Mio's Journey

Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » June 19th, 2012, 7:12 am

Chapter 1
A New Day

Miano had just woken up from a good night sleep. He got up and stretched out. He let out a little yawn trying not to wake his mate up. He smiled as he looked at her and saw that it would be soon before she would go into labor. Sela had picked Miano when she had wonder off from her pride. They both were rogue and they were happy. It has been tough for them, but they still find enjoyment out of life. He gave his mate a nuzzle as he was happy she was carrying his cub. Sela awoke from the nuzzle and said “Good Morning”. Miano replied good morning to you. "How do you feel?" "The pains are getting worse and it’s hard to move." "Well I will bring you some food." She replied “Thank you.” As Miano goes to hunt for some food, Sela tries to get up it takes her awhile because the pain is becoming so great it is hard to move.

Luckily the water hole was not too far she thought. As she got there, she took a few licks of water then pain got so worse she fell to the ground. She was in labor. She was in a state of panic. Het mate was nowhere to be seen. She let out a roar to see if she could get his attention. Miano about to jump his prey heard the roar and took off away from the prey to see what the problem was. Miano comes to see that she has fallen next to the water. He rushed to see what is wrong. “Are you ok?” I am in labor that is why I called you. Oh! “Do you need anything”? He said. "No, just wanted you here to see you our cub born into this world." "Thanks for the call would not miss this for the world." She felt the pain growing. She started to yell. He grabbed her paw to let her squeeze his hand to help ease the pain. He did not know what to do. The cub started slowly to appear. Miano said “the cub is almost out just a little more.” Luckily when she fell her head was close to the water. She screamed one last time and the cub was out. "Oh honey look at our cub." "Is it a boy or a girl?" Sela looked and said “it is a boy!” Miano was so exicted.

He laid next to her nuzzling her and looking at the little cub. "Well he is going to need a name." "Do you have any ideas?" What about “Mio” she said. "That is a great name it is perfect." Mio gave out a little cry because he was uncomfortable and cold. Sela put the cub between her arms and gave the cub a bath. The young cub gave out a little purr. Miano looked down at his new cub gave it a nuzzle and a lick. He was so proud of his new cub and Sela. “Are you hungry? Want me to go get you some food while you rest?” "Yes, darling I am just be safe I will be right here since I will not be able to move for a bit." Miano ran off to go get some food for his mate.

Sela look at her son and was proud to be a mother. She heard the new cub purring. Mio opened his eyes and she saw her mates brown eyes and she smiled thinking it was just like Miano. She saw he had a little brown spot below his mouth. Also looking at Mio’s face she saw brown lines from the tip of his nose to the end of the eye socket. As she was getting close to finishing the bath she saw a brown little toe on his left most toe on his left hind leg. She gave the cub one last lick and fell asleep with the cub in her arms. She put her head next to his so he could feel her mother’s face.

Last edited by MrTitans on June 20th, 2012, 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » June 20th, 2012, 2:40 am

Chapter 2
A Queen is Born

Simba and Nala have finally moved in with the Great Kings of the past. Kovu and Kiara are now ruling the Pridelands. They are expecting their first cub to be born soon. Kovu had seen a male cub born in the pride. Kovu was hoping he was being a good king as he looked over the pridelands. He saw Oni laying with his mother on a rock. She had just given birth to him a month ago. He was in her arms getting a bath. Oni was a little cub when he was born. He looked different than most of the other cubs.

Kovu walked back into the den to see Kiara. He gave her a nuzzle to say good morning. Kiara awoke and gave out a yawn. “Good morning Kovu” she said. “Good morning” he said back. “How are you?” “In intense pain” she said. “Today may be the day the cub will be born.” “Well I will tell the lionesses to go catch us some breakfast I do not want to miss our cub being born” he said walking out of the den to find the lionesses. Kiara looked at her stomach and thinking I hope life will be good for you. She saw Kovu walk back into the den and lat down next to her giving her a lick. “Shouldn’t you be out on patrol looking for any danger?” she said. Zazu was no longer around so he had to find a new bird to help scout ahead. “We should be fine, but I will let a lioness know to tell one of the male lions to do it for me today.” he said. After about thirty minutes of laying there and talking a lioness brings Kiara and Kovu food. “Thank you for doing this for us and can you do me one last favor for me” Kovu said. The lioness replied sure “what is it your majesty?” “ Tell one of the male lions to scout for me today Kiara thinks today is the day.” he said. “Yes you majesty right away” she said running out of the den. Then they both ate their food and after words cleaned up after themselves.

