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Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Queen Elsa » March 15th, 2015, 6:21 am

Pearl Mellark

My mom, brother, and I were all sitting at the table, eating dinner and watching the news, when the announcement came on.

"Good evening, Panem," President Amelia Snow, President Coriolanus Snow's granddaughter, greeted. Everyone called her President Amelia, so we didn't mix up the two. "As you all know, Peeta Mellark and a few others were killed a few weeks ago when they tried stopping us from what we wanted to do. Foolish people."

My father's death had pained all of us. It was unexpected and hard to deal with. I had recovered from it somewhat, but thinking about it still upset me at times, so I tried not to. My friends always helped me out with that when I needed it.

"As you older people know, the Hunger Games would be going right about now," President Amelia continued. "And guess what? Now, without Peeta and those other rebels trying to stop us, we're going to bring them back." The Capitol citizens cheered - of course, they always liked watching a good show. They saw the Games as entertainment. However, the three of us stayed silent. It shouldn't have suprised us. We all knew what Dad was fighting for, but I think the fact that it was actually happening was what shocked us most. I had heard about what happened in the Games at school. I couldn't imagine what it would be like, having to kill 23 people just so you could stay alive and get out of the Games.

I turned to see my mom running up the stairs into her room. It was also common knowledge that she and my father had gone back into the games for the Quarter Quell the year after they went in the first time. I knew the news of it returning must have hurt her a lot.

I looked at PJ. He was 11 - just shy of the age limit for the Games - so he would be safe from it this year. But I could still see the fear written on his face. "Come here," I said to him, motioning him over. He walked over to me and sat on my lap. I could feel the warm tears on my shirt. I rubbed his back and tried comforting him. "You're too young for it. They can't and won't pick you. I promise." He noddded, sniffling as we watched President Amelia continue the announcement.

"There will be a few changes to this one. First of all, the tributes must stay in the arena for at least three weeks. At the end of those three weeks, whoever is still alive will be taken out, so long as there's less than eight of you. If there's more than eight, than the Games will continue for another week. Also, the Capitol citizens will be able to send the tributes foods, weapons, etcetera. And finally, the more people you kill in the Games, the more help you will get from outside of the arena. The reaping will be in one week. As the old saying went, good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

The news came back on, leaving my brother and I sitting alone, not even paying attention to what was on the TV, too lost in thought about these new changes to the Games, and the revival of the Games period.

"Come on. Let's go to bed," I finally said after about five minutes. PJ nodded, and we walked up to his room. Once he was tucked in, I turned off the light and climbed into bed myself. It was a restless night for me, though, my mind reeling with thoughts about the Games.
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Shadowfax » March 15th, 2015, 6:13 pm


The day after the announcement on the return of The Hunger Games, Ryan was still oblivious to it's return. To him it was just a normal day in his normal life and all was as it was.

There was a slight cloud over District 2 today, so the occasional rain drop fell onto his little makeshift tent which he had called home now for the last two years. He slowly brushed the dirt out of his spiky and messy hair before deciding to get up and start his day. Packing away his tent and slinging it in the backpack on his back, Ryan headed out towards the District on an empty stomach as per usual.

He had been alone since he was ten, scavenging for a living and just about getting by. Pitching up his tent on the outskirts of District 2 and keeping to himself. Today he was planning on selling a few items he had dug up on the outskirts of the district to try and feed himself. He just hoped that he could scrape together enough to eat for he hadn't eaten for near on a day and a half and was starting to feel it.

As he got nearer however there were many crowds around a large screen which had been placed in the middle of the main part of the district. Curious and confused, he approached wondering what had the District in such an uproar.
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Queen Elsa » March 15th, 2015, 7:11 pm

Pearl Mellark

As I headed to school the next morning, I passed by my friends' houses. Normally, I would knock on their doors and then we would walk there together. Not today, though. I guess they were both watching the news last night as well, because they were waiting outside for me, and as soon as they joined me, that's what they were talking about.

"Did you hear the announcement last night?" Kayla asked us.

"Of course. My family and I are always watching the news during dinner," I replied.

"We just happened to be watching TV when the announcement came on," Melissa said.

"I wonder who's going to be picked," Kayla said. "I hope it's me!"

"Why?" I asked. Only the "Career" districts would think like that. Our district wasn't one of those.

"I don't know. I just think it would be interesting to experience," she responded with a shrug.

