Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Woeler » November 5th, 2013, 3:13 pm

As a continuation of the previous discussion.

Ok just some things. TLP and I decided to make a separate topic for the never ending discussion about religion. Everybody can join in, but expect some hard arguing from both sides!

The idea of this topic is that those who are willing to participate get the opportunity to do so and those who don't want to see it don't have to see it.

[quote="TheLionPrince"]Yes, I know the term, "Mitochondrial Eve", doesn't refer to the biblical Eve. It's simply a scientific term that refers to the descendants of mankind originated from one humanoid female. Adam was the only man on Earth for quite a short period of time before the births of his sons (and 130 years when he gives birth to his third known son, Seth) compared to what it says in Genesis 5:4-5 which refers to him being the father of "many sons and daughters" for 800 years of his lifespan. Overall, Adam lived 930 years on Earth before he died due to no known diseases at the time and a healthy gene pool. So, yeah, Adam's lifespan would have overlapped with the lifespans of his sons and daughters. [/quote]

The term is scientific. By no means does this even imply that Adam was the only living male on Earth, as your source specifically states. No human can live for more than 150 years now. The average lifespan around the time was between 25 and 40. There is no, and let me make it clear by repeating it ''NO'' scientific valid proof that any human on this planet has ever lived for more than +-150. Especially not at that time. It is impossible. Such a ridiculous claim is not even worth a discussion.

And of course this would mean that everyone on this planet is the product of incest.
Yet elsewhere incest is condemned.

None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness. Leviticus 18:6

And, at least in some cases, is punishable by death.

And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:11

And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:12

And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no wickedness among you. -- Leviticus 20:14

Go figure.

[quote]As for geological evidence1 of Noah's Flood, in fact last year, archaeologist Robert Ballard2 (who discovered the remains of the RMS Titanic in 1985) investigated a theory in which the now-salty Black Sea was once an isolated freshwater lake surrounded by farmland, until it was flooded by an enormous wall of water from the rising Mediterranean Sea, and unearthed an ancient shoreline which is evident that a possible3 flood occurred there. Through the use of carbon dating, they dated the object to have originated in 5000 B.C. which some experts believe Noah's Flood to have happened in. [/quote]

1. This is not evidence. This is a claim by 'one' or 'some' individuals.
2. Again, one person.
3. & 4. That is as unscientific as it gets. Science isn't science because 'some' people believe something to be true. Science is science because the majority of the scientific community values evidence in favor of the claim.

You are trying to tell me that we can date back the position of the continents billions of years ago, but we can't find sufficient evidence for a very important and geologically recent flood? That can mean two things: 1. the evidence has been miraculously wiped out by some force beyond nature, or 2. the flood never happened as it was described because when we know people don't walk on water and people can't turn water into wine we might also accept that the rest of the claims are rubbish.

[quote]As for Horus's one of three birthdays and one falling on December 25, each civilization celebrates their version of the winter solstice. In terms of Jesus, it is highly unlikely Jesus was born in December since in the book of Luke, there were present shepherds with their sheep in the field which would be sheltered inside if the temperatures were cold. Not to mention, it's cold and wet in Bethlehem which is an unsafe environment to birth a child. [/quote]

Well if that's unlikely, I can't imagine how unlikely walking on water is.

Furthermore on the Horus subject.

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[quote]If performing miracles, driving out demons, walking on water, and resurrecting from the dead is too much for you to believe, that's fine by me.[/quote]
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Regulus » November 5th, 2013, 3:29 pm

This is too much, even for me. No need to read that far into it.

All I have to say is this: if there is a God, what Christianity would have you believe is totally off.

Mankind is the source of almost all evil on the planet. We fight each other, we kill each other, and we take advantage of our environment not only to ensure our survival, but because it pleases us.

We're not evil because we have to be. We do it because we want to be.

Now, if God is the omniscient and all powerful entity we are led to believe, then he allows this. If God created the universe he created everything. He created all the problems that we have to work to overcome.

Does this sound like a nice guy to you?

God, whether he exists or not, is our obstacle. He's not all loving, and he's not all powerful. He's no better than anyone else, and he should never be held in such high esteem.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby SlayerOfLight » November 5th, 2013, 11:45 pm

[quote]All I have to say is this: if there is a God, what Christianity would have you believe is totally off.

Implying that the Islam's interprentation of God sounds much more appealing? Why is only the Christian version ''totally'' off, if I may ask? I am a Christian though, but don't get me wrong. I'm not getting mad at someone with a diffrent vision then me (unlike many of my own kind.)

[quote]Now, if God is the omniscient and all powerful entity we are led to believe, then he allows this. If God created the universe he created everything. He created all the problems that we have to work to overcome.[/quote]

I don't know what ''god'' you are talking about, but If you are reffering to the Christian God, then this isn't true. Evil is not his work, because the Christian God is depicted as pure and sinless. In this case, it's rather like evil found it's own ''loophole'' into the world, if for argument's sake you assume that the Christian God and the bible are true.

[quote]God, whether he exists or not, is our obstacle. He's not all loving, and he's not all powerful. He's no better than anyone else, and he should never be held in such high esteem.[/quote]

Once again I'm not sure what ''god'' you speak off, so I can't really answer to that yet. But if you are talking about the Christian God, then you are wrong again. The Christian God made the ultimate sacrifice for mankind out of pure unconditional love. ''For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.'' John 3:16
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby FlipMode » November 5th, 2013, 11:47 pm

God may exist but also may not exist. However I think there is more evidence to suggest not but I would be more than pleased to be completely proved wrong....
That's about my entire opinion on the matter in a nutshell "Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't really affect my views on life either way."
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Regulus » November 6th, 2013, 12:38 am

All we need to do is look at three contradictory facts:

> God is all-loving.

