The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Chapter 28

Postby Adofo » October 1st, 2013, 12:28 am

Nala: Hey, we will always have his memory and all that he did for us.
Simba: Yeah.....
Simba starts to walk out of the room but he hears some noise come from the operating room.
Simba: Huh??
He looks back and sees the heart monitor still not doing anything and continues to leave. Then he hears it again and turns back around, but this time he stays and waits. The others see him still standing at the door and go back for him.
Timon: Come on Simba, you really need to-
Simba: No wait!
They all wait and then they hear another little beep and then another and another. Adofo’s eye’s finally start to open.
Adofo: .....hey!
Everyone is shocked to see him alive.
Simba: ADOFO!!!
Simba excitedly leaps onto the bed on top of Adofo and gives him a huge hug.
Adofo: AAAHHHhhhh......okay.....
Simba: I love you Adofo! You’re the best brother ever!!! I’m so sorry you've always had to do so much for me!!
Adofo: ugh......I love you too Simba! And it’s okay......but I do have one problem.
Simba: What?!
Adofo: You know that place I got shot? You’re sitting on it!
Simba quickly lets him go and moves off to the side, off Adofo’s injury.
Simba: Oh sorry!
Adofo: Hey! That doesn't mean stop the hugging!
The two brothers continue their hug.
Adofo: And you were right. Mom and Dad said they were proud of both of us!
Simba: I told you!
A lot more of the pridelanders try to get in on the hug and Christen makes her way in to kiss Adofo.
Days later Adofo is about to board a plane with Nick and Christen and the Pridelanders are saying their goodbyes to Adofo.
Adofo: Bye Kiara, bye Kovu!
The two hug Adofo.
Kiara: Bye Uncle Dofo!
Kovu: Bye big guy!
Adofo: Bye Kopa, bye Vitani!
They hug Adofo.
Kopa: Goodbye Uncle Adofo!
Vitani: Bye!
Adofo: See you later Nala!
The two hug each other.
Nala: Bye Adofo! Come back soon!
Adofo: I will!
Simba: Well.......I guess this is it!
Adofo: Yeah.......I guess it is. Are you sure you’re okay with this?
Simba: For your entire life you have done so much for this pride and our home! I can’t thank you enough for it all but I hope this is a good start! We all want you to be happy so go start yourself a new life! But......just promise you’ll visit.
Adofo: I will visit as much as I can! I promise!
The two hug one last time before saying goodbye.
Simba: I’m gonna miss you!!
Adofo: I’m gonna miss you too little guy! I’ll be back to visit as soon as I can!
Simba: We can’t wait!
Pilot: Hey I’m sorry but you'll need to get off the runway soon.
Adofo: Don't worry, it'll only be a second.
Rafiki: First, I believe you are missing these!
Rafiki hands him his backpack full of stuff and his hoodie.
Adofo can’t even say anything, he just takes them and smiles.
The pridelanders all start to get off the runway and start heading back to Priderock.

Simba: See you soon bro!
Adofo: See you soon!
Adofo slowly climbs up to the top step, right before getting in the plane he stops and looks back. He sees the Pridelanders off in the distance, off the runway and walking back home.
Nick: Adofo, is something wrong?
Adofo: Just one thing I have to do first.
Adofo rubs his throat and takes a deep breath and he lets out a mighty roar. The pridelanders hear him and roar back at him. After Adofo finishes his roar he waves goodbye to them and steps inside the plane.
Nick: Wow! I didn't know you could do that!
Adofo: You never asked!
Christen tells the pilot they are ready to leave, then she goes and sits next to her new husband.
Overhead the pride sees Adofo’s plane fly right over their heads.

