Characters That Inspire You

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Characters That Inspire You

Postby HereWeStand » March 2nd, 2016, 7:30 pm

Well, I spent too long a while trying to think of a possible response to the 'characters you relate to' thread and after seemingly forgetting every single piece of media I have ever seen I thought of this. :P

Basically, what characters in any book/film/video games/etc do you look up to and aspire to be like?

To start off, I think the character I look up to the most would be The Doctor from Doctor Who, and he may or may not be 80% the reason I watch the otherwise occasionally silly show. I absolutely love his (mostly) pacifist attitude and willingness to give even the most disturbing villains a chance to redeem themselves instead of instantly resorting to violence, not to mention his tendency to use wit to outsmart his enemies instead. It makes for a far more interesting approach than just instant violence like a lot of media nowadays and I think his outlook has changed mine considerably, too. This scene demonstrates his attitude fairly well.

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Re: Characters That Inspire You

Postby Carl » March 3rd, 2016, 10:54 am

For those who don't watch The Walking Dead, the Dixon part of my name kinda implies a character whom I really look up to.

Daryl Dixon, aka fan favorite badass, tough as nails but still has a heart in there. He... has helped me get through a lot in the past year. Because he's a good guy, he's a really great guy, even though he can appear mean or standoffish. He knows how to move on from tragedy and get things done in a way that I found really empowering and well... yeah. The dude's awesome. Who wouldn’t look up to him?

On second thought... don't answer that.

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