Rahina - Compassion

Rahina - Compassion

Postby Lodrill » July 5th, 2009, 12:36 am

This is the story of Rahina. Here is only a part of the prologue of the story. The story will also continue in the role play and I will maybe update the chapters here.
Here we go:

Prologue - Jungle Queen

The sun did not even reach the ground of the jungle. The dense treetops only let a very faint green shine through.
In the shadows near a tree a figure waited patiently. A lioness with a dark brown fur, black eyes and a big scar that decorated her full left leg. A small warthog came closer on its look for something to eat. The warthog did not yet notice the huntress.


Rahina lived in this forest for nearly one year now. She was not yet fully grown up but she already was big and had strong muscles. She came into the jungle at the age of six month. Previously she had lived in the outlands together with her mother Idihi, her brother Faki. Her father Zende only had come to them occasionally due he had been a big fan of Zira the ruler of the outlands.
Everything changed for Rahina at the day her mother and her brother were found dead at the borders of to the pride land. Her father blamed Simba, the King of the pride land, but Rahina was still not sure about that. There were rumors about Zira killed them because Idihi had been a voice for peace.

After that Rahina had done a lot of lone journeys around the borders of the outlands until she had been picked up by three hungry hyenas that chased her far away from the outlands. The four month old cub only survived by chance. Despite her age she fought back and got a deep wound on her left foreleg. In the last second she managed to hide in a very small breach of some rocks and the hyenas gave up after waiting a full day.
Rahinas managed to drag herself on until she reached an oasis with a big jungle around it. There she met a few other lost cubs and they mend her to good health again. But the wound left a big scar on her left leg from her shoulder down to the paw. Rahina did not go together very well with the others. They let her do all the hard work because she was so strong already but her memory of her mother and brother and some of the cubs were from the pride land was like a wall between them.

As Rahina turned to one year the small cub pride was evaded by rogues. Some of the other cubs died, others escaped and eventually found death or another place to live far away from the oasis. But Rahina managed to survive. She knew this jungle the best. She knew every single den or hideout. In addition she really grew up to a big huntress and fighter. She used the environment of the jungle to her benefit, taught herself how to climb up trees and ambushed the prey from there. And so she lived alone in the forest. She did not need a pride to survive but there were times she felt lonely. Even with fighting back some rogues and going on a stroll every day she longed to have someone to talk or to snuggle up with at night.


The leaves on the ground did not move until the moment the warthog already lay dead in the fangs of the lioness. Rahina had been silent as the wind. Up to now she never had missed one of her prey.
Her ears perked up. There was something different in the forest. She knew the breath of the woods and the sounds and scents of everything here and there was sure an intruder. A rogue? More than one?

Rahina hid the prey under some branches and leaves and followed her instinct. Near the border of the forest she saw a lion. He had light golden fur and a very light brown mane. She estimated his age about her own. Silently she jumped on a low branch of a tree nearby and observed the movement of the lion. He did not move like a rogue normally does. He moved open and Rahina did not get any scent of blood from him. Also her instinct was not yet on full alarm. So Rahina continued her observation while the stranger passed the tree right below her…

(continued in rule play Time Heals All Wounds)

Little Stranger
Last edited by Lodrill on July 10th, 2010, 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rahina - Compassion

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 11th, 2009, 4:52 am

Nice story is there going to be more?
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