa offered the best smile he could conjure. "Thank you, Nia. But I will leave you ladies to the hunting," he graciously told her.

"Just watch," Nia suggested.

As Nia fiddled back and forth with Mufasa, her eyes were drawn to the sun in the sky. It was a little lower than it should be, which told her that it was passing time quickly for their hunt. The afternoon was practically fading into evening, so they would have to be swift to catch the herds before it was down time. Looking to Nia, she cleared her throat. "Come along, Nia. We're losing daylight," Nala advised her.

But Nia seemed determined, and Nala furrowed her brows ever so slightly as a result. "Please, Mufasa?"

"She wants to show off her hunting skills for you, king Mufasa," one of the lionesses of the pride joked, causing a high pitched series of giggling. Mufasa looked back at the group, Nia as well but her face was much more shocked that someone had said something like that.

"N-No, I just – it would nice to have a meal fresh, wouldn't it?" Nia tried to reason with the others, and maybe even herself, as she looked back at the golden male. "Please?"

Nala surveyed the two, her ears flicking wildly with mild irritation as she awaited on Mufasa's answer, which would determine one of the huntresses appearance for the late afternoon hunt. To her relief, Mufasa finally let out a small chuckle and smiled. "Alright, I shall come."

The pale lioness beside the king smiled brightly, looking at the others. Compared to everyone else, Nala looked less than thrilled with the childish attempt to get the king to tag along. But she wouldn't mind it much for now; she had a pride to feed.

Setting out and in front, Nala lead the pride over to the hunting grounds. On the menu today: zebra. Sticking low to the ground, the pride of females – with Mufasa tagging along – kept themselves intimate to the earth. Their feline eyes surveyed through the plains, and sifted through the herd. Nala, specifically, was looking for one of the zebras that weren't caring for foals nor with an injury. After the reign of Scar's, she was concerning herself with the growth and existence of new livestock in the Pridelands and she taught the other lionesses to do the same.

Looking over her shoulder, Nala flicked her tail to catch quiet attentions. "There's a zebra straying from the herd over there," she pointed her nose to the striped prey. He was old, she could tell, and he had a very obvious limp in his front leg. "We'll go for him." The others agreed in silence.

"What about that foal over there?" asked Nia. From Nia's face, Nala looked over to the foal with it's mother, a little ways away from the others.

Nala then looked over to Nia again. "What about it?"

"Why don't we just get that one?" she questioned.

Nala didn't think less of Nia for suggesting the foal as their prime target. However, due to her coming to the Pridelands when they were greener than before, she was willing to let it slide off of her back.

"We go for the elderly because we want the herds to flourish with new foals," the only masculine voice of the pride sounded. Mufasa's deep voice was lowered enough so that it wouldn't alarm the zebras into looking over to where the pride was hiding. But it was Mufasa's unique vocals, so it caught the attentions of all the lionesses. "Plus, more meat for the pride."

Nala nodded her head. "Couldn't have said it better myself," she agreed with Mufasa with a smile. He shot her a smile as well before he looked back at Nia, almost like he knew she would have questions or concerns.

"But to kill an old zebra? Isn't that a little...?"

"Harsh? No." Nala's answer was almost immediate, knowing that they were wasting time talking amongst themselves when they had mouths to feed – including her own. Nala wasn't going to lie, she was getting hungry and hunger did something to her. "Alright. This half," Nala drew a line down the middle of the pride females, "Go out to the left of the herd. The other half, go to the right. Your jobs will be to chase the target out of the herd, where my mom and I will ambush it from the front. Got it?" the majority nodded, showing their understanding for the orders given from the queen. "Be safe everyone, and let's do our best," Nala smiled.

"Nala?" Nia's voice prolonged the movements of the others, as they paid attention to Nia. Nala, begrudgingly, looked over her shoulder to the lightly coloured female. "I don't feel comfortable with killing an elder of the herd. Back in my pride, elders were –"

Nala refrained from growling, as her stomach did that for her. She was pretty sure she spoke for the others when she instantly whipped her head away from Nia. "Then don't," she answered the fae. "Move out," she told the others, who willingly left the situation that had proven to be quite challenging to Nala's level-headed authority.

Nia was left there where they were all gathered prior to the planning, looking in the directions where the pride was moving but then soon crouching to not alert the zebras of her presence. Even though she blended in the with the grass perfectly, she slunk her way over to where Mufasa had placed himself.