After about an hour of lying down Kiara suddenly screamed in pain the cub was coming. Kovu jumped up and said “What is wrong!” He said worriedly. “It is happening.” she said. Kovu was so nervous he did not know what to do. He roared for the lionesses to come aid her. They soon appeared to Kiara give birth to her new cub. The cub came out with ease. One of the lioness said “It is a girl.” “Congratulations you two.” They all said. She was so proud that she had daughter.

Kiara asked Kovu “What should we name her?” she said. “I do not know probably someone in the family to honor them.” he said. Kiara thought for a moment and looked at her cub she noticed her daughter has darker fur than most females and it reminds her of her grandmother Sarabi. She said “What about Sarabi?” “That is wonderful” he said. She looked at Kovu and said “I hope you are not disappointed that it is not a son” she said. “Not at all she looks beautiful” he said. They lied there together looking at their new cub and nuzzling it. Kiara started to give Sarabi a bath. She noticed her underbelly was really bright compared to her fur. Sarabi opened her eyes for a brief moment to see where she was. Kiara said “She has my mothers’ eyes.” Well at least Oni will have someone to play with when they get bigger. Even they maybe paired together to be king and Queen.


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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » July 30th, 2012, 4:51 am

Chapter 3
Mio Troubles

Mio awoke from a good night sleep. He let out a little yawn and stretched out then walked outside to see how the day was. To wait for his parents to wake he started to play by trying to catch butterflies flying in the air. He was trying to be quiet so he did not wake up his parents. After he was done he walked on top of the largest rock he could find to see what was around him. Mio did not have friends to play with since they were not in a pride and there were no other cubs to play with. Mio was sad that he had no one to play with, but he found ways to make it work. Then Mio heard a weird noise coming from where his family was sleeping and he saw his father walk out of the den. “Good morning son.” “How are you today?” he said. Mio replied “Good morning and nothing just trying to find something to do.” Miano” replied just stay within sight of us and the den,” Mio replied “Yes dad.” Mio runs off to go play. Sela came to Mianos’ side and sat down and gave him a nuzzle. She said “ So what are we going to do today?” Miano replied “ I want to teach Mio how to pounce and stalk his prey.” Sela replied“ That will be good for him.” Also we should teach him how to fix wounds he gets and teach him how to survive as a rogue. Miano replied with a worried look to his face “I wish Mio could be in a pride with friends to play with and not have to worry about problems like this,” Sela confrot Miano and said “Me to, hopefully we can find a pride to settle into to let him grow into a great lion.” Mio thought to himself life is boring because there were no friendly lions to play with.

Sarabi has been having fun with her friends in the Pridelands. She played with everyone and learned to pounce and does practice hunts. Kiara was teaching her how to hunt and have a good time. Kovu was keeping an eye on Oni and watched him play with Sarabi. He thought they would be a great pair. They would go on little adventures together and get in trouble together. They were great friends they hung out day and night until they went to bed. Life was going great in the Pridelands and there was not a worry in the world. Kovu was doing great as king because Simba had taught him everything he knew on how to be king. Kiara had really matured since she first became queen.

Unaware that Mio was being watched the hyenas were seeing a wonderful lunch and they were planning their attack. “They went back to get more followers to help if they find the kids parents they thought.” So they were getting ready to pounce.


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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » August 2nd, 2012, 4:08 am

Chapter 4

The Heavy Loss

When they saw the cubs father taking his son to go practice stalking prey and practice hunting they saw an opportunity to get Sela when she was all alone. They moved in closer to surround the lioness and about to attack. They broke off into two groups one to get the father and the other the mother so the hyenas cubs could practice on Mio. They soon started to attack Sela without warning. She let out a painful roar when the hyenas took bites at her and attacked her. Miano heard this, but before he could help soon they grouped on him. Sela heard Mianos great roar and she thought Mio and Miano are in trouble she fought to get the hyenas off of her so she could get to Mio and Miano. When she got there she helped knock the hyenas off Miano. They told Mio together “Run get out of here go find a place to hide. We will protect them from getting to you as long as we can. We will come looking for you when we scare them off. Mio started to argue and say, but you guys are in trouble. They yelled at Mio and said firmly “We love you and we always will be proud of you, now get out of here.” they said. Mio took off running and soon the hyenas sent there cubs off to catch Mio. Sela held the cubs off for a short time, but their parents grew angry and attacked her. Miano got them off and they overpowered Miano and he was on the ground unconscious. Sela was all alone defending herself so that Mio could get as far away as he could before they overpowered her. Soon they were too much for her to handle and she hit the ground. They sent a scout party with their cubs to find Mio to teach them how to take on a lion head on. Mio kept running wondering if he would ever see his parents again. He started to cry as he ran. The rest of the hyenas started to feast on his parents.

