I found Ma awesome! I mean Timon has awesome relatives! I agree she did fuss a bit over Timon, but he's her baby. And I know my parents still fuss over me at times. I personally think she was a great character to add!
"You can't use a metaphor on Timon! He takes things literally! Max, Timon's out there CHASING METAPHORS!" That's my favorite quote from the whole movie, and Ma said it. I use that, "chasing metaphors", in conversation too. xD
''I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night, I will steal away into your house... and punch you in the face.'' - Sue Sylvester (on Glee)
Its a 3'rd ((witch usually suck like shreck 3)) its got lots of funny moments ((Usually funny moments make me like WHO WAS THAT FUNNY!!!))
BUT ITS FRIKIN' AWSOME!! XD XD the humor is fresh and Ma I LOVE ma XD she's fat and i love it when she's like doing mufassa and simba's moment about everything the light touches then she drops a huge bomb shell... "IT BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE!!" XD
Its a 3'rd ((witch usually suck like shreck 3)) its got lots of funny moments ((Usually funny moments make me like WHO WAS THAT FUNNY!!!))
BUT ITS FRIKIN' AWSOME!! XD XD the humor is fresh and Ma I LOVE ma XD she's fat and i love it when she's like doing mufassa and simba's moment about everything the light touches then she drops a huge bomb shell... "IT BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE!!" XD