Nala and Sarafina, now planted where they were to ambush the upcoming prey, rolled their shoulders for sudden actions to come. A silence was upon the plains as they all prepared for the herds cries. Nala's blue-green orbs focused in front of her, not willing to miss the moment to move away from the upcoming herd.

"Are you alright, Nala?" Sarafina's voice infiltrated the atmosphere.

Nala didn't look at her mother like she knew Sarafina was looking at her daughter. "Yes, mom."

"You were pretty short with Nia, don't you think?" Sarafina whispered.

"Can we talk about –" Nala started, but she was soon cut off as the zebras chirped in surprise and hooves were shaking the earth beneath the hunters' paws. "Can we talk about this later?" Nala asked, but she had no chance to listen for her mother's response as she readied herself to take the zebra off of it's hooves and onto it's back for a swift, painless kill. And sure enough, the elder zebra galloped it's way over to Nala and Sarafina. The lionesses sprung up from the grasses. As the zebra jerked himself away from the two, Nala had already placed herself on it's back and hung herself over so it would fall to it's side. Once the weight had shifted, the zebra whinnied to a fall. Surprisingly though, it wasn't Sarafina that placed herself on the equine's throat, but a dash of red that flew past Nala as Mufasa was seen delivering the final blow. The three present at the kill were left to inhale and exhale shallow breaths, trying to catch the air they had lost in hunt and looking at each other with smiles.

Nala looked at Mufasa. "Nice work there, your highness."

With a few more breaths, Mufasa nodded his head. "Thank you, Nala."

Soon, the rest of the pride caught up – including Nia. As they passed "Congratulations." and "Well done."s to one another, they all took a few breathers again before sinking their jaws into the meat. Nala's teeth were already sunken into the black and white pelt of the kill, raking into it's tender flesh to reveal the stomach and slowly eating her way around the bones. Beside her, she noticed Mufasa sit at her left. She acknowledged him with a small smile, before getting back to her kill. But a question pressed her like the warm rays of sun pressed against her pelt. Once Mufasa took a chance to chew his food, she looked at him.

"Didn't know you were a hunter, too," she commented.

Mufasa, now looking at Nala, quickened his chewing and swallowed. "I learned most of my moves from Sa..." he started off pretty cheerfully, happy to have some praise, but then when it turned into the subject matter of his past mate, his dull eyes were once again present and he turned away to focus back on eating. Watching him do so, Nala took more of the kill as well for herself. But the few times she looked away from the zebra, she noticed Nia sitting off on her own. Every so often looking over her shoulder, Nia looked at Nala as well. Her face was playing at a caring side of Nala. But before she could really do anything, Nia picked herself up and walked off. Hopefully back to Pride Rock for safety of not knowing where she really was around the Pridelands.

'I'll speak to her,' thought Nala. It was only fair. She realized that in her time of poor misconduct as both a queen and her mother's daughter, she had probably harmed Nia's feelings – and Nia was sensitive as it already was.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

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You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:36 am

Chapter 7

After the meal was done and the lionesses and Mufasa were finished with the kill, the vultures had already placed themselves in line. Naturally the lions didn't mind giving the rest of the carcass to the bottom feeders, as the Circle of Life could go on and no life was wasted. Nala paced forward away from the pride, already having let them know she would be back to Pride Rock soon. They left her behind to do as the queen would see fit.

Nala approached the light lioness sitting by her lonesome in the grasslands. Nala didn't find the need to make herself known through voice, as the grass was dry and dead enough to make its own series of welcoming noises. Nia looked over her shoulder to see who it was, and seeing that it was just Nala, she looked back forward. Nala could only think that Nia didn't know if she should speak with the queen, having gotten a short tempered response before.

"Can we talk?" Nala asked gently, having calmed herself down prior to this meeting. Nia's eyes advanced to the spot where Nala was, only looking at her paws, before she nodded her head and allowed the other lioness to sit down with her. "I'm sorry for how I treated you back at the hunt. I didn't mean to be so short with you." Nia nodded her head. It seemed as though she accepted the response, but she didn't agree with it entirely. Could an explanation help at all? Nala didn't know if Nia would agree even after that.

"Thank you for the apology, your highness."

