The Lion King 3: Adobi and Nahera's Beginning

The Lion King 3: Adobi and Nahera's Beginning

Postby BigCatLover » March 28th, 2013, 6:03 am

The Pridelands had been blessed with twins, Prince Adobi and Princess Nahera. A few hours ago, Kiara went into labor and out came the dark orange male to the throne with Simba's eyes, nose, and tail but with a brown bang pulled to the side. This is the oldest Adobi. The next in line to the throne is Nahera, a cub the color of Mufasa but with aqua eyes, Sarabi's nose, and tail tuft. Today is the dawning of a new day and marked the traditional birthing ceremony in the family for dozens of generations. Ahadi is up there watching and blessing the event. The births signified unity, strengths in numbers, and the pure innocence of newborn eyes.

Two young cubs are eager to get out of the den as the first rays of sunlight hit the ground, illuminating everything in their site. "How beautiful," sighed the cubs of Kovu. The darker one pounced on the lighter one, making them both tumble down the rocky steps. She gets up and tugs on his ear. "What was that for?" He just stuck his tongue out and ran the other way. "Catch me if you can sis!" They laughed as they chased each other. Simba said to Kovu, "Remember when we were that young?" Kovu laughed and said, "Yeah and we were always in trouble." But then he thought of the cubs and ran off. "Hold up," he pinned both of their tails. "Oh no..." He raised a brow. "Ok dad, we promise to stay out of trouble." He lifted his paw off of their tails. "Good, now if you see that rogue, don't hesitate to yell." One day when they were just walking, he ran into a humungous lion, large as Mufasa. It was a rogue looking to claim a pride and it didn't seem happy to see Kovu. The king dared him to challenge him. That scared the livid creature off. This is the one eyed loner Chalice. He snarled once before darting back to his retreat in the Outlands where the Earth is rugged and cracked and the humidity: deafening. Looking around, he felt moisture drop from his eye. 'Why in the lion's world do I deserve this?' And collapsed to the ground. He'd been feeding off of field mice since digging up this pile of bone. The stench is attracting insects. A twitch suddenly startled him and a deep low growl emerged from the darkness. For a tired wary Zira had been washed downstream by that fast pacing river. Her ragged body had to pull itself from the stream before entirely giving away on the sand. As she made herself way out, she gasped. "Scar?" She even recognized him through all the mud, dirt, and blood on his body filled with nat bites, ticks, and fleas. His mane is almost gone, torn from his head by the Hyenas. Zira was sure to give them a punishment. "Scar? That's my name?" Zira's eyes melted. "You don't know who you are," she said softly. "Let me take care of you Scar. No one will harm us here." A wild enraged side came to life. "And if anyone tries, I'll kill them!" Scar looked at her in shock. This lioness is dangerous, he can feel it and he can feel every part of his body telling him to run but another lusty part; a darker one wanted to know more.

The 2 cubs are now lost. "Where do you think this place is?" In the minds of young cubs, this place is a common cool hangout spot, never heeding any danger. And they were definitely in danger. She plucked up her nose in distaste at the smell. They almost doubled over. Meanwhile, Zira was training Scar to be Scar again. She broke a Gazelle's neck in demonstration. "See, it's about the power. The glory." Hoping to stroke a memory. But he was hurt, lost, and confused. She saw this and softened. "You need to start off with the small prey before you wrestle with a mother Hog for she's always at her barrels. Be viscious. Be as violent as you can be when you get to her." He gave her a cheeky grin and stalked the boar, using all of the strategies she instructed.
Last edited by BigCatLover on March 29th, 2013, 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lion King 3: Adobi and Nahera's Beginning

Postby Chizuna » March 29th, 2013, 2:42 am

Good cliff hanger. Keep going :)
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Re: The Lion King 3: Adobi and Nahera's Beginning

Postby BigCatLover » January 14th, 2014, 1:13 am

Zira and Scar brought the kill back and began to feed until they both heard the sound: 2 cubs talking. Zira approached them quietly and with a flick of her paw, drug a cub out. Adobi screamed seeing her hideous face and that's when Nahera pounced, shocking the lioness into dropping the cub. They loped over each other running in a fast never- tiring pace. Reaching the Pridelands, Scar and Zira are nowhere to be seen. They are protected here. Nahera collapsed and looked at her brother. "Mom and dad better find out about this!"

Meanwhile, the pride had been wondering around searching for the cubs. Kovu's feature is twisted in anger. "Vitani, Mahoni, have you found them!?!" (Mahoni is an Outlander.) "No, but we're searching," answered Vitani. They're getting closer and closer to the Outlands but what they will see will shock them to the core. "I think I see something sire but it's not what you want to see." The trio are angry to see Zira and Scar. Scar gives out a wicked grin. "What do we have her Zira? A trio of trespassers?" She walks creepily up to them. "Little Kovu, thought you killed me? Got rid of me? Wiped me out of existence? Well, Kovu. You. Thought. Wrong! Zira is back and she is stronger than EVER!" She flew at her son in a fit of claw and teeth.

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