> God created humanity.

> Humans are a hateful, despicable species, generally speaking.

Therefore, it is God's "love" that causes all of the wrongdoings we face in today's society. Does any of this seem reasonable?

If it is a loophole that is causing all evil in the world, then you have just admitted that God has no true power. So, God isn't really God, now is he?
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby KingCub » November 6th, 2013, 12:55 am

Therefore, it is God's "love" that causes all of the wrongdoings we face in today's society. Does any of this seem reasonable?[/quote]

Im not going to get in on this debate, just becuase I honestly don't know where I stand on it. But, someone showed me this a while ago, and I think it might answer your question~

You are what you love, not who loves you.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Regulus » November 6th, 2013, 1:37 am

That dentist analogy illustrates the very problem I was referring to.

The argument is that dentists exist, even though people have broken teeth, simply because people don't go to the dentist.

But, that's just it: some people don't go to the dentist.

This implies that people have the choice not to go, or that some people have an inability to go. It implies that a dentist cannot fix the problems in everyone's teeth--that's a fact that we can all agree with.

Now, what this means is simple. If you're saying God is like a dentist, then you are saying that God cannot fix the problems in humanity. Therefore, humanity and God are independent.

As such, it must mean either of the following:

1. God has the power to intervene, but chooses not to.
In this case, God is sitting back watching, while stuffing his face with popcorn. It's like he's enjoying the thought of watching us all suffer, much like we humans enjoy watching other humans beat each other up. He doesn't seem like a very loving guy to me.

2. God does not have the power to intervene.
This means that he is not all-powerful. It means that he isn't perfect. It means that he can do wrong, and we have equal or greater power than he does. This scenario also forces the existence of our own free will. In this case, he isn't a higher power. In this case, I see no reason to worship him.

That's why I said that if God exists, he cannot be all loving and all powerful. It is a logical impossibility.

And this is where I reason that if God isn't all loving, then he isn't worthy of my worship. Or, if he isn't all powerful, then he isn't worthy of worship, either. So, either way, I can safely assume that I do not need to worship God.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby SlayerOfLight » November 6th, 2013, 1:55 am

[quote]All we need to do is look at three contradictory facts:

> God is all-loving.

> God created humanity.

> Humans are a hateful, despicable species, generally speaking.

Not really. In the book of Genesis mankind originally wasn't evil and hateful, and anything related to that, but rather mankind was created in the living image of God himself, to be like God in character and personality (pure, holy, sinless, etc). It wasn't untill mankind willingly sinned and rebelled against God, that mankind became corrupted as it is now. Therefore, (assuming God exists) God didn't create humanity the way it is now.

Therefore, it is God's "love" that causes all of the wrongdoings we face in today's society. Does any of this seem reasonable?

If it is a loophole that is causing all evil in the world, then you have just admitted that God has no true power. So, God isn't really God, now is he?[/quote]

I don't think you quite understood me. I meant that God didn't directly create evil and sin (as I call it) and also wasn't directly responsible for it. And I must erase the ''stereotypical'' kind of God that you have in mind, because even God has limits. for example, God cannot act contrary to his own character and nature.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby DGFone » November 6th, 2013, 2:20 am

There are two possibilities here:

There is a creationist being/beings, or there isn't one/more than one. Either one of these possibilities is equally significant in magnitude.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Regulus » November 6th, 2013, 2:26 am

[quote="Nicholas"]Not really. In the book of Genesis mankind originally wasn't evil and hateful, and anything related to that, but rather mankind was created in the living image of God himself, to be like God in character and personality (pure, holy, sinless, etc). It wasn't untill mankind willingly sinned and rebelled against God, that mankind became corrupted as it is now. Therefore, (assuming God exists) God didn't create humanity the way it is now.[/quote]

So, God created humanity, but humanity changed.

How is it possible that God can create something, but not alter or destroy it? It just doesn't make sense to me, in principle. We humans have the power to change anything that we create, so I find it hard to believe that God can't.

Either way, if that is true, then we must have power over God. Therefore, we have free will, and we are capable of making our own decisions. It's as simple as that.

Oh, and on that note, let's not forget that God isn't quite the great being I'm supposed to think he is. If I remember correctly, God told Abraham to kill his son, to test his faith.

Is that really something a pure and uncorrupted being would do? If that's God's idea of faith, he's actually a pretty sick man. If anything, it seems to me like a lot of the wrongdoings in the world are actually influenced by God.

[quote]I don't think you quite understood me. I meant that God didn't directly create evil and sin (as I call it) and also wasn't directly responsible for it. And I must erase the ''stereotypical'' kind of God that you have in mind, because even God has limits. for example, God cannot act contrary to his own character and nature.[/quote]

Okay, so if God didn't create evil, then God didn't create everything. But supposedly, didn't God create the universe? Are you saying that isn't true?

What is it, then, that created everything?

If there is a supreme being, and only one supreme being, then that supreme being had to create everything. By saying that God didn't create evil and sin, then you are also saying that some things are outside of God's control, which, again, means God isn't really a God.

All I'm getting from this is that Man is stronger than God, no matter how I look at it. And, in that case, all I can wonder is why we worship God, when God should actually worship us. We must be the supreme beings. We are the higher power.
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