season 3 episode 3: the Harmattan (spoilers)

season 3 episode 3: the Harmattan (spoilers)

Postby zerodix » August 5th, 2019, 9:59 am

I watched it 2 days ago, good to see Makucha again, he is a smart and interesting villain, too bad his 2 helpers left him at the end of this episode, they'd made a nice villain team.. the episode itself was nice, it has some more depth than the fillerish season 2 episodes. What also gives it more depth, is Kion struggling with his anger issues caused by the snake bite, and Ono having a hard time with his lost of eyesight.. these are struggles that need a mindset and dealing with, we might learn a thing or 2 from.
Also I wondered why this was listed as episode 3... is the season opener counting as 2 episodes?
missing the old deviantart...
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Re: season 3 episode 3: the Harmattan (spoilers)

Postby ValiantVitani » August 5th, 2019, 2:33 pm

Out of the episodes that have been released so far, besides the premiere, this one is my favorite.
The sandstorm/windstorm was an interesting obstacle, and I liked the idea of the Guard and villains having to work together, even if it did not end up lasting. I do wonder, though, if Maukcha always had planned to betray the Guard or not. It seemed mostly like an opportunistic betrayal on his part, and he seemed genuinely keen to be rid of them and willing to help make it happen at first.

I sort of wonder, had Makini not had such loose lips, if Makucha wouldn't have simply led them out of his territory as he was doing and left it there. Because after the storm hit, and up until Makini spilled the beans, he was being genuinely helpful, like when he saved Kion from the falling debris.(Whether it was on purpose or not, though I don't know it could not have been, despite the episode saying otherwise.)
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