Share your unpopular LK opinions

Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Carl » January 6th, 2016, 10:57 pm

[quote]-I've seen a large number of people imply that Vitani will get with Zuri or Tiifu in TLG (probably not, because this is Disney, people), and while I have nothing against people shipping who they like in any way they like, it irks me that the base of this ship seems to be Vitani's tomboyish personality. No matter where you stand when it comes to acceptance and stuff, everyone should keep in mind that the way someone behaves has nothing to do with their sexuality whatsoever.[/quote]
Since I haven't seen anyone but myself do anything like this yet, I think you should be aware that it is not about her being a tomboy. It's about relating to her character quite a lot and being non-straight, and most people I've seen ship 'Tani with girls do it for the same reason. Tiifu and Zuri aren't tomboys at all (neither is Kiara), but in the case of shipping one of them with Vitani, they are implied to be bi or lesbians as well, which, I think is indicative of the fact it's not just generalizing a character's behavior to equate to sexuality. Zuri is the opposite of a tomboy in every way, so if it's her, that further deviates.

If there are others doing this, which I haven't seen, then I can't speak for them. I also doubt your opinion is an unpopular one since for some reason most of the fandom thinks Vitani needs a man... and that he has to be Kiara's sibling. Very few people depict her as non-straight actually, and that kind of bothers me... bothers me even more that the other lionesses are all assumed straight too, especially since there's lots of homosexuality in real lions.

Which reminds me of another unpopular opinion of mine; it also irks me that people imply Scar had interest in females in the canon. He doesn't seem interested in anyone to me, but everyone says any fatherless cub is his.

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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Amadi_the_Guard » January 7th, 2016, 1:33 pm

Just to make myself clear, as I said, I have no problem with the ship itself. :shiney:
Everyone should have right to ship whatever they want and when, as I stated before. Relating with a character we like, and visualizing them more similar to us in certain aspects, is a completely different thing and I have no problems with that either, seeing that I do that frequently myself. If this is what makes you ship them, I'm not calling you out.

It's the reason I clearly implied that bothers me, as it is a common generalization that if a boy acts too girly and takes interest in things for women, he is homosexual and will seek out stronger men, and if a girl is too masculine, she will take interest in women that act feminine. It irks me whenever people are expected to act or be a certain way based on something completely unrelated. If you acknowledge this, then it isn't really a problem as far as I'm concerned, not that it even would be a problem either way since those are just opinions, and this isn't a place to discuss sexuality.

On the other hand, you are right, I might have overreacted because this hardly classifies as an unpopular TLK opinion, especially if we take into considerations that I've only seen this example a few times on the DA and one of my friends went crazy for it. I might have been fueled by seeing this 'reason' used with various characters in similar situations, and even in real life, but I still openly admit my mistake. I should have probably said that people who ship characters for similar reasons irk me.

Personally, I don't care who people ship with who and what gender those characters are, as long as they either admit that it's just appealing to them and that they don't have any good reasons, or they actually give valid reasons. When people claim that two characters are perfect for one another based on some ridiculous reason, I tend to get annoyed. Another example would be people who think that the good reason for Kopa and Vitani to get together is them being the children of sworn enemies, and their siblings doing that before them, and it bothers me as well because it makes no freaking sense.

As for Scar, well... I believe it's because a lot of people still believe Zira was Scar's mate, with Nuka looking quite a lot like him, and that part of the issue was never properly cleared up in the movie itself. And then there's him flirting with Nala in the musical and the cut scenes, which isn't canon to the movies but came fairly close to being.
I see Scar as too self-centered to admire anyone but himself, honestly. And who can blame him? :sinister:
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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Rollo » January 18th, 2016, 3:36 pm

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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Ultra Fox » January 19th, 2016, 9:36 am

The Timon & Pumbaa animated series is the best thing to come from the series after the original film.

I may be murdered for that opinion. :lol:
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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Kion » January 19th, 2016, 11:59 pm

I think 'He Lives in You' is the only great song in SP.

I'm loving TLG, but how they have designed Simba and the voice they have given him is so very annoying - was there no way JTT could have voiced Simba as an adult now that he's all grown up and voiced him as a cub?

