Magma (A composition by my mommy!)

Magma (A composition by my mommy!)

Postby NaiaRulez » August 13th, 2015, 1:56 pm

Hey there fuzzy friendz! :3
About 2 weeks ago, my mom uploaded a video of a composition she did when she was younger, and I wanted to share it with you guys, I love her so much and I think she deserve it. <3
Well, I leave the video here below, hope you like it (the song is about freedom, and is already adapted to many things, in her case, the independece of Catalonia)
Here are the lyrics (in Catalan and in English) :)
Catalan: show

Si és al despertar quan deixes de somniar,
si quan mires el cel no hi trobes els estels,
si dins del teu cor sents que vols aturar el temps,
si les mans t’has mirat i te les han lligat.

Es que és l’hora de viure, deslligar-te i somriure,
mira al cim de la muntanya, la por ja no t’acompanya.
Busca al gran drac, ¿on s’amaga?, la maldat és molt covarda,
el seu poder és fictici, trenca el malefici !!!

La llibertat no és el que et deien, no tinguis por… lluita amb el drac,
s’està amagant, perquè ell ja sap que el seu poder li estem donant.
Mira al voltant… n’hi han més com tu, treu els seus claus i obre els seus ulls,
ensenya’ls-hi on és la sortida. Dóna’ls-hi vida !!!

I junts farem un nou camí i trobarem aquell jardí,
on la veritat és llibertat com va ser un dia…

Prou de mentides, hem nascut lliures, només cal despertar…

Ja és l’hora de viure, deslligar-nos i somriure,
anar al cim de la muntanya, la por ja no ens acompanya.
Trobem al drac on s’amaga, la maldat és molt covarda,
el seu poder és fictici, trenquem el malefici !!!
Si dins del teu cor sents, que ja ha arribat el temps,
alça els teus ulls al cel, que està cobert d’estels…


English traduction of Catalan: show

If is when you wake up when you stop dreaming,
if when you look at the sky there are no stars,
if in your heart you feel you want to stop the time,
If you've looked at your hands and they're tied.

It's time to live, untie yourself and smile,
Look at the top of the mountain, fear's no longer with you.
Find the great dragon, where's it hiding?, The evil is very cowardly,
Its power is fictitious, breaks the curse!

Freedom's not what they tell you, don't be afraid, fight the dragon,
Its hiding, because he knows that you're giving its power.
Look around, there are more like you, take the keys and open their eyes,
Teach them where the exit, give them life!

And together we will find a new way and we'll find that garden,
where the truth is freedom as it was one day...

Enough lies, we are born free, just wake up...

It's time to live, untie yourself and smile,
Look at the top of the mountain, fear's no longer with you.
Find the great dragon, where's it hiding?, The evil is very cowardly,
Its power is fictitious, breaks the curse!
If in your heart you feel that the time has come,
Look up at the sky, which is covered with stars...


I know that the sound is a lil' bit bad XD She is a pianist and compositor, and she gave this song to one of the presidents of generality of Catalonia, they say they maybe would play it in September 11 in the independence demonstration of Catalonia, hope they do! ;)
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