"Nia, allow me to explain my thinking," Nala requested the audience of Nia's even further. All Nia did was nod. "The reason that I wanted to go after the elderly zebra opposed to the foal, like Mufasa explained, was so that we could weed out the sick and old to make way for the next generation. The old zebra had lived it's life and educated it's sons and daughters." Nia nodded once more. Nala didn't want to admit it, but it was playing on her nerves a little more than she thought it would. "Before you came back and we thought Mufasa was dead and gone, his brother, Scar, took over the responsibilities as king. He didn't understand why we did things the way we did them, and he wouldn't let anyone teach him how to be successful. As a result, the over hunting happening in the Pridelands forced more herds out so that they could care for the young they had left. On top of it being the dry season, we were running low on food for the pride plus the hyenas."

Nia's ears perked, the part about the hyenas seeming to catch more attention than the rest of Nala's speech. "Hyenas?"

"Yes," Nala nodded. "Scar let the hyenas into the Pridelands so he could have more back up in case the lionesses didn't agree with his position," she explained. Nala's blue-green gaze studied Nia's, seeing her clearly processing what was being said. She could also see Nia's lids fading over her orbs, in recognition of her own past.

"The pride I was in wouldn't let any males in," she admitted. "When Mufasa came injured and without any place to go, naturally I wanted him to be alright and join our pride so he could have some sort of protection. But when the others found out I wanted a male to join the pride, I became the lowest member. A punching bag, sorta." Nala noted the pain that overcame Nia's face the further into her memories as she pushed. However, Nala took a strange comfort in Nia being so open with her. Perhaps it was because she demanded it with her position of power, or maybe he was because Nia was actually far more trusting of Nala than she had thought to be.

"I can guarantee you if you told the lionesses here that story, they would thank you instead of shunning you," Nala told Nia. Her face was softer than she had originally started her chat with the lighter coloured lioness. Nia nodded her head.

"Queen Nala?" Nia questioned, Nala ears perking forward to listen. "Has Mufasa changed from when you remember him? I understand that his mate is dead and he is still getting used to being back home, but I just want to know... do you think he'll ever recover from it?"

Nala paused, thinking it over to herself. As she remembered Mufasa, he had either been with Simba or Sarabi. Never really on his own. And maybe that was something he was trying to sort out for himself, but she could see how he was having a hard time with it. He did seem different, as any lion would losing the love of their life.

'The love of his life...,' Nala repeated to herself. Yes, Sarabi would fit into that category for more than just Mufasa. During her thoughts, Nala could feel her claws digging into the earth. Coming to a conclusion, Nala looked back at Nia from the ground she seemed to had drifted over to looking at instead of Nia's brown orbs. "Time heals all wounds, doesn't it?" she pondered aloud.

Nodding, Nia simply sighed. "I hope he will realize there's more out there when he's ready." Keeping quiet, Nala analyzed her comment tediously in the passing seconds she remained silent.

'Does Nia like Mufasa? Or... love him?' Nala asked herself, but she figured it was best to put it in the back of her mind for now. Rising from her haunches, she paid Nia a small smile. "We should get back." Nia nodded at the queen's suggestion, as they headed back to Pride Rock.


As the others crowded into the den area, queen Nala watched the multiple feline bodies fade into the black of the cave while she remained outside on her own. She didn't want to go in there; she would be expected to sleep by Simba. And Simba would still think things were okay between him and his mate. Once she was sure all the lions were gone, her smile ceased and only a frown could be seen on Nala's beautiful features. She sighed, turning around to face the African plains, settling herself down at the edge of Pride Rock. The days where she knew the day she would stand on this rock as queen seemed so much happier than she was now. As a cub, how could Nala have suspected that she was going to be in this emotional situation?

The quiet air held some noise to it coming from the left of Nala, as she looked to see a large male lion come out of the shadows. It was easily recognized as Mufasa, with that bulk of a red mane he carried so well on his neck. Noticing Nala there, Mufasa strode over with a crooked smile.

"I didn't expect anyone to be up," he admitted.

Nala only cocked a small smile back at him before she sighed. "You couldn't sleep either?"

"No." Mufasa sat himself next to the queen, wrapping his tail around his legs and looking out at the same landscape that she was.

"How are you feeling?" she asked him.