The Elephant Graveyard was an epic piece of surrealist art all by itself - the setting deserves more credit, so atmospheric and dark.

I can't watch TLK without crying my eyes out - the struggle Simba has to regain his place in life after how it was snatched away from him, gets me emotional.

Nala is possibly the real hero - stronger mentally and physically than Simba.

I feel Rafiki had to finish raising Simba spiritually, the reflection, the faith, the lesson about the past - all things I could imagine Mufasa would have taught Simba himself.

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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Alexterri1 » February 18th, 2016, 8:19 am

Oh man, this topic is, like, perfect for me! :lol: I'm a bit of a rebel when it comes to fandom opinions. Anyway, here are my opinions off the top of my head:

1/2 is awful and I don't consider it canon seriously, it's completely pointless, annoying, and has absolutely no reason to exist. It doesn't even cross my my fandom mind all that much, and when it does I just resent it for taking really powerful and emotional scenes that moved me a lot as a child and making them into stupid fart jokes.

...Okay, if there's one thing about the movie I like, it's the cute scenes with Cub Simba in the jungle. I consider them canon. The rest of the movie sucks :nehneh:

-I cannot STAND Kopa. Seriously, even as a kid, I found the "KOPA IS REAL!!!" people irritating as all hell. Kopa isn't official: he was just a character in a small series of kids stories [that weren't all that great to begin with imo]. I get that I shouldn't judge people for what fandom headcanons/opinions they have, but the constant insistence from the fandom that KOPA IS REAL!!" bugs me so much.
Or rather, it bugged me back in the day. I've noticed that in recent years/ ever since TLG was announced the Kopa fans have become less rabid/ have switched to being Kion fans. And I just wanna say that I am so thankful for that.
So yeah, Kopa is my least favourite semi-canon character :D

I really don't like Timon: Even as a kid I found him annoying. I elaborated on it in the timon thread, so go there if you want to see my opinion on it :)

Sarabi is probably one of my favourite characters; I think her role in the movie is underestimated: I just really admire the strength she had. Even after her mate died and she believed her son died, she still stayed strong. I mean, there's a scene in the movie where she walks down a line of hyenas, and even though the hyenas are snapping their jaws at her, she still keeps her head held high.

Most the TLK fanfics I've read [keywords are MOST and THAT I HAVE READ] are incredibly bland and predictable. Especially the TLK4 ones :roll: : Honestly I find that, in general, I tend to dislike most fanfics, but the TLK ones are especially bad imo.
[Note: is does not include entries for the MLK writings contests: I enjoy reading those :smile2:

I literally CANNOT STAND the Vitani x Kopa/Kion pairing Maybe this just ties in with my dislike of Kopa as a whole, but I just dislike the pairing because not only is Kopa not real, but it bugs me how the fans seem to think that the only female character in these movies [besides Shenzi] that doesn't have a love interest needs to be paired up with a guy. :eyebrow: I know people can ship it if they want, but it still bugs me. I will say though that VitaniXKion bugs me a lot less then VitanixKopa, although I still don't ship it

I never hate nor love SP: Everyone seems to either hate it or love it. Personally, I think its alright, There's some good points [good music, some interesting characters, most of the songs are pretty good, the animation isn't horrible but its passable, is enjoyable, is over all better then a lot of other Disney sequels] but also some bad ones [messed up character designs, wonky animation/anatomy, some really bad character {i.e. NUKA}, mediocre writing, and UPENDI]. It's certainly not as bad as Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 :P

I don't really like SarafinaxScar, or the whole Scar is Nala's father idea Mainly because I headcanon Vitani is Scar and Nala's daughter, so if I thought Nala was Scar;s daughter, that would be pretty awful [even for me lmao]. :srsly:

I used to love both Cub Kiara and Adult Kiara, but now that I've matured, while I still like Cub Kiara, i don't like Adult Kiara. I like cub Kiara because......well I just relate to her I guess :thoughtful: But Adult Kiara is an idiot who puts blind faith in this random hot guy she just met even though his family wants to KILL HER. I also feel like Cub Kiara had a lot of potential, what with the whole not wanting to be queen thing, and the writers were like "Puh, screw that: let's write a Romeo and Juliet style story instead!" That's not to say that I HATE adult Kiara, I just don't like her.

while I do like the idea that Simba was suffering from PTSD In SP, I still dislike the way he treated Kiara: I don't dislike the way he treated Kovu and the Outsiders: that was justified. I just don't like the way he treated Kiara in general. Maybe it's just becuase I'm a teenage girl with a slightly rocky relationship with her father, I don't know. :?