Dambi: Well there he goes. How are you doing Simba?
Simba: I’m just glad that he’s happy!
Nala: Yeah, and he promised he’ll come back!
Kovu: Yeah......he did!
Kopa: And we’ll be waiting for him!
Adofo looks out the window and sees his family shrink into the distance.
Christen: You’re going to like seeing the world! There is so much more out there for you to see!
Nick: Every country is different! All the cultures, the food, the beauty, you’re going to love it!
Adofo: Yeah I.......can’t wait.
Christen: What’s wrong?
Adofo: Nothing.
Nick: You should be excited, you’ll get to see things you've never seen before, and right now you seem.......disappointed.
Adofo just stare's out the window and sighs.
Christen: You miss them don’t you?
Adofo: Yeah.....I mean.....they're the only family I've ever known.
Nick: Then why did you come?
Adofo:’s what my real parents would have wanted.
Nick: Hey, they wanted you to be happy! With what you want to do. Are you happy, with all of this?
Adofo: I don’t know.
Christen: should go back.
Adofo: What?
Christen: Down there is where you belong, with your family! Your REAL family! And those lions are your real family!
Adofo: I........I can’t! What about you?
Nick: Now that you two are married the company can help take care of her!
Adofo: But.......I can’t just leave you!
Christen: Adofo, I’ll be okay, I love you but your place isn't here. Your parents wanted you to be happy, and so do I.
She takes his hands and holds them tight.
Christen: I love you, but you need to go back home!
Adofo: ..........Nick! Can you watch over Christen for me?
Nick: Of course I will!
Adofo: Thank you!
Nick: Excuse me sir, would you mind turning this plane around we've got a quick drop to make!
Pilot: Yes sir!
Adofo goes to change into his old outfit. He comes back in his old outfit.
Adofo: Thank you........both of you!
Christen: Just remember I’m going to be dropping in on you from now on!
Adofo: I can live with that!
The two share a quick laugh.
Adofo: And Nick, please take care of the company as my parents would have!
Nick: I will! Here, you'll need this!
Nick gives Adofo a parachute and Adofo kisses Christen goodbye.
Adofo: This is it......
Christen: Go get'em!
Nick quickly opens the door and Adofo sprints out.
Nick closes the door behind him.
Adofo parachutes to where he last saw the pridelanders. He finally spots them in the distance.
Adofo: HEEEEY!!!!!!
Vitani: Is that!!??!!
Adofo: HEEEEEEEEYY!!!!!!
Kiara: It’s Adofo!!!!!
Adofo lands right in the middle of the pride.
Simba: I thought you were going to travel the world?!? Be where you’d happy.
Adofo: Yeah......but I realized something. I’m happy just being with all of you! And I was hoping that I could have my old bodyguard duty back, your majesty.
Simba: HEY!!! That’s little brother to you!!
The two just look at each other and smile and laugh.
Simba: Let’s go home!
A few days later they finally make it back home with the animals anticipation of their return. They all walk back up to Priderock and stand over the Pridelands and they notice the spirits of Mufasa and Sarabi among the clouds as they look down onto their two sons with smiles on their faces.
Spirit of Mufasa: Welcome home, my sons!
The whole pride stands on priderock and roars to the excitement of the animals.
A full year passes and Christen along with Nick arrive at Priderock with a helicopter and walk up to the cave. Adofo helps Christen to the top and Christen is carrying something in her arms, she unfolds the blanket and reveals a little baby boy that looked like Adofo when he was first found. Adofo and Christen kiss and the Pridelanders want to see the newest edition to the family and couldn't be happier for Adofo.

The End......???
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Kipekee » October 1st, 2013, 1:12 am

or not Good job!

Get off my lawn whippersnapper

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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Adofo » October 1st, 2013, 1:37 am

Did you really think a guy like Adofo would stay dead? lol but I do like your idea, I can't get it out of my head, so I'm gonna make it the alternate ending!
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Kipekee » October 1st, 2013, 9:27 pm

Get off my lawn whippersnapper

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Alternate Ending Part 1

Postby Adofo » October 2nd, 2013, 12:38 am

This continues where chapter 27 left off. THIS IS AN ALTERNATE ENDING!!! The real ending is Chapter 28!!

