Henget Taivaalla

Henget Taivaalla

Postby _TravelerBlu_ » March 12th, 2016, 11:49 pm

Henget Taivaalla


Small drops of water rolled down from tiny rivers in the earth, into a large, quiet, cavern. The drops
journeyed down the side of the jagged wall, leaving dull streaks over surreal, ancient cave paintings of everything you could imagine. Two bright, intense eyes studied the paintings, looking for answers. His large, Gray hued, lion mane blew in the cold underground cave breeze, and he shivered. The lion looked at a large gaping fissure that sliced through a majority of the stalactite- spangled ceiling. “You called me here tonight.” he growled in his deep voice, the fur on his tan pelt standing on end. “Tell me why.”
With a jolt, The northern lights blasted into view through the fissure, it’s light sprayed all over the walls, but instead of the usual blue, purple, and green colours, it was an odd shade of blinding red, orange, and yellow.
Turning from the thrilling sight, it took a second for his eyes to adjust to what he saw next. The male lion jumped back in astonishment, holding back a yelp of surprise. A translucent, flowing, image of someone he recognised stood before him. He had considered her long gone. He gasped in amazement. The reddish flowing spirit padded towards the male, her image flickering and glitching like a bad projection. The lion could feel his claws slide out, in attempt to grasp the slippery rock floor. The lioness stopped in front of him. She had a beautiful face, with tan bushy cheeks and glowing blue- green eyes. “You have already sensed it haven't you, Dear.” She whispered, her feminine voice echoed slightly within itself.
The gray maned male lion stood up straighter, looking too shocked to have any real emotions. “Yes, I have. Though, I haven't been able to find out any clues at all, my love. Do you have any idea?”
“No one does except the one who chooses, at those he chooses to tell” Her voice raised in anger. “He has outlawed all who still want vengeance on earth. Me and my kin are no longer able to see the land, let alone talk to any of it’s residence. You don't know what I went through to be able to materialize to warn you, honey.” She batted her eyelids. “I wouldn’t want anything to get between my- I mean our- goal. Right?”
The large lion nodded. “How come you don’t know who they are yet? Does anyone up in the Henget Taivaalla know besides Him?” He spat out him as if it were venom.
“Sadly, no” The shimmering spirit said, looking at her paws “But, I think that you are smart enough to be able to find out soon enough. I mean, They are on the island.”
“My love, you can’t leave me with this! My warning signals are now so dull that I can’t even notice them unless I really pay attention! How should I know if one is near?” He was almost pleading now. All he wanted was answers.
“Ugh.” She rolled her eyes “Those powers… So unreliable! If my kin and I can help out, we will. We have our ways to make it to you, dear. But, there is one way to help us materialize and help you out even more effectively. You don’t know how powerful the chosen ones could be, you may need our help.” She batted her eyes again. “it just might be a little… er.. complicated…. to find it”
“Find what?”
“Well, Lukio-” She hesitated to say the name of KasaiPride’s female leader “Has an amulet…”
“I know about the amulet, honey” The lion growled “The amulet that has the power to pull you and all the spirits I need from the Henget Taivaalla. I had a vision a few moons back. I just don’t know where it’s hidden”
“Me neither.” The lioness hissed “But the chosen should know, and Lukio too. Use them, when you find them. All I know is it should be somewhere near the summit of the Henget Taivaalla mountains, the snowiest peak on the island of Sukai, and the closest one to me. Maybe I can even see you retrieve it when you do!”
“Fantastic. The highest summit?” The Gray- maned lion grumbled.
“But, make it priority to find out who they are first, and then use them to get what you want, and then you kill them. Then you summon us with the amulet, and we help you take over Sukai. For me, love”
“For you my dear. I miss you so much.”
“I know, I know. Everyone seems to. If it weren't for my sister, I’d still be here with you, pulling out our plan together!”
“I’ll help you pull out your dream, love. I will kill all the chosen ones, I will kill Lukio for your revenge, I will get the amulet, and I will summon you and our kin, and we together as a family will take over Sukai in an everlasting empire over the Beyondic lions.”
The shimmering lioness nodded, pleased. “When we find out any news, one of us will warn you through visions. The leader of the team will have such high signals, that we should be able to locate them within the next moon or so. Remember how to start out our plan. Start with gaining trust and make others look bad so you become the main attention.”
“I remember. I just really wish you knew more, I have much to do and if I can’t stop these chosen ones, they could destroy our plan!”
“Have faith in yourself, my love. Theres one thing we know right now, and it’s all we need to know right now,” She snarled, raising up her paw, claws unsheathed, slashing with maximum power at a painting of a twisted, four pointed symbol on the wall. All it did was leave a faint red glow, before it faded into the rock. They both stared at the symbol, fur raised, teeth bared.
“- is that The Seilus have returned.”

(will be updated)
Last edited by _TravelerBlu_ on March 13th, 2016, 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
The dark side, it calls to him, it pulls at him. The boy must be Eliminated before he is consumed by it! :sad:
I will not let that happen! :x

Countin' down the days until Star Wars Rebels 1 hour season finale!!!!! :D :oops:
At least,

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Re: Henget Taivaalla

Postby Braveheart » March 13th, 2016, 12:30 am

If I am not wrong, this was meant to be a comic of sorts?
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Re: Henget Taivaalla

Postby _TravelerBlu_ » March 13th, 2016, 2:20 am

Yes it was. I didn't have that much time for drawing anymore, so now it's this :)
The dark side, it calls to him, it pulls at him. The boy must be Eliminated before he is consumed by it! :sad:
I will not let that happen! :x

Countin' down the days until Star Wars Rebels 1 hour season finale!!!!! :D :oops:
At least,

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