Private Message FAQs

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Private Message FAQs

Postby Moka » December 15th, 2010, 3:12 am

Here are a few PM FAQs. Please note, this is sort of a modification/addition to the PM FAQs listed here.

1. Can I block people from sending me PMs?

To block a user from sending PMs to you, click "Rules, folders & settings" in the "Private messages" tab. At the top of that page, under "Add new rule" where it says "If:", select "Sender" in the drop-down menu, then click next. On the next drop-down menu, select "is", and click next. In the text field, type the user's username exactly as it appears on their profile. Copy & paste if you want. In the next drop-down menu, select "Delete message" and then click "Add rule". This will effectively kill communication between the user you're blocking and yourself.
Note: Theses "rules" have lots of different options. They're like "filters" in Gmail. Try adding more!
Note: You cannot block moderators.

If the PM is against our Universal Rules, please report it so moderators can take a look at them! We can only take action if we can see them and we can only see them if you report them!

2. I've reached the maximum number of messages allowed in my inbox! What can I do?
If you want to save your old PMs and keep getting new ones, you can make a new folder by going to "Rules, folders & settings." Then, find "Folder options" and the text field for "Add folder" and type "Archive" or a similar name into the text field. Click "Add".

Go back to your inbox. For every page of your inbox, click "Mark all", select "Move to (the name of your folder)" from the drop-down menu on the lower right and then click "Go". At the end you should have an empty inbox and a new folder with all your old messages in them. Another way of saving your PMs is by using the "Export this view" feature in your inbox. Select "Export as CSV (Excel)" from the drop-down menu and click "Go". That should download a file onto your computer that you can open up with Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc. Once you've verified that the file is good, you can do the same for all the pages of your inbox.

Once those files are all saved on your computer, you can delete the messages in your inbox in order to get new ones. Warning: We cannot restore any PMs that you delete. Be careful and double check everything before you start saving your PMs this way.


We may add more of these as people ask more questions. Feel free to ask questions about PMs in this topic. ^^

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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby Pixie » March 3rd, 2011, 4:17 am

How do I stop MLK from sending me an email when I get a new message? It's really annoying!
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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby Moka » March 3rd, 2011, 5:14 am

Board preferences -> Edit global settings -> Notify me on new private messages: -> No


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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby Pixie » March 3rd, 2011, 5:27 am

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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby TheLionQueen » April 29th, 2011, 10:25 pm

good to know
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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby CanyonFox » November 14th, 2011, 5:57 pm

If I block someone from sending me PM's, will they find out that I've blocked them? Will they be notified? I want to block someone, but I don't want them to know that I did that. Thanks!
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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby SnowyCheetah » November 14th, 2011, 9:25 pm

The blocked member is not notified in any way, unless of course you tell them, that they have been blocked.

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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby CanyonFox » November 15th, 2011, 3:40 am

Thank you!
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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby Moka » November 15th, 2011, 4:35 am

Please remember that is someone is breaking the rules in PMs, you should report the messages as well as block them. But, if they're just bothering you then it's okay to only block them. =P

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Re: Private Message FAQs

Postby PrincessKiara » February 8th, 2013, 12:36 am

Figured I should post here instead of making a new thread to ask a simple question. :)

When I have sent a message, it appears in my "outbox," but not in the "sent messages" folder. Does this mean that the PM did not get sent?

I have not had this issue before, just the last few PMs I have tried to send.
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