"Well I fof one don't want to be chosen. I've never been one for killing. That's why I'm a vegetarian. And if I'm not the killer, I'm the killed," Melissa said.

"What about you, Pearl?" Kayla asked. "Do you want to be chosen?"

"Not really," I said. "And I don't know what would happen if I am, since my parents had been in them twice. I could either get a lot of sponsors for being the 'star-crossed lovers of District 12's' daughter, or I could be the number one target. Or both." Both girls nodded, understanding my reasoning.

When we arrived at school, there were many groups talking about the return of the Games. It wasn't hard to tell who didn't yet know about it, because they were standing on the sidelines, alone. But I could count on one hand the number of people who didn't know. When everyone saw me, they ran up to me and began asking me a bunch of questions. This was going to be a long week.
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Shadowfax » March 15th, 2015, 8:58 pm


On approaching the screen and crowds, the noise increased, but Ryan couldn't make out what anyone was saying. There seemed to be a mixture of panic, excitement and worry among the people of the district. A tall blond girl barged past Ryan then, near on pushing him to the ground and not bothering to even check he was ok. Muttering to himself, Ryan straightened himself up and tried to peer over the gathered heads.

"Can you believe it?"
"I wonder what the other changes will be?"
"Which District stands the best chance?"

Were among the many questions being asked among them. Growing increasingly frustrated, Ryan began to try and navigate to the front of the crowds. Being skinny he found this quite easy and soon enough found himself near enough at the front. Looking up he saw the president of Panem on the screen, a recording of her announcement on The Hunger Games returning being replayed.

Ryan blinked and allowed a small gasp to escape him. Like all kids in the district he had heard of the horrors of The Hunger Games and bringing them back he felt a pang of fear in his gut about being chosen. He'd be picked off quickly for sure. He remembered hearing of Katniss Everdeen and Peter Mallark competing and starting the rebellion that ended it and also that they had kids.... He gulped and suddenly feared for them. Surely they would fix it so that one of their children would go in.

"Damn you..." Ryan growled as he looked up at the presidents face on the screen.

"Isn't it wonderful! A chance to bring honour to our district again! District 2 had the most victors in these games you know!" A middle aged woman said shaking Ryan on the shoulder.

"Easy for you to say... you won't be sent in there. And why would you be proud of District 2 being well known killers? That's all you do in these games right? Kill?" Ryan shot back, offended by her joy.

"Brat, lets hope they reap someone who will appreciate the glory of the games!" She growled back before departing back to her her friends.

Ryan looked up at the screen once again and sighed. This wasn't turning out to be a great day.
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Queen Elsa » March 15th, 2015, 9:46 pm

(Was the Peter thing on purpose?)

Pearl Mellark

There wasn't a single class today that didn't talk about the revival of the Games. It was so annoying, although there were only two or three teachers who had the same enthusiasm as Kayla over the idea. The rest were sympathetic, because they knew what was at risk, and our district had very few victors - four, to be exact, in all seventy-five years of its existence the first time.

I made sure to leave without my friends today. I rarely did that - only on days when I didn't want to talk about the latest news, like today. My mother was sitting at the table when I arrived. PJ wasn't back yet; he must have stayed with his friends. I always trust his friends to bring him back on days like today.

"Sit down, Pearl," my mother invited. "I have something to tell you." I did as she asked, and when she looked up, I could see tears forming in her eyes, along with other emotions shown in her expression, like fear and anger. I had only seen her like that when the Games were mentioned. This was the story I had been waiting to hear, but instead of feeling excited like I had when I tried asking her about it in years past, I felt anxious.

(Next post might be a bit long. Just to forewarn you. ;))
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Shadowfax » March 15th, 2015, 10:19 pm

(What Peter thing? And no worries! Long posts are awesome ^^)


Ryan had managed to sell a few of the items he had found today and much to his relief, had been able to afford a small amount of food. Once back on the outskirts of the District he had put his tent back up and was roasting some meat over the little make-shift fire he had built. The smell of the cooking feast made his stomach growl with hunger though his thoughts were more on the return of the games.

He had remembered being born into a world where the games no longer existed and the fear of having them return was one feeling he never thought he would have to experience.

His meant had finally cooked so he began to cool it down before he began to tear pieces off and consume it. Chicken was a rare treat to him so he enjoyed every mouthful though his gaze was continuously on the stars above him. He began to wonder... would he be chosen? Would a nobody like him be dragged into the games?