Days later Adofo’s body and The Pridelanders are brought back home where Adofo is buried beside Mufasa and Sarabi. Everyone says their final goodbyes, Christen and Nick head back to the city and the pridelanders go back inside priderock.
A few days later everyone is still mourning the loss of Adofo, the one hit hardest being Simba has hardly slept in days, all he does is wait for the sun to start going down and watch as the stars in the sky slowly start to appear.

Nala: Simba please come inside. I know you miss Adofo, we all do, but you haven’t had hardly any sleep!
Simba: ........*sigh*........
Nala: I know you’re beating yourself up for this, but you shouldn't. It was his choice to save you, you never made him do anything. He wouldn't want you to be sad for him. He sacrificed himself to make sure you kept going.
Simba: I know but.......I can’t help it...........I’ll come inside in a minute.
Nala goes up to Simba and nuzzles with him.
Nala: Just remember you weren't the only one to lose him. We all did, we’re all here for you!
Nala heads inside the cave of Priderock with all the other pridelanders to sleep. Simba starts to wander down to Adofo’s grave.
Simba: I’m sorry Adofo, I should have done more to protect you instead you always having to protect me, then.......maybe you would be here now. Forgive me..........
Simba starts to make his way back up to the cave until way off in the distance he hears something. He remembers the sound, hyena’s laughing. Simba goes a ways towards to the sound of the laughter and he encounters a pack of hyenas attacking this young lion couple.
Hyena 1: GIVE US THAT CUB!!!!!
The mother is curled up with something in her arms while the male tries his best to fight them off, but he his losing and getting very weak.
Mother Lioness: YOU WILL NEVER GET HIM!!!!!!!
A bunch of the hyenas pile on top of the male lion and hold him down while the others go for the already weak mother and take the little cub and they all run off with him.
Simba rushes as fast as he can, past the mother and father and heads for the pack of hyenas.
The hyenas stop behind a cluster of rocks and set the little newborn down in the middle of them.

Hyena 2: Alright, who gets what piece?!
Hyena 3: I want his little tail!
Hyena 4: I want those little ears of his!
The little newborn just shakes in fear and covers his little eyes.
The other hyenas start to get restless.
Hyena 5: HURRY UP!!!!! I’m starving!!!!
Suddenly Simba leaps over them and lands over the little newborn.
Simba: None of you are going to touch him!
The hyenas, without even thinking all just brutally attack Simba but one by one he beats all of them to the ground and eventually forces them to run.
The little newborn is still shaking from being so terrified. Simba lays down on the ground in front of him and tries to talk to him.
Simba: Hey their little guy, it’s okay you’re safe.
The newborn slowly stands up but falls onto Simba’s nose. Simba just laughs at how cute he is.
Simba: Come on, let’s get you back to your parents!
Simba brings back the little newborn back to his parents, they are badly injured but alive.
Mother: You saved him! OH THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!
The mother and father snuggle with their little cub, glad to see him alive.
Father: Thank you so much! Hey, you’re the king of Priderock aren't you?!
Simba: Yes I am. And you’re welcome!
The little newborn is happy to be back with his parents. Simba notices something about him, his fur is similar to how Adofo’s hair color was, he even had his same blue eyes. But what really got his attention where the bright red tiny whiskers that just started to grow in.
Simba: You know little guy, you remind me of someone I once knew..............someone very close to me. I hope you always stay close to your parents. Do you need a place to rest, you’re more than welcome to stay in Priderock!
Father: Thank you, but no, we are heading home, we've still got a little ways but should make it back before sun rise.
Mother: Without those hyenas we should be okay.
Simba: Okay, well have a safe trip back.
Mother: Thank you for your kindness.
The father and mother continue their journey back home and Simba heads back to Priderock.
Eleven years pass and Christen and Nick brought Sampson to see his lion family for his eleventh birthday.

