So The End of 2016 comes to a close

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Re: So The End of 2016 comes to a close

Postby Tabby » December 20th, 2016, 5:51 am

[quote="Amanda"]Who on the forum do you wish to give thanks to?
I appreciate the hell out of a lot of people here. You guys are what make MLK what it is. So I want to thank everyone, but I will also give a special shout out to my friend Tabby for being such a hilarious, awesome, and supportive friend who totally gets me. :D Welcome back to MLK buddeh ^^ that is, until you get yourself banned again LOL[/quote]

*SOBS LOUDLY* OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH Amanda, I also have to thank you a lot not only for helping me get back but also because after a friend dissapeared, you were there and our friendship started to grow and now I'm so happy to see how much we get along and just omg You're so amazing, I LOVE YOU no homo Please keep being the way you are, because you're worth so much! Also have to thank musiclion even if he's not back yet because he's been from the nicest persons I've ever met, very clever and very supportive, I feel like talking to him really takes that heavy burden away. You two are from the best persons I've ever met on the net <3

Also I want to thank Janna, because she's been a really amazing person as well, really funny and really chatty :3 I'm pretty sure with the time we'll get along only better!

Ofcourse I also have to thank Flipmode, Regulus and Miko because you two are really great guys! very funny guys.

Also have to thank Carl because he was nice enough to hear my part of the story and was really nice.

Whats one thing this year you will always look back and smile on?

I don't know, I feel like I've failed in this year several times, but somehow, it was a good year, I had my happy moments which later on became dissapointing, but hey, life's like that and I can't really say I'm not content with the things I've learnt and the adventure my life has been so far, those bad mistakes I know will become my guidance on my way through this path, and well, as always I can only hope the next year will be so full of surprises and big things coming.

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Re: So The End of 2016 comes to a close

Postby Gaze » December 26th, 2016, 5:03 am

Whats one thing this year you will always look back and smile on?
hmm, kind of hard to pick. lots of good things happened this year, but the bad things overshadow them enough that nothing good really jumps out at me immediately, yknow?
I guess maybe --- visiting my best friends in Missoula last month, turning 21 in August and taking full advantage of it (especially going to the Bass Pro Shops bar with all of my best friends), or just generally getting closer to my girlfriend. we had a solid relationship all along but in the past several months I feel like I've just gotten happier and happier w/ our relationship and keep fallin' deeper in just really blessed to have had her there for the wild ride that was 2016

Who on the forum do you wish to give thanks to?
I don't really feel that I know anyone here well enough to give specific thanks, so I'd just like to thank everyone who posts in the merchandise subforum, especially the TLG thread! reading everyone's posts there and getting helpful updates about new merch has made me even more enthusiastic about collecting than I already was.
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Re: So The End of 2016 comes to a close

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » December 27th, 2016, 1:48 am

Whats one thing this year you will always look back and smile on?

This is a really hard question for me, because its probably one of two things. The first is a more egotistical one, getting my results and finding out I got into university. I guess it was pay-off of the culmination of all that hard work, stress and emotion that just makes me smile a smile of relief every time I consider it. The second is more heart-warming, I guess? I spent a few days in London with my boyfriend and we had a wonderful time. Sure, it rained and our feet were ruined from all the travelling, but it was time for ourselves (not fully though, I managed to meet Frida (AdAstra) twice during this trip and that made me smile for sure!), and time for the two of us is so important considering us being long distance.

Who on the forum do you wish to give thanks to?

Anyone who deserves thanks know who they are! For those I still talk to, thanks for putting up with me, and a general thank you to MLK's existence as well
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Re: So The End of 2016 comes to a close

Postby Carl » January 1st, 2017, 6:39 am

Considering it's about half an hour until 2017 here now... figured I may as well log in and do this.