"I'm handling things," he replied. It was a quick response, so Nala didn't force the subject more than she already had. She felt sort of dumb for asking him in the first place; he wasn't going to have miraculously cured his depressive emotions in the few short hours she hadn't seen him. But Mufasa's voice pierced her thoughts, "I'm sure you ask everyone how they're doing, but no one ever really asks you." Nala looked over to Mufasa, relaxed ears pressing against her head and her paws crossed over each other. "How are you, Nala?"

That was a good question, really. How was she? She hadn't really been asked in so long, that she had to put some thought into it. After all that had happened to her in the couple of years, she couldn't say she was feeling at the top of her game, but she was passing by without many complaints. Or was that just what she was telling herself? Concentrating on the rocks in front of her, Nala inhaled to reply, but she didn't like what her mouth was about to say. So, she changed it.

"I'm fine, thank you, king Mufasa," she replied to the brute beside her.

Mufasa nodded his head gently. "You know I'm not the king any longer, Nala," he informed her.

"I know."

"So you can stop calling me 'king'."

"Honestly, I don't think I can," she told him. Mufasa's brow rose. "I've just always known you as the king of the Pridelands. So... do you have a problem with being called 'king'?"

A chuckle was brought out from Mufasa's throat. It looked as though he didn't expect to be chuckling; he seemed to have kept it in a long amount of time. "Then I'll admit it you, I'm having a hard time referring to you as 'queen'. I've always known you as Nala, the cub. The cub my son would one day marry and make queen of the Pridelands."

As Nala heard the word 'queen', all she could picture was Sarabi. Nala remembered being the cub that Mufasa reminded her of, and never did she think she would have to deal with Sarabi passing on before she was ready.

With a sigh, Nala admitted, "I could never be the queen that Sarabi was." This remark seemed to bring about a new mood, silencing all of Mufasa's boasts of laughter into a solemn hum as he often did when he was thinking. "She was so regal. Something about the air around her just made it so easy to be around her and not feel like you needed to give her special treatment just because of her title."

Mufasa's smile was replaced, like he shared the same opinion of the late lioness they had brought into the conversation. "I have to admit, one of the only reasons I could bring myself to come back to the Pridelands was to see Sarabi again. But now... she's gone, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Nala looked over to Mufasa, watching his face form into a series of sad, mad, confused, and gloomy expressions. "Naturally, seeing my son rule the Pridelands like he was meant to do makes me happy that I've done my job as a father...," he paused. Turning his head away, the ex-king craned his head and looked to the rock floor. "We should get to bed."

Nodding, Nala pushed herself up and shook off the dirt from her light pelt. As she watched Mufasa get up, she inhaled again. "She taught me how to hunt too." Mufasa's head turned to young Nala, like he was expecting more. So, she would give him more. "She was a good teacher, and in a sense I think that's why she'll never die," Nala explained, but Mufasa's brow continued to rise. "Doesn't teaching another mean you stay in their memory, and when they teach another, they pass on the memory of their learning?"

Mufasa was silent for a few moments before he finally nodded and smiled. "I've never thought about it that way before," he admitted. "Perhaps in teaching me that, I'll never forget you, queen Nala."

Nala's head cocked back, as she adjusted her ears flicking wildly at his remark. What was it about that comment that made her... giddy? As Nala opened her mouth, she could hear the pawsteps of another join the conversation. She looked over to see Nia standing in the entrance of the cave.

"Everyone is wondering if you two are alright out here," Nia commented.

Mufasa nodded his head and walked towards Nia. "Yes. We were just having a chat," he assured her. Looking over his shoulder, Mufasa nodded towards the queen before he walked into the cave, Nia following at his side. Left there to ponder to herself some more, Nala followed in after the two slowly.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

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You're Out Of Your Mind (Nala x Mufasa)

Postby Mal3nga » April 27th, 2014, 4:37 am

Chapter 8

"Nala," a masculine voiced called to the sleeping lioness, as she opened her eyes slowly and begrudgingly. She realized it was morning and another realization came to mind: she hadn't slept that well. Nevertheless, her own selfish inner thoughts aside, Nala's eyes focused on the voice that came from Simba. There he stood, in front of her, looking down and awaiting her attention on him.

As Nala adjusted her vocals a moment, she finally let out a "Good morning" and cleared her throat. Her remark was scratchy and weak, to come with her waking up.

"I'm about to go and do the weekly report with the other animals in the Pridelands. You should come along," he suggested. Well, at least that's what Nala thought. It was more like he was telling her she had to come with him. And Nala didn't suppose he would just give up making her come with him.