Sampson: Hi Uncle Simba!
Sampson runs to hug Simba.
Simba: Hey there little buddy!
Nala: You’re getting so big!
Sampson: Thank you Aunt Nala!
Christen: Why don’t you go inside and say hi to your cousins?
Sampson: Yes mom!
Simba: *sigh*
Christen: What’s wrong Simba?
Simba:’s just that he looks so much like Adofo. You know when Adofo was his age is when him and Nala found me with Timon and Pumbaa. I remember seeing Nala and Adofo after all those years, I was so happy to see them again.
Christen: Sampson is always asking what he was like. I tell him he was just like you, kind, loving and brave. .....I miss him.........
In a land not too far away from the Pridelands an adult lion with blazing orange colored hair and mane and red whiskers is off wandering around. He comes across this small part of a pride.
Kelsey: Hey, who are you?
Lion: Oh um hey don’t mind me just passing through. Sorry to bother you!
Kelsey: Oh it's okay, where are you heading?
Lion: I’m heading to this place called Priderock. Have you heard of it?
Knux: Actually yes, it’s over in the Pridelands we were going to pass by it. If you would like to come along you can.
Lion: Ummm yeah sure that’d be great! Thank you!
A little lioness cub wondering around with a few male cubs comes walking through and walks right in front of the wandering lion.
Kelsey: Reese! Be polite, you just walked in front of him and didn't say a word!
Reese: Sorry, hey you know you're kind of cute!
Adofo: Uhhhh what?!
Kelsey: REESE!!!
Reese: *sigh* fine.....excuse me sir! Can I go now?!
Kelsey: Very well.
The little accompanied cub continues on her way.
Kelsey: I am so sorry about that, we don’t know what we are going to do about her!
Lion: Don’t worry about it.
A few of the prides other lions show up.
Knux: Alright everyone let’s head out!
Kelsey: Don’t worry, the Pridelands aren't too far away.
A little ways later the pride arrives at the border of the Pridelands.
Knux: Okay, here you go, over that river and you are officially in the Pridelands. I’m sorry we don’t know where exactly Priderock is but it’s huge, you can’t really miss it.
Lion: Alright, thank you for having me along! Good luck with where ever you’re going!
Kelsey: Good luck to you too!
Reese: Bye cutie!
Kelsey: REESE!!!!! Come on young lady!!
The lion walks across an old log over the river and makes it into the Pridelands.
Back at Priderock the pridelanders prepare to give Sampson his first birthday surprise.

Simba: You ready for your surprise?
Sampson: Yes uncle Simba!
Kovu comes out of the cave with Adofo’s old bow and arrow with his bone machete, while Kiara brings out Adofo’s old hoodie. Sampson is super excited.
Sampson: OH WOW!!!! THESE ARE AWESOME!!!!!!
Nala: They were your dad’s.
Sampson: Really?!
Nala: He would have wanted you to have them.
Simba: Yeah, but you can only have them under one very strict condition.
Sampson: What’s that?
Simba: You take really good care of this stuff, they were your dad’s most prized possessions and I want you to take extra special care of them. Can you do that for me?
Sampson: I will uncle Simba! Thank you!
Simba: You’re welcome!
Sampson quickly throws on his father’s old hoodie and ties it up with his green shirt still showing at the collar and puts the quiver on his back and the bow over his shoulder.
Sampson: How do I look?
Simba tries to answer him while trying to hold back his tears.
Simba: You know what you look like?.......A great man! Your father would be very proud to see you like this!
Nick: Alright, tell him the second surprise!
Simba: Do you want to go hunting?
Sampson: I GET TO GO HUNTING!!???
Nala: That’s right, we talked it over with your mother and she’s letting you go hunting with us.
Sampson is super excited that he finally gets to go hunting out in the pridelands.
Kiara: I’ll go look for a good place to start hunting!
Kiara leaves to go look for a good first place to start Sampson’s hunt. She finds a zebra herd that would be perfect, but as soon as she starts to head back a few rouge hyenas surround her.
Hyena 1: Well looky here, the King’s little girl!
Hyena 2: You know, years ago your daddy stopped us from eating a nice little newborn lion cub. Because of that most of us didn't last much longer.
Hyena 1: Most of our guys died from starvation!
Hyena 3: I wonder how the king would like it if we took someone away from him!?
Hyena 4: Let’s find out!
The hyenas all go for Kiara at once, she is hopelessly out numbered and one of them attacks her from behind and knocks her to the ground and pins her. But then a lion jumps in and starts attacking. He knocks them off Kiara and drives them all away with Kiara still on the ground.
Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:34 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Alternate Ending Part 2