Whats one thing this year you will always look back and smile on?
The one thing about 2016 that will always stand out to me as having been really good and noteworthy has to be hands down reconnecting with myself. In the past few years I'd strayed really far and had become a person I didn't recognize, a person I didn't like, a person who just wasn't me. So in that regard, 2016 has largely been a year of rebirth for me. As I've come back to who I am, I've struggled with some things, sure, I've had to readjust some things as my attitude and thoughts on certain things have shifted from what they'd been, as I fell back into a more natural role and became more confident again. I've been in general a lot less artificial this year, as I've gotten reacustomed to myself, and not only that but I was able to put together a lot of the lessons I had learned in the past years in a way that made them coherent, so I've ended up growing as a person as well as being in a generally better mood and having a healthier mindset. This has definitely put a strain on some things, but overall it was a really positive development and one that I'd been needing for a really long time that I just couldn't find somehow, no matter how obvious it really was all along. So yeah, that's the thing for me.

Who on the forum do you wish to give thanks to?
Honestly, I'm pretty sure the people on here I'm thankful for already know who they are.

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Re: So The End of 2016 comes to a close

Postby Sushi » January 1st, 2017, 2:27 pm

[quote="KingKivuli"]It has most certainly been a turbulent year with all the celebrity deaths, Brexit, Trump, and who knows what else, its easy to get lost in the downward spiral. So to spread a little joy I ask two questions of you all:

Whats one thing this year you will always look back and smile on?

Who on the forum do you wish to give thanks to?

One memory I will always take with me from this year will be the convention Confuzzled. I has a rough an uncertain path at the start of the year. This con came as my life started to get back together. I spent it with the people I love and care for the most

As for people.. its hard to pick. If it had to be one it would be Moka. Without him there would be no MLK, but that goes for all of you as well. Yeah I don't know everyone, some people I might not get on with, but you all make this forum what it is, and its a joy to see. I wish you all a happy festive season and best wishes in 2017![/quote]

2016 was actually quite a good year for me overall, sure its had its ups and downs but thats life.

I think my plans for a fursuit falling through where a low point (there where others but not really anything I could easily explain) and besides id rather look at the good stuff and remember that.
High points are more plentiful. Ive joint here for a start. Ive been to two smaller fur cons which I would never have seen myself doing previously and even started going to regular fur meets.

As for the Questions.....
1/ Hard to chose so I will probably go for Ploddy making a cup of tea in fursuit. (may not sound much to anyone but in his words. "hooves, Bad" and "Theres tea, Everywhere"). Yes he was a little drunk at the time too.
2/ I don't actually know anyone on this forum. Not enough to answer that for sure.

Looking forward to 2017, maybe see you at Confuzzled!
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Re: So The End of 2016 comes to a close

Postby Ninaroja » January 4th, 2017, 7:42 pm

Highlights of 2016

- I did pretty well at University this year. I mean, beyond my expectations great. I managed to get 1sts in all of my modules last year, and I even won a prize for coming in the top 3 for French! Not too shabby for a former drop-out. I was pretty pleased with myself.

- I got to spend 5 weeks living and working in Edinburgh - it was one of the best things I think I've ever done, and I really, really want to go back again this August. I've made memories and friends for life :)

- I moved out of my parent's house this year. I feel like a major anxiety of mine has been conquered as a result, and I'll be able to cope better when I'm on my year abroad next year.

People I want to thank on the forum

-The rest of the MLK staff: we had a busy-ass year but we made it! I love being on the team with you guys - wouldn't be the same without you :D

-"The usual suspects": These guys for sure know who they are ;) (I need to get my ass back on skype :P )
Signature Graphic made by Simbasmate! Thanks a ton :cheese:

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Re: So The End of 2016 comes to a close

Postby Regulus » January 4th, 2017, 8:29 pm

Whats one thing this year you will always look back and smile on?

Well... someone I know bought two racing karts, and we've been driving them on most weekends since. Competing in races has been a lifelong dream of mine, and now I'm finally living it. It's been pretty amazing.

Who on the forum do you wish to give thanks to?

In no particular order: Jose, Janna, Miko, Flip, Malibu, Amanda, Sarger, and Amy. Probably more too, but I'll leave the list there for now.
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