Mio ran and saw a lot of grass near him not knowing where he was and ran up on a rock and jumped off and slammed into a lion cub. He said sorry and said “RUN!” The lion cub looked in confusion. Sarabi had no idea what was going on and saw the terror on the outsider’s face and looked to see hyenas coming so she ran behind him. She said “follow me I know where we can hide.” Mio let her run ahead to find a place to hide. She led him to a cave where they were trying to hide. She asked quietly “who are you?” My name is “Mio” he said. She asked “why were they chasing you?” He replied “ I do not know me and my dad were going to practice hunting then my mother let out a painful roar and then we were attacked.” She replied “ oh my I am so sorry! I hope they are ok.” He said “they will come find me when they are gone. I have one question where are we?” Sarabi said “we are in the Pridelands where my parents rule the land.” Mio did not see that one coming. He said “Really that is cool.” She was quiet and said “they are close.” Mio said “get behind me they are coming for me and this is my fight not yours.” The hyenas caught scent of the cub. They shouted “Where are you? We won’t hurt you.” Sarabi said “ Do not go it is probably a trick.” Mio said quietly “Yeah your probably right. Just stay behind me and I will make sure they won’t harm you.” Then the hyenas appeared in front of the cave. They said ok kids “Time to practice.” The cubs came in and were looking exicted. Mio grew angry because he assumed that they killed his parents and readied his claws.

“Oh look here there is another cub behind this one. Oh desert the said.” Mio shouted “you will not harm her you are only here for me!” The hyenas started to attack meanwhile Kiara was worried where her daughter was and asked Kovu “have you seen Sarabi it past lunch time and her bath and I haven’t seen her all morning.” He replied I have not, but I will go take a look on pride rock to see if I see anything.” He ran up Pride Rock and scanned the land and saw some unknown animal. The hyenas have not been in the Pridelands since Scar was King and they saw a lion cub being attacked very faintly and he growled and took off and told Kiara “Go get the other lioness.” She was scared for her daughter and took off quickly to get help. Mio was struggling to keep up with the fight, but he knew this was not her fight to fight and wanted to protect her since this was caused by him. Then one of the older hyenas started to come closer then Kovu jumped the hyena and hit the hyena and the hyena and the cubs back up. He saw an unusual cub and behind him was Sarabi. He said “Are you ok are you hurt?” “No, daddy” she replied. Kiara came behind with the other lioness. Kovu said “get out and never come back!” he growled and roared at the hyenas. They replied “oh we will be back just you wait.” They ran off and Sarabi went to see her parents. Mio just stayed in the cave and lied on the ground exhausted and dehydrated. Kovu looked at the cub and asked the cub his name. “What is your name little one?” Sarabi said “his name is Mio daddy.” She told Kovu the short story of what Mio told her before they were attacked. “Daddy he was out with his dad to practice hunting and the hyenas attacked and he was told to run and after it was over they would come find him, but the hyenas came instead and he told me to get behind him this was not her problem. He said you would not have to deal with this if it was not for me. Kovu said “go sit next to him as I go talk to your mother.” She went and lied next to Mio. Kovu gathered the other lioness and explained the story Sarabi told him. Kiara and the other lioness look at each other and worried for the cub. Kiara said “he could stay here if his family is alive will come find him, but if not he can stay here. Kovu said “yes, but but he will need a mother.” Kiara said she could take care of him for the time being. Kovu said “okay it is settled he will live with us.” Kiara picked up Mio while Kovu got Sarabi and they went home.


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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby Meskhenet » August 2nd, 2012, 4:25 pm

That was a great story! :D Are you going to write more?
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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » August 2nd, 2012, 4:32 pm

Yes I am thinking of the next chapter right now not a fast write, but it going to continue it . Thank you for the support.