Nodding her head, Nala rose to her fours with a mild and quick stretch before the two headed out.

As the two exited the cave, the weather was apparent to them firstly. It wasn't a sunny day as it had been the past week, and the obvious clouds in the sky were an indication that the rain was sure to come today. Not that that was a problem; the Plains could use some more moisture in them. However, Nala knew that the rain wasn't a favourite of Simba's as he didn't like his mane sticking to him and weighing him down. The two padded through the Plains, all of the animals looking over to the royal duo and going back to their business. Since there was only Simba and Nala, their senses were not alerted to being hunted nor did Nala's presence scare them into thinking they were going to be hunting outside the hunting grounds.

As the duo walked the Plains, Simba turned his head over his shoulder to look at Nala who had been lagging behind Simba. She was just going to blame it on her being tired if he asked her why she was acting so distant. "I know the elephants are having an issue, so we're going to speak with them first," he told Nala. She nodded her head and followed.

Coming into the range of the giant beasts, they all turned themselves to look at the approaching lion. Any other lion who wasn't Simba and Nala would know never to get near elephants. "Ah, hello there your majesty," one of the elephants greeted dryly.

Simba nodded his head, "Good morning," he replied to them. Nala nodded her head, smiling. "What seems to be the issue?"

"The leopards have been hunting outside of the hunting grounds," an elephant voiced over the others, the rest of the matriarch adding in their head nods and agreement.

"It needs to stop," another one said.

"They even tried hunting one of our little ones last week."

The elephants seemed to feed off one another, the shyer ones greeting the more direct energy their herd had to offer and take it upon themselves to make their own points in the conversation. As the elephants swung their trunks and flew trumpeting agreements into the air with their fellow herd brothers and sisters, Simba looked from elephant to elephant and gathered his thoughts. Clearing his throat, Simba tried to catch their attentions.

"I understand your concern, but the business of fellow Pridelanders is none of your concern," he spoke. Nala's ears perked as she looked at Simba, shock in her face that such a thing would come from him. The way the Pridelands worked was with everyone joining together to be a community and it seemed Simba didn't understand that. Nevertheless, the elephants didn't seem too pleased with his answer either.

"What kind of a response is that?" asked the matriarch – or it at least seemed that way with how she was in the front, making herself the most vibrant of the other elephants.

"One from your king," Simba retorted.

"If this keeps up, king Simba, we'll leave the Pridelands," she threatened. The rest of the herd sang in agreement. Simba looked wildly from each member of the herd whilst Nala looked at Simba, wondering what he was going to do. Surely he didn't think the problem would be solved by being neglectful. But as Nala watched on to see her "mate" conveniently become quiet while the herd in need made a fuss over the issue, Nala's instincts drove her to walk forward and open her mouth.

"I will speak with the leopards myself and make sure they know they have been warned about having to hunt in the hunting grounds," Nala said, standing beside the male who had originally tossed the subject to the side.

Nala appeared to be much more approachable about the subject, and perhaps that's why the elephants rose their trunks in gentle symphony of thanks. The matriarch smiled down at the light coloured lioness. "Thank you, queen Nala," she spoke.

The queen nodded her head. "Not a problem," she replied with a smile of her own.

As the two sides walked away, Nala could feel herself leaving with the not-so-happy king at her side. She knew he was looking at her, hoping to attract her attention with a stare, but Nala wasn't looking at him often these days so she didn't look at him. The two walked a little further away from the herd before Simba finally said something.

"You shouldn't undermine me like that in front of the others," he spoke. The two of them paused in their journey and looked at one another. A swift wind blew across the plains, so silence wasn't a tune between them. Nala's blue-green orbs simply stared up at her mate. She could understand why he was saying the things he said, but what she didn't understand is how he didn't say the same thing to the elephants.

"I don't see how I was undermining you; I was doing the job I'm given," she replied.

"What's that, being the queen that everyone wants as opposed to the queen you have to be?"

Nala's head cocked back and she furrowed her brows. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Simba shook his head, mane blowing wildly in the wind before he marched forward. "Let's just get going. We have more things to do," he explained.

The lioness watched as Simba strode forward, her eyes locked on his form as she watched him fade away from her. She wished she could just let him go right there. But alas, she beckoned behind him like she was 'meant' to do – ever since she was a cub.

