Chat Topics & The Chatroom

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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby FlipMode » June 19th, 2012, 5:27 pm

And that part I agree with :)
I mean it makes sense, really, if you can have threads for generic chat, then you can do the same thing in the chatroom; seems pretty self explanatory.
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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby Tora » June 19th, 2012, 5:36 pm

[quote="Simbaholic"]I'd suggest we lock the Chat Topics, because the chatroom already exists for that exact purpose, effectively making the Chat Topics obsolete.[/quote]

I think the chat room should be more known, but I disagree with locking the Chat Topics. Not everyone wants to talk in a mass chat room.
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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby Carl » June 19th, 2012, 5:37 pm

I despise chatrooms because there are too many people talking at once. It gets very confusing very quickly. It is next to impossible to have a discussion with a small amount of friends in a chatroom. Admittedly, the chat threads can generate a lot of spam, but honestly, I wouldn't come to MLK very much at all if I didn't have a thread where I could talk to my friends. Getting rid of the chat threads will not help the TLK sections much because members like myself who come here for the community will stop posting at all. Perhaps the chatroom should just be more accessible to those that want it, and the threads should be left alone.

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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby Simbaholikov » June 19th, 2012, 5:45 pm

Okei I can understand not liking chatrooms much because they can get a little chaotic at times.. however if we'd keep Chat Topics, I'd suggest only ONE is allowed, instead of about 10, to keep spam down.

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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby FlipMode » June 19th, 2012, 5:52 pm

That's stupid. You joined the site because you are a Lion King fan, yes? so if the OT area went away and TLK became the main focus again, you would stop coming? Wow...

This is the problem; people use the TLK areas at first, and once they make friends from it, they all start pposting in the OT areas. I mean, have you ever wandered why I don't talk to many people here besides the ones I know from ages ago? It's because you guys seem to just post in the OT areas, and those threads are enemy territory to me. Like really, I feel my intelligence being sapped away at some of the threads in there just by reading them.

The TLK parts are supposed to be what really unite us as a community; not just posting random garbage like what nationality you are feeing.
[quote="Moka"]Before we get too riled up about this, I would like to remind everyone that this is a Lion King forum, not an all-purpose forum.[/quote]

True in that quote, he was actually replying to us wanting dbeates and stuff to be possib;e, but if we can't have that because it's not appropriate... I don't see how or even why the Member Dens and random chat threads should be allowed either. Especially when there is already a chatroom and mutliple OT chat areas on the forum.

If anything, I agree with Sh, we only need ONE generic chat thread, and that, with the chatroom should be enough.
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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby Carl » June 19th, 2012, 5:58 pm

[quote="Simbaholic"]Okei I can understand not liking chatrooms much because they can get a little chaotic at times.. however if we'd keep Chat Topics, I'd suggest only ONE is allowed, instead of about 10, to keep spam down.[/quote]
If there was only one, we'd have the same problem as with the chatroom IMO.
There would be too many people trying to talk at once, three or four conversations going on at any given point, maybe more, and it would deter people from chatting. We should have at least a few so that people who don't get along can stay in different threads. Personally, I think it's fine how it is; only a handful of them are active, anyway.

[quote="FlipMode"]That's stupid. You joined the site because you are a Lion King fan, yes? so if the OT area went away and TLK became the main focus again, you would stop coming? Wow...

This is the problem; people use the TLK areas at first, and once they make friends from it, they all start pposting in the OT areas. I mean, have you ever wandered why I don't talk to many people here besides the ones I know from ages ago? It's because you guys seem to just post in the OT areas, and those threads are enemy territory to me. Like really, I feel my intelligence being sapped away at some of the threads in there just by reading them.

The TLK parts are supposed to be what really unite us as a community; not just posting random garbage like what nationality you are feeing.
[quote="Moka"]Before we get too riled up about this, I would like to remind everyone that this is a Lion King forum, not an all-purpose forum.[/quote]

True in that quote, he was actually replying to us wanting dbeates and stuff to be possib;e, but if we can't have that because it's not appropriate... I don't see how or even why the Member Dens and random chat threads should be allowed either. Especially when there is already a chatroom and mutliple OT chat areas on the forum.

If anything, I agree with Sh, we only need ONE generic chat thread, and that, with the chatroom should be enough.[/quote]
I never said I would stop coming all together, but I would stop coming with as much frequency. Yes, I am a TLK fan, and yes I post in the TLK boards as well. In fact, I'm doing three on-topic RPs at this very moment. My main point was that the chatroom is confusing, and I don't like to talk there. And, as I said in answer to SH above, a single chat topic would create the same confusion as the chatroom. I want a place where I can talk with only a few people at once, not the whole website.

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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby FlipMode » June 19th, 2012, 6:07 pm

[quote="Juliette"] Getting rid of the chat threads will not help the TLK sections much because members like myself who come here for the community will stop posting at all. Perhaps the chatroom should just be more accessible to those that want it, and the threads should be left alone.[/quote]

[quote]I never said I would stop coming all together[/quote]
Unless there is a difference between not visiting and not posting that I am somehow missing; yeah, you did. I asumed that if you were not to post; then it would be because you would stop visiting, seems logical to me that if someone logs in they are likely to post somehting, y'know?

Well, whatever, if people enjoy using these random OT threads then yeah keep them, I wasn't using them before and I still won't be now so it doesn't really bother me. At least we can all agree that the chat room should be made more noticeable to people; so there is that :)
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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby Simbaholikov » June 19th, 2012, 6:31 pm

One other problem with the chat topics is that I hardly know anyone around here because they're too busy posting in their own 'friend group' chat topics.
Merging it all together might actually restore some sense of community that has been lost over the past few years. :)

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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby Lauren » June 19th, 2012, 7:12 pm

To be honest, I actually did like the separate chat threads because it felt like your own place to talk with others instead of many people all talking really fast with multiple chats going on in the chatroom. No that I'm against the chatroom, but I usually go there once in a while. The threads did start out pretty good (including mine from experience), but now people hardly ever appear in them anymore. That was a drastic change.

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Re: Chat Topics & The Chatroom

Postby Panda-chan » June 19th, 2012, 8:05 pm

The chatroom needs to be more visible. I dunno why the mods decided to remove it from the bottom of the main screen and hide it in a link in the corner. Completely killed off all activity there.
I also hate the chat/spam threads, especially since most of them have misleading titles so you're like "Oh, I wonder what this topic is about" and then you click it and you're like "Oh...." If you guys really want your own little "space" to chat with friends, ever heard of MSN or Skype?
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