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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » February 7th, 2013, 5:37 am

Chapter 5
A New Life

Kovu and Kiara finally got to Pride Rock and set Mio and Sarabi down so they could finally rest. Sarabi was ready to play with Mio since he was living with her family now. Kiara told Sarabi “Not now Sarabi.” “Mio needs to rest.” Sarabi replied “Yes mother.” Mio got some water and was bleeding from fighting the hyenas. He was so exhausted and hurt from the fighr after drinking he fell over and slept. Kiara smirked and lied next to Mio to clean his wounds. She was thankful that Mio protected her daughter from danger. After cleaning his wounds she slept next to him to ensure him that this would be his new home and he was safe. The next morning Kiara and Kovu took a walk together. Kiara spoke to Kovu about Mio; she said “I am glad he protected our daughter from getting any injuries.” Kovu replied “Yeah me to we owe it to him that he can stay here and know that he is safe to grow up here.” “How is he doing today?” Kiara replied “fine, but he still needs to rest only to get up to drink and eat.” “He will just be exhausted after today.” Kovu said “Well that is good, wonder how life will treat the new cub addition to this great pride. Kiara replied “We will find out together.”

Later that night Mio woke up to get a quick drink and he is still tired and sore after he drank the water he walked back and fell back to sleep. Mio started to dream about his parents fighting the hyenas and could not get it out of his head. He woke up screaming and yelling and crying. Kiara helped him calm down and replied “What is it? “ Mio replied “The fight my parents put up while I ran away. I knew I could help, but I did not even help. Kiara said “They would be happy to know that you are ok and found a good home.” Mio said “I hope they are ok. I miss them already.’’ Kiara with a smiled said “All you can do is hope they made it through the fight and can find you.” Mio said crying “What if they can’t find me or do not know where to look.” He was in a nervous breakdown. Kiara put him between his arms and purred as she nuzzled him and said “They will find you and if not I will help you look for them when you feel better and are older I promise.” Mio felt better after she said that he purred and said “Thank you. I have a question…. Do you miss your parents?” Kiara thought about her parents and replied “Your welcome… and yes I do. How are you feeling up to playing with the other cubs tomorrow?” Mio had a confused look on his head and said “play with the others? I don’t know how to play with others I was the only cub and I do not know if they will accept me. Kiara looked down at Mio and said “they will teach you I had to teach Kovu here how to play isn’t that right Kovu” she said with a smile. Kovu looked and laughed and said “that’s right I did not know how to play thanks to her I learned to have a good time.” Kiara smiled back at him and looked at “Mio you can sleep right there and in the morning I will introduce you to the cubs.” Mio said “Thank you for all you have done.” “It’s the least we could do after you protected our daughter.”


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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby Sigurd » April 21st, 2013, 12:50 am

Great story! I want to see more ;) :D
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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » May 9th, 2013, 4:39 am

Ohh hey been gone for awhile I am thinking of next chapter I am a slow writer

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Re: Mio's Journey

Postby MrTitans » November 25th, 2013, 7:10 am

Sorry for the long delay was gone and now and currently working on the chapter. I will edit this to post a peek of the chapter.

Chapter 6
The New beginning

The sun began to rise over Pride Rock. Mio let out a yawn and looked around. He jumped and started to freak out. “Where am I?” Kiara opened her eyes and saw that Mio panicking. “Calm down Mio it’s alright we are not going to hurt you remember.” Mio remembered what happened yesterday and gave a sadden look. “Oh yeah now I remember. My lady where is the nearest water source?” Kiara laughed and said “Silly call me Kiara and follow me and Sarabi we will lead you to it.” Mio got behind Kiara and started to follow her. Sarabi looked at Mio with a smile and said “ We are going to have so much fun, I will have to introduce you to the other cubs.” Mio looked confused and wondered Will anyone accept me or play with me? He kept his head down and said in a depressed mood “Alright sounds like cool.” Sarabi was so happy for another friend to play with. As they got near the water source Mio saw a bunch of smaller animals of different variety and their parents having fun. He went to go get a drink then he saw his parent’s faces and drew a frown before getting a drink of water. Kiara took note of Mio’s reaction and knew the pain he must have felt. It reminded her of how Simba was after his fathers death.

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