They walked onwards, silence between them once again. Nala remembered how, when Simba and her used to be, she would speak with him about the little things. But now she was far from speaking with him at all. After all, what kind of remark was he going to say if she had not retorted with such a question of her own? He wasn't the Simba she thought he was going to turn out to be.

Nala saw Simba peek over his shoulder to look at her. Nala still had a sour expression on her face, but he continued to speak regardless. "We have to speak with the zebras," he told her.

"Fine," she bitterly replied. Once they approached the herd of zebra, Nala realized it was the same herd as yesterday. A feeling of distaste fell over her as she pinned her ears whilst approaching. Some of them looked carefree at the approach of the royals, but some had obvious sadness washing over their faces.

"Good morning," Simba greeted.

"Good morning, king Simba," one of the zebras spoke to the approaching male. It then turned it's head to look at the lioness behind him. "Good morning, queen Nala." Nala simply nodded her head in reply, not feeling too sure of herself right now.

Simba surveyed the herd, noticing an obvious lingering in the air. It almost looked like he couldn't peg it for a moment, but then the question arose. "You look sad."

The zebra sighed and nodded his head. "We lost one of our elders yesterday," he said.

"From old age?" asked Simba.

"No," he said looking over to Nala, "The hunting party with queen Nala."

Simba's head whipped over his shoulder, his gaze on Nala. She didn't look at him however, as she just watched the zebra look at the ground. It kind of seemed like he thought he said something he wasn't supposed to, the way Simba reacted how he did. However, Nala knew she had done no wrong by the ways of the Pridelands.

However, Nala dipped her head and looked at the zebra before her. "I'm sorry for your loss," she replied.

Nodding, the zebra swished his tail before a sigh came from his throat. "The Circle of Life is here for a reason, your highness. I'm just happy you were able to end the elder's suffering quickly and painlessly." Nala nodded in assurance she did just that. A bittersweet understanding between prey and hunter was carefully arranged, as Nala knew that one day this zebra's children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren would be eating her as well when she died and became the grass.

"Excuse us," Simba finally spoke as he walked over to Nala and started to usher her away from the herd. The lead zebra watched as the two walked off, and went back to grazing just in case there was more to be asked and told.

Simba turned to face Nala, a harsh expression painted over his face. "What are you making the hunting party do?" asked the king.

"The same thing your mother did, and your grandmother, and all the other queens before them; I'm hunting the older generation so that the younger generation can carry on the legacies," answered Nala, very sure of herself.

"You need to hunt the foals," Simba replied.

'Clearly,' Nala thought, 'He hasn't hunted a day in his life.' Nala inhaled slowly, containing her frustration with the male before her and let it escape obviously enough for Simba to have noticed. "We hunt the elders because they have lived their lives and have already passed on their genes and wisdom to the younger generations. The zebra the hunting party killed yesterday was old and it didn't have a shot at living with it's bad leg," Nala explained. "By killing the generation that has been here before the new, we can –"

"You need to stop arguing with me, Nala," Simba spoke, cutting off Nala's informative lecture. As Nala adjusted to what he said, she let the words roll off of her tongue the way she wanted them to come out.

"I'm educating you. There's a difference," said the queen.

Simba was quiet before he growled, Nala unknowingly letting her paws shimmy backwards as she watched him. As much as she should have known that Simba wasn't going to take action against her, she was still slightly inconvenienced by the way she viewed him the past couple of days to think that he wasn't the lion she believed he was at first.

"A lioness shouldn't argue with a lion," he told her.

"Excuse me?" Nala replied, quite displeased with what he had just said.

"Especially as the king's mate, you should follow my lead and agree with what I say."

Nala was disgusted. How could he say such things? Had he really forgotten that it was her lead that got him to come back to the Pridelands? Obviously showing on her face, Nala looked away from Simba and tried to contain her utter discontent with his speech. Never had she thought a lion, especially Simba, still thought the way an old lion would – and not even an old lion would have said it aloud.

The queen shook her head and turned around, walking away from her mate. Simba didn't hesitate to ask her, "Where are you going?" as if he thought that lionesses being property was still a valid form of thinking as well.

"You don't need to know," Nala replied as she walked away, leaving the lion to himself. He could finish up the rounds today; she was done with his attitude and the way he thought he could control her the way he controlled the land – Nala seemed to be the only thing he was fine with controlling.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga.
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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