......So basically I feel that both Kiara AND Simba were equally obnoxious in SP. Seriously, am I the only person who feels that way? :/

The whole Timon and Pumbaa thing irks me a lot

As much as I love TLK, I feel like the original movie itself is a bit overblown That's not to say it isn't a great movie, but I don't think it's the wonderful perfect masterpiece some people think it is.

I don't think Scar actually hand-picked Kovu to be the next king My head canon is that Scar just told Zira "If you have a son he's gonna be the new king", he died before Kovu was even born, and Zira is just a psycho bonkers fangirl so she claims he was "hand picked" 8-)

I head canon Vitani as being a lesbian and Scar as being bisexual. Dunno how popular this is, considering I don't really know the sexuality head canons in the TLK fandom, but meh. ( Oh and before you jump me for "claiming Tomboys are lesbians", I don't head canon her as lesbian becuase she's a tomboy, It's that she's the only lioness in the movies that doesn't have a male love interest, and I like the idea of having one or two LBTQ characters.
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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Troll Berserker » February 18th, 2016, 11:48 am

I don't think Scar actually hand-picked Kovu to be the next king My head canon is that Scar just told Zira "If you have a son he's gonna be the new king", he died before Kovu was even born, and Zira is just a psycho bonkers fangirl so she claims he was "hand picked" 8-) [/quote]
Well, according to the canon, Kovu was born in Pridelands before Simba exiled the Outlanders. Zira also said smething that Scar "took him in". How can a dead person adopt an orphaned cub?

I think mothers in TLK are being horribly overlooked - We get almost no mother&cub interaction, neither in original movie nor in the sequels. Nala and Sarabi are shown as loving mothers but they get almost no lines or screentime at all. I miss that. I know the character roles, especialy that Simba would get more attention since he was a main character of previous movie, but I wish the mothers were shown as valuable supporters too.

I think Mheetu is higly overrated - He get dumped very early and peple still threat him like he's more important than any other dumped character just because he's a lion. He was irrelevant enough to be dumped and forgotten. Also I find majority of Mheetu fanart boring because the artists either make him look exactly like genderbent Nala or like Scar. The only colored images of Mheetu portrait him as dark reddish-brown, not a Nala clone... Not to mention I see absolutely no reason of why whould he have to be Scar's son. Nala is not a daughter of neither Scar nor Mufasa, but among the fans, it's believed that Mheetu HAS to be son of Scar and HAS to look like genderbent Nala...


Fan theories about Nala being daughter of some existing character are stupid - Kovu was changed from Scar's son to an orphan just because him and Kiara would be cousins and everyone is okay with that. Then why is everyone still believing that Nala was a daughter of Scar or Mufasa. They would never do that. and don't even get me started on Ni. He's a teenager. At the time Nala was born he'd still be a cub! no to mention he's from SNA and SNA is not canon...
[quote]"Wild lions do it!!" yes, but we're talking about a society of human-minded lions, not cub-eating beasts[/quote]

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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Alexterri1 » February 18th, 2016, 6:49 pm

^ yeah, I do agree that Mheetu is kinda overrated. I mean, there are plenty of other dropped characters from the original movie, so how come he's the only one who everyone thinks is canon? :/

Personally I think Mheetu would look like a darker Nala with a brown mane. Basically somewhere I between Scar and Nala. i dont think Mheetu would be Scar's son though
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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby MooLion » February 21st, 2016, 4:15 pm

Upendi is actually an okay and catchy song.

Sarafina is a tad overrated... She was in the film for about a minute.
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Re: Share your unpopular LK opinions

Postby Alexterri1 » February 22nd, 2016, 12:14 am

[quote="MooLion"]Upendi is actually an okay and catchy song.

Sarafina is a tad overrated... She was in the film for about a minute.[/quote]

Uhh, is that Sarafina opinion really unpopular? Most fans I've met don't really care about Sarafina one way or the other
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