Postby Adofo » October 2nd, 2013, 12:56 am

Kiara: Thanks for helping me.
Lion: Anytime.
Suddenly Kiara is shocked when she hears that voice, she looks up at him and she’s sees it’s just another lion.
Lion: You okay?
Kiara: Yeah......yeah I just.....thought you were......someone else.
Lion: Oh I'm sorry, well you wouldn't happen to know where Priderock is, do you?
Kiara: Yeah, I actually live there, I can take you back.
Lion: Great! Thank you!
The lion follows Kiara back to Priderock.
Simba: You find a good place to hunt?
Kiara: Yeah, but I also found this.
The lion climbs up to the cave of Priderock. Everyone is shocked.
Lion: Uhhh hi!.........What’s everyone looking at?
Simba slowly walks up to the lion and takes a closer look and then looks right into his eyes.
Simba: ...........Adofo? Is that you! Is that really you!?
Lion: Yeah, my name is Adofo, have we meet?
Simba: Yeah! I’m your brother! Simba!
Adofo: Simba? Never heard of you, and I definitely don’t remember having a brother.
Simba: Well maybe not now but you did.
Nala: What is going on Simba?
Rafiki comes climbing up the side of Priderock.
Rafiki: I believe I can answer that! If someone is really needed in the circle of life, they can be given another chance! They can be reborn in another form! I myself always thought it was just a myth but a few days ago, Mufasa talked to me. He said that one that was lost long ago would soon be returned! And by the looks of this young lion here, Mufasa was right! This IS Adofo!
Simba jumps on the lion and gives him a huge hug.
Adofo: Whoa whoa whoa! Wait! I don’t know what you’re thinking but I have never seen you before in my life okay!
Simba: Yes, not in this life but before this one!
Adofo: WHAT!!??
Simba: You were a human, my older brother! You died to save me! Do you not remember any of that?
Adofo: NO! I don’t, I can’t believe my parents sent me to this place it-
He notices Sampson in Adofo’s old outfit and sees a quick flash of the real Adofo when he was the same age. It gives him a headache.
Adofo: Owww! My head!......Listen I’m getting out of here, this place is nuts! You are all crazy!
Simba: Adofo wait!
Simba: Wait!!!!
Adofo runs off into the Pridelands.
Nala: Simba look.......Rafiki how do you know that really was Adofo? It could just be a strong coincidence that he looked a lot like him!
Simba: No, that was him! Did you see the way he looked at Sampson? He’s in there somewhere, and I’m going get him out!
Simba runs down Priderock after the lion.
Nala: Are you sure that was him.
Rafiki: I'm sure!
Simba finds the lion sitting at a pond getting a drink and dipping his face in the water. When he shakes the water off his head he starts to quietly sing a song.

♪Adofo: Let your troubles melt away
Just block out the dark and let in the light.
You will never be alone as long as I’m here.
I will be here till the end of days
And be back in the morning.

You can beat any problem
Overcome any obstacle and will make you strong.
You will stop all your enemies
Rule this great land
And can never be knocked down!
When I see you, I see a king!

If you never give up
You will always come out on top!
If you are ever down
I will always be there for you!

Simba:There will always be a challenge
You will think there is no way
But with the one’s you love
You will always overcome!

Let your troubles melt away
Just block out the dark and let in the light.
You will never be alone as long as I’m here.
I will be here till the end of days
And be right back here in the morning.