In District 11, the poorest of the districts the news had also spread about the return of the dreaded Hunger Games. District 11 had suffered many losses at the Hunger Games wrath and fear surrounded the District, the polar opposite of District 2.

Theo, a young skinny boy was sitting at the table with his parents and two brothers in total silence, though all knew what the others were thinking. It was so silent you could have heard a penny drop until Theo's father broke the eerie silence at last.

"I take it.. you all know about the return of the Games?"

There was a mumbling from all corners of the table to signify a yes.

"I must make you all aware now... The likely hood of being picked as a tribute is slim. Think of how many kids there are in the district. I just.. ask you three not to worry too much about it" He said trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem to work.

"There is still a chance though" Theo said after sometime.

"Yes, but... it's unlikely! I don't want you all worrying about it is all. Now go on, bed"

They didn't need telling twice and all three boys headed off to bed, none feeling any better from their fathers apparent 'reassurance'.
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Queen Elsa » March 16th, 2015, 2:09 am

(You put "Peter Mellark" instead of "Peeta Mellark". I was just wondering if that was intentional or accidental. If you want, feel free to skip over some of this, since most of it is from the first book.)

Pearl Mellark

"I never told you this before because it was something I never liked to think about," my mother began. "I planned on telling you at some point; I knew I would have to. But I never thought they would return." She shook her head and took a deep breath. "As you probably know, it was Aunt Prim who was reaped to go into the game. One slip out of thousands. What were the odds? I couldn't watch my twelve-year-old sister go into the Games. So I volunteered to take her place. Your father was reaped, and we were forced to go into the Games together. I had only really interacted with him once before. On a cold, rainy day, shortly after your grandfather died. As you know, your grandmother didn't help us for a little while after that. I was trying to do what I could to keep us alive. But I was cold and starving, and the clothes that I had been carrying had fallen into a puddle.

"I had been walking by the bakery and smelled the bread. I looked in their trash cans to see if there was any stale bread when Peeta's mother came out and began yelling at me. I walked away and sat under one of the trees, exhausted and starved. Then, I heard her yelling at me again, but this time inside the house. She and a boy, your father, came out, and she whacked him in the head and told him to feed the bread to the pigs, because it was burnt, and no one who had money would eat it. He began feeding the bread to the pigs as instructed, but then he tossed both loaves to me. I took it home for my mother, sister, and myself to eat. It was just fine, after you took off the burned parts. I never forgot that day.

"So when we were thrown into the Games together, I didn't know whether to trust him or not. At first, I saw every kind thing he did as an act to win in the Games, and that he would kill me as soon as we got in the arena. But then, during the interview before we got thrown in the Games, he announced there was a girl that he had had a crush on since forever, and that winning wouldn't help, because that girl had come there with him. Me.

"I thought he had been trying to make me look weak, and I pushed him down for it, making him knock down an urn and cut his hands from the sharp pieces. It was Haymitch who had tried to assure me that what he had done made us get more sponsors. I apologized later that night on the roof of the training center where we were staying.

"While we were waiting for the Games to start, watching the clock count down, I had noticed a bow and a sheath of arrows. I was thinking about getting it, but just before the countdown ended, I turned and I think your father shook his head no, which delayed me from having a chance to grab the weapon and get out of there. So I grabbed what I could and ran out of there, away from any of the other tributes.

"It wasn't long after that when the Careers came by me. I was up in a tree, so they couldn't see me. But I could hear and see them. It was that night when I found out your father was with them. He had joined up with them to try and find me. Considering they never actually found me until after the gamemakers created a fire to bring us all closer, I don't think he was really helping them. They found me three or four days after I first saw them all together, and I climbed up a tree as fast as I could so they wouldn't kill me, which was hard with the burns from the fire. One of the tributes tried climbing up after me, but he was too heavy and fell. One of the others tried shooting arrows at me to kill me, but she wasn't a very sharp shooter. Your father suggested that they wait for me to come down.

"During the night, Rue, the female tribute from District 11, pointed out a tracker jacker nest to me. I began cutting the branch it was on. I wasn't able to finish the job until the following morning, along with a few of their stings. The tribute who had tried shooting me with the arrows died, and I pulled the bow and arrows off of her. Your father ran back and told me to run away. He had a spear and he could have killed me, but he didn't. That's when I began trusting him again. The tribute that tried climbing up after me, Cato from District 2, had cut your father's leg for doing so.

"I stuck around with Rue for a few days, until she died by the boy from District 1. In those few days, we had bonded and I had blown up the Careers' supply. The land mines surrounding it went off, though, and damaged my left ear. Rue had been setting off fires so that the Careers would go after her. Unfortunately, the boy from District 1 trapped her in a net and killed her. I turned around and killed him. He was the first one that I killed. That night, there was a rule change: if the last two people were from the same district, we would be able to return home together. So I went searching for him. When I found him, he had camouflaged himself. I cleaned him off, but his leg hurt him too much to walk or move, so doing so was a struggle, as was walking to the cave where we stayed until near the end of the Games. He was also sick from being there so long.

"We got a lot of sponsors and help from Haymitch during then. But Peeta wasn't getting any better. So, when the announcement came about there being something that each of us needed desperately, I disobeyed Peeta and left to get it. The girl from District 2 tried to kill me, but the boy from District 11 killed her before she could, although she was able to cut my forehead in the process. I ran back to the cave, but wasn't able to see what was in the bag, although it was a very small bag, and I knew it was the medicine to heal his leg wound.

"After that, he was all better. I went out and hunted while Peeta collected berries and herbs. The sound of a cannon made me stop hunting and go looking for him. On the way, I saw a pile of berries. I picked them up and discovered they were nightlocks. I began looking for him again, hoping that it hadn't been him who died because he ate the berries. We ran into each other, and I was glad to see he was still alive. It had been the girl from District 5 who had eaten the berries and died because of it.

"There were now four of us left: the boy from District 11, Cato, and of course your father and I. A storm began, and we were stuck in the cave. During that time, the boy from District 11 had died. Shortly after the storm ended, the river dried up, and we had to go to the lake. This was the finale. Many muttations came after your father, Cato, and I. We ran to the Cornucopia, leaving our belongings by the river. When Peeta tried getting up on the Cornucopia, one of the mutts bit his leg. Cato had climbed the highest while I continued shooting the mutts. All of them had the characteristics of the dead tributes, and the dead tributes' district numbers on them, so it was hard for me to kill them, but I did the best I could. Unfortunately, whenever one died, another one came in its place.

"While I wasn't looking, Cato had come down and put Peeta in a headlock. Peeta was turning blue from being choked, but I couldn't just shoot Cato, because then they would both go down. Peeta trailed his finger on Cato's hand, making an X. I did as he instructed and shot Cato's hand. Cato let go of Peeta, but they both began to fall. I caught Peeta and brought him back up onto the Cornucopia. Peeta's leg was still bleeding out, so I took off my shirt and made a torqniquet out of it, using the last arrow I had. The night dragged on, and it got colder. Cato wasn't being killed yet because he had body armor on and the muttations couldn't get through it. Just before we froze to death, Peeta suggested that I finish Cato off myself. I took the arrow out of his tourniquet, and shot Cato, ending his life and his misery. We waited for the trumpets to sound, but they didn't. Thinking we had to get away from the Cornucopia before they sounded the trumpet, we headed back to the lake. Still, no victory trumpets sounded.

"Then, the announcement came on. On further review of the rules, they revoked the previous rule change so either your father or I had to die. We couldn't both get out alive. Peeta pulled out his knife, and I thought he was going to kill me, but instead he threw it in the lake. He tried taking off his tourniquet, but I stopped him. Instead, I pulled out the nightlock berries that I had packed in case we could outsmart Cato. I poured some into his hand, and then some into mine. We held them out so everyone could see them, and began counting down. Just as I put the berries in my mouth, we were announced as victors. Peeta and I quickly spit the berries out and rinsed out the juice from our mouths.

"My ear was healed and Peeta got a metal leg because the wound from the muttations had been too big to heal. Haymitch told me that the Capitol saw the act with the berries as an act of rebellion, not love. So I tried convincing everyone that it was love and not a rebellion. Peeta found out about it, though, and didn't talk to me about it afterwards."

Just then, PJ walked through the door. "I'll tell you the rest of the story later," my mother said. I nodded and helped her fix dinner. I understood now why she didn't want to tell me about what happened. And that wasn't even the full story! What was left?