You rule this great land
And can never be knocked down!
And when I see you, I see a king! ♪

Adofo: How did you know that song?
Simba: You used to sing it to me when we were kids, when I had a nightmare you made that song up and every time I couldn't sleep you would sing it to me!
Adofo: I don’t believe you!.....YOU JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!
The lion stops for a second and turns around.
Adofo: So what!? A lot of lions like zebra!
Simba: Your favorite color is blue!
Adofo: ........Lucky guess!
Simba: When you look up at the sky you feel different! Like you don’t fit in. You feel like a freak and sometimes you think nobody cares. Let me guess you love your parents but for some reason you feel like you have different parents out there or they're not your real parents! Am I right?!
Adofo: Who are you?
Simba: You’re my brother, Adofo! Mufasa and Sarabi were our parents, that human woman at Priderock was your wife, and the one wearing your old outfit was your son! You have to remember!
Adofo: .........I don’t believe you! Just go away!
Simba: Wait!
Adofo runs into the path where years ago he was cornered by Zuberi.
Simba: Don’t go! Please!!!
A few lose rocks start to shift and roll down the hill and head right for the lion.
Simba: LOOK OUT!
Adofo looks up but is too late, he is buried by rocks. Simba quickly runs over and start’s to try to dig him out.
Simba: Adofo! No not again! Come on!!!
He finally uncovers most of Adofo, unconscious. He manages to pull him out.
Simba: Adofo! ADOFO!!!!! Come on! Wake up!
Slowly the lion starts to awake.
Adofo: Si-Simba?!
Simba: Adofo! Is it really you?
Slowly the lion tries to stand up.
Adofo: I don’t know............did I save you all those years ago, right here?!
He says with a smile on his face.
Simba: YOU’RE BACK!!
With tears in their eyes to two brothers hug each other tight.
Adofo: It’s good to see you little bro!
Simba: You too!
The two break apart.
Simba:’re a lion now?
Adofo: Hehehe yeah, I guess so!
Simba: Personally you pull it off!
Adofo: Hehehe thanks!
Simba: Let’s get you home!
Adofo: I’d love that!
The two walk back together to Priderock.
Simba: You know, this kind of makes me the older brother now!
Adofo: Hehehe yeah, I don't think so!
The two make it back to Priderock with everyone waiting for them.
Kovu: Hey they’re back!
Kopa: What happened?
Simba: Nothing much.
Adofo: So.......I hear you guys missed me!?
Everyone is really surprised to hear that. Kiara steps forward to say something.
Kiara: Uncle Adofo?!
Adofo: Hey Kiara!
Kiara: HE’S BACK!!!!
Christen, Nick and all the pridelanders rush to go hug Adofo, all except Sampson.
The pridelanders eventually let go of Adofo.

Christen: Adofo, I would like you to meet your son, Sampson Mufasa Jameson!
Adofo and Sampson take a step towards each other and all they do is stand and look at each other.
Adofo: .......son.
Sampson runs to him and the two hug each other as tight as they can. They both start to cry.
Sampson: I love you!
Adofo: I love you too!
The two break apart and Simba wants Adofo to follow him up to the tip of Priderock. Adofo gets Sampson on his back and follows Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kopa, Kovu and Vitani to the tip while the others stand below them, and all at once they all roar to the sky.
Mufasa and Sarabi are watching from above, proud to have their sons reunited.

Last edited by Adofo on November 15th, 2013, 9:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Kipekee » October 2nd, 2013, 1:39 am

I was in it, I was in it, whoop whoop
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Adofo » October 2nd, 2013, 1:51 am

Yeah, I was being nice and all but your daughter cutting in front of me was rude, you need to set her straight!
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Kipekee » October 2nd, 2013, 2:00 am

She's always been like that, we don't know how to change her.
Talk about first child.
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Re: The Lion King 3 Adofo's Untold Story

Postby Adofo » October 22nd, 2013, 7:02 pm

You're not planning of having more like her, are you?
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