(Told you it would be long! :P Sorry if I made any mistakes. I don't have the book next to me, so I'm doing this all from memory. :P I'll try to fix them when I can.)
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Shadowfax » March 16th, 2015, 6:31 pm

(Ah that was just a typo. Been a while since i've read the books/seen the movies so blame that, and my baby brain at the moment hehe xD I'll correct it in a second. And it's up to you, I don't really mind ^^ I always read all RP posts so =3)


Ryan had been staring out at the sky now for well over an hour, completely lost in his own thoughts about the Hunger Games. He had no idea why he was worrying so much, or why he was so angry on their return. He had nobody to lose, nor anyone to mourn him should he enter the arena. That thought saddened him. Besides, surely someone would volunteer to take his place should he be reaped? District 2 were proud and won many of the years of the Games. But still... death was a scary thought so losing a nobody like him, perhaps nobody would care.

Shaking his head and finishing the last of his bread, Ryan slowly rolled over into his tent to attempt to fall asleep. This week was going to drag, he could feel it.


The tall blond girl who was responsible for knocking Ryan to the floor earlier was in her home, sparring with her father. They used wooden swords for it was all they could afford, but it was clear that the girl was very good with a sword.

"Well done Amber, I have no fear for your life should you be picked next week" Her father said, pulling his face mask off as they came to the end of their session.

"Thank you father. I do hope I get picked to go in! It would be amazing to bring honor to the district again and for us to all be moved to the victors side of town! I suppose that would be updated too!" She giggled, though her tone was harsh.

Her father nodded, a proud grin on his face as he began to put the swords away.

"Father? Do you remember the rebellion much? When that Katniss and Peeta rose up against the Capitol?" Amber asked curiously.

"Not an awful lot to be honest no. Just that alot of blood was spilt, more than needed to have been if you asked me. Wouldn't it be strange if one of their children got reaped eh?" He said.

"Heh! Well if that happens then I know who my first target will be. Just because they are the child of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, doesn't mean they will be able to fight like them... Heh... Yes. I think I know who i'll be going for first" Amber chuckled coldly, her eyes dark.
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Queen Elsa » March 16th, 2015, 7:28 pm

(Okay. =) I was going to ask if you would mind if I did the CF and MJ ones as well, but I'm taking it you won't mind for those either, right? Also, Amber scares me now. :gasp: )

Pearl Mellark

That night was even more of a restless night than the pervious one, if that was even possible. I'm not sure if I actually dozed off or if my mind was just imagining the scenes, but whichever the case, it was scary. I wasn't even the one who experienced it. I was just imagining it. I couldn't imagine what it was like for my mother and father, when he was alive, to think about. I thought about going to her room and asking her to continue the story, but I decided against it. She would tell me in her own time, and I wasn't going to push it.

Unable to sleep, I walked out of the room and down the hall, heading downstairs. As I passed PJ's room, I heard a faint snoring. At least he was able to sleep. But he hadn't heard Mom's story, and he didnn't have to worry about the possibility of him being thrown into the Games, because it was impossible.

I made a cup of tea for myself and sat down on the couch, trying to calm down my nerves. I was one person out of thousands. But I was also Katniss and Peeta's daughter, and my aunt hadn't had much luck with the "one out of thousands" thing either. What chance was there that I wouldn't be picked? None. I was almost certain I would be chosen.
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Re: Hunger Games - Shadowfax and Queen Elsa

Postby Shadowfax » March 16th, 2015, 9:17 pm

(Go for it =) Haha, yeh she is a bit of a psycho :P)


Over in District 2, Ryan hadn't had the best nights sleep himself. Many dreams he had slipped in and out of last night, pretty much all relating to the Hunger Games. He had also dreamt of a girl who he had to protect in the arena, but he never found out if he succeeded for he awoke to the sound of rain on the top of his tent. Shivering, he huddled under his blankets and stared out at the mountains through the gap in the tent.

This kind of weather was a blessing and a curse. Birds returned to their nests in the rain, but with the rain a cold and bitter wind came with it as living in the mountains they were high up. Deciding he preferred food and some coins he decided to get up and dressed despite the cold. He could even practice for the games, work on his aim with his slingshot.. Just in case of course, though Ryan too had a feeling deep down that he too would be picked. Or maybe that's what all the possible tributes thought?

Slowly, he packed up his tent and headed off